import {GridOptions} from "./entities/gridOptions"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "./gridOptionsWrapper"; import {ColumnApi} from "./columnController/columnApi"; import {ColumnController} from "./columnController/columnController"; import {RowRenderer} from "./rendering/rowRenderer"; import {FilterManager} from "./filter/filterManager"; import {EventService} from "./eventService"; import {GridPanel} from "./gridPanel/gridPanel"; import {Logger, LoggerFactory} from "./logger"; import {PopupService} from "./widgets/popupService"; import {Utils as _} from "./utils"; import {Autowired, Bean, Context, Optional, PostConstruct, PreDestroy} from "./context/context"; import {IRowModel} from "./interfaces/iRowModel"; import {FocusedCellController} from "./focusedCellController"; import {Component} from "./widgets/component"; import {ICompFactory} from "./interfaces/iCompFactory"; import {IFrameworkFactory} from "./interfaces/iFrameworkFactory"; import {GridApi} from "./gridApi"; import {IToolPanel} from "./interfaces/iToolPanel"; import {RefSelector} from "./widgets/componentAnnotations"; import {IStatusBar} from "./interfaces/iStatusBar"; import {observeResize} from "./resizeObserver"; import {BodyHeightChangedEvent, Events, GridSizeChangedEvent} from "./events"; @Bean('gridCore') export class GridCore extends Component { private static TEMPLATE_NORMAL = `
`; private static TEMPLATE_ENTERPRISE = `
`; @Autowired('enterprise') private enterprise: boolean; @Autowired('gridOptions') private gridOptions: GridOptions; @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('rowModel') private rowModel: IRowModel; @Autowired('frameworkFactory') private frameworkFactory: IFrameworkFactory; @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; @Autowired('rowRenderer') private rowRenderer: RowRenderer; @Autowired('filterManager') private filterManager: FilterManager; @Autowired('eventService') private eventService: EventService; @Autowired('eGridDiv') private eGridDiv: HTMLElement; @Autowired('$scope') private $scope: any; @Autowired('quickFilterOnScope') private quickFilterOnScope: string; @Autowired('popupService') private popupService: PopupService; @Autowired('focusedCellController') private focusedCellController: FocusedCellController; @Autowired('context') private context: Context; @Autowired('loggerFactory') loggerFactory: LoggerFactory; @Autowired('columnApi') private columnApi: ColumnApi; @Autowired('gridApi') private gridApi: GridApi; @Optional('rowGroupCompFactory') private rowGroupCompFactory: ICompFactory; @Optional('pivotCompFactory') private pivotCompFactory: ICompFactory; @RefSelector('statusBar') private statusBar: IStatusBar; @RefSelector('gridPanel') private gridPanel: GridPanel; @RefSelector('toolPanel') private toolPanelComp: IToolPanel; @RefSelector('rootWrapperBody') private eRootWrapperBody: HTMLElement; private finished: boolean; private doingVirtualPaging: boolean; private logger: Logger; constructor() { super(); } @PostConstruct public init(): void { this.logger = this.loggerFactory.create('GridCore'); let template = this.enterprise ? GridCore.TEMPLATE_ENTERPRISE : GridCore.TEMPLATE_NORMAL; this.setTemplate(template); this.instantiate(this.context); if (this.enterprise) { this.toolPanelComp.registerGridComp(this.gridPanel); this.statusBar.registerGridPanel(this.gridPanel); } this.gridOptionsWrapper.addLayoutElement(this.getGui()); // see what the grid options are for default of toolbar this.showToolPanel(this.gridOptionsWrapper.isShowToolPanel()); this.eGridDiv.appendChild(this.getGui()); this.addDestroyFunc( () => { this.eGridDiv.removeChild(this.getGui()); }); // if using angular, watch for quickFilter changes if (this.$scope) { let quickFilterUnregisterFn = this.$scope.$watch(this.quickFilterOnScope, (newFilter: any) => this.filterManager.setQuickFilter(newFilter) ); this.addDestroyFunc(quickFilterUnregisterFn); } // important to set rtl before doLayout, as setting the RTL class impacts the scroll position, // which doLayout indirectly depends on this.addRtlSupport(); this.finished = false; this.addDestroyFunc( () => this.finished = true ); this.logger.log('ready'); this.gridOptionsWrapper.addLayoutElement(this.eRootWrapperBody); const unsubscribeFromResize = observeResize(this.eGridDiv, this.onGridSizeChanged.bind(this) ); this.addDestroyFunc(() => unsubscribeFromResize() ); } private onGridSizeChanged(): void { let event: GridSizeChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_GRID_SIZE_CHANGED, api: this.gridApi, columnApi: this.columnApi, clientWidth: this.eGridDiv.clientWidth, clientHeight: this.eGridDiv.clientHeight }; this.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } public getPreferredWidth(): number { let widthForCols = this.columnController.getBodyContainerWidth() + this.columnController.getPinnedLeftContainerWidth() + this.columnController.getPinnedRightContainerWidth(); let widthForToolpanel = this.toolPanelComp ? this.toolPanelComp.getPreferredWidth() : 0; return widthForCols + widthForToolpanel; } private addRtlSupport(): void { let cssClass = this.gridOptionsWrapper.isEnableRtl() ? 'ag-rtl' : 'ag-ltr'; _.addCssClass(this.getGui(), cssClass); } public getRootGui(): HTMLElement { return this.getGui(); } public showToolPanel(show: any) { if (!this.toolPanelComp) { if (show) { console.warn('ag-Grid: toolPanel is only available in ag-Grid Enterprise'); } return; } this.toolPanelComp.showToolPanel(show); } public isToolPanelShowing() { return this.toolPanelComp.isToolPanelShowing(); } // need to override, as parent class isn't marked with PreDestroy @PreDestroy public destroy() { super.destroy(); this.logger.log('Grid DOM removed'); } // Valid values for position are bottom, middle and top public ensureNodeVisible(comparator: any, position: string = 'top') { if (this.doingVirtualPaging) { throw 'Cannot use ensureNodeVisible when doing virtual paging, as we cannot check rows that are not in memory'; } // look for the node index we want to display let rowCount = this.rowModel.getPageLastRow() + 1; let comparatorIsAFunction = typeof comparator === 'function'; let indexToSelect = -1; // go through all the nodes, find the one we want to show for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { let node = this.rowModel.getRow(i); if (comparatorIsAFunction) { if (comparator(node)) { indexToSelect = i; break; } } else { // check object equality against node and data if (comparator === node || comparator === { indexToSelect = i; break; } } } if (indexToSelect >= 0) { this.gridPanel.ensureIndexVisible(indexToSelect, position); } } }