import {PreDestroy, Bean, Qualifier, Autowired, PostConstruct, Optional, Context} from './context/context'; let themeNames = ['fresh', 'dark', 'blue', 'bootstrap', 'material', 'balham-dark', 'balham']; const themes = themeNames.concat( => `theme-${name}`)); const themeClass = new RegExp(`ag-(${themes.join('|')})`); const matGridSize = 8; type HardCodedSize = {[key: string]: {[key: string]: number}}; const freshGridSize = 4; const balhamGridSize = 4; const HARD_CODED_SIZES: HardCodedSize = { 'ag-theme-material': { headerHeight: matGridSize * 7, virtualItemHeight: matGridSize * 5, rowHeight: matGridSize * 6 }, 'ag-theme-classic': { headerHeight: 25, virtualItemHeight: freshGridSize * 5, rowHeight: 25 }, 'ag-theme-balham': { headerHeight: balhamGridSize * 8, virtualItemHeight: balhamGridSize * 7, rowHeight: balhamGridSize * 7 } }; @Bean('environment') export class Environment { @Autowired('eGridDiv') private eGridDiv: HTMLElement; private gridSize: number; private iconSize: number; private sassVariables: {[key: string]: string} = {}; // Approach described here: // public loadSassVariables(): void { /* var element = document.createElement('div'); element.className = 'sass-variables'; this.eGridDiv.appendChild(element); var content = window.getComputedStyle(element, '::after').content; try { this.sassVariables = JSON.parse(JSON.parse(content)); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Failed loading the theme sizing - check that you have the theme set up correctly."); } this.eGridDiv.removeChild(element); */ } public getSassVariable(theme: string, key: string): number { if (theme == 'ag-theme-material') { return HARD_CODED_SIZES['ag-theme-material'][key]; } else if (theme == 'ag-theme-balham' || theme == 'ag-theme-balham-dark') { return HARD_CODED_SIZES['ag-theme-balham'][key]; } return HARD_CODED_SIZES['ag-theme-classic'][key]; /* const result = parseInt(this.sassVariables[key]); if (!result || isNaN(result)) { throw new Error(`Failed loading ${key} Sass variable from ${this.sassVariables}`); } return result; */ } public getTheme(): string { let themeMatch: RegExpMatchArray; let element: HTMLElement = this.eGridDiv; while (element != document.documentElement && themeMatch == null) { themeMatch = element.className.match(themeClass); element = element.parentElement; if (element == null) { break; } } if (themeMatch) { return themeMatch[0]; } else { return 'ag-fresh'; } } }