import {Utils as _} from "../utils"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "../gridOptionsWrapper"; import {Autowired, Context, PostConstruct} from "../context/context"; import {DragAndDropService, DropTarget} from "../dragAndDrop/dragAndDropService"; import {ColumnController} from "../columnController/columnController"; import {GridPanel} from "../gridPanel/gridPanel"; import {EventService} from "../eventService"; import {Events} from "../events"; import {HeaderRowComp, HeaderRowType} from "./headerRowComp"; import {BodyDropTarget} from "./bodyDropTarget"; import {Column} from "../entities/column"; import {ScrollVisibleService} from "../gridPanel/scrollVisibleService"; import {Component} from "../widgets/component"; export class HeaderContainer { @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('context') private context: Context; @Autowired('$scope') private $scope: any; @Autowired('dragAndDropService') private dragAndDropService: DragAndDropService; @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; @Autowired('eventService') private eventService: EventService; @Autowired('scrollVisibleService') private scrollVisibleService: ScrollVisibleService; private eContainer: HTMLElement; private eViewport: HTMLElement; private headerRowComps: HeaderRowComp[] = []; private pinned: string; private scrollWidth: number; private dropTarget: DropTarget; constructor(eContainer: HTMLElement, eViewport: HTMLElement, pinned: string) { this.eContainer = eContainer; this.pinned = pinned; this.eViewport = eViewport; } public registerGridComp(gridPanel: GridPanel): void { this.setupDragAndDrop(gridPanel); } public forEachHeaderElement(callback: (renderedHeaderElement: Component)=>void): void { this.headerRowComps.forEach( headerRowComp => headerRowComp.forEachHeaderElement(callback) ); } @PostConstruct private init(): void { this.scrollWidth = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getScrollbarWidth(); // if value changes, then if not pivoting, we at least need to change the label eg from sum() to avg(), // if pivoting, then the columns have changed this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_COLUMN_VALUE_CHANGED, this.onColumnValueChanged.bind(this)); this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_COLUMN_ROW_GROUP_CHANGED, this.onColumnRowGroupChanged.bind(this)); this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_GRID_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onGridColumnsChanged.bind(this)); this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_SCROLL_VISIBILITY_CHANGED, this.onScrollVisibilityChanged.bind(this)); this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED, this.onColumnResized.bind(this)); this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_DISPLAYED_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onDisplayedColumnsChanged.bind(this)); } // if row group changes, that means we may need to add aggFunc's to the column headers, // if the grid goes from no aggregation (ie no grouping) to grouping private onColumnRowGroupChanged(): void { this.onGridColumnsChanged(); } // if the agg func of a column changes, then we may need to update the agg func in columns header private onColumnValueChanged(): void { this.onGridColumnsChanged(); } private onColumnResized(): void { this.setWidthOfPinnedContainer(); } private onDisplayedColumnsChanged(): void { this.setWidthOfPinnedContainer(); } private onScrollVisibilityChanged(): void { this.setWidthOfPinnedContainer(); } private setWidthOfPinnedContainer(): void { let pinningLeft = this.pinned === Column.PINNED_LEFT; let pinningRight = this.pinned === Column.PINNED_RIGHT; if (pinningLeft || pinningRight) { // size to fit all columns let width = pinningLeft ? this.columnController.getPinnedLeftContainerWidth() : this.columnController.getPinnedRightContainerWidth(); // if there is a scroll showing (and taking up space, so Windows, and not iOS) // in the body, then we add extra space to keep header aligned with the body, // as body width fits the cols and the scrollbar let addPaddingForScrollbar = pinningLeft ? this.scrollVisibleService.isLeftVerticalScrollShowing() : this.scrollVisibleService.isRightVerticalScrollShowing(); if (addPaddingForScrollbar) { width += this.scrollWidth; } = width + 'px'; } } public destroy(): void { this.removeHeaderRowComps(); } // grid cols have changed - this also means the number of rows in the header can have // changed. so we remove all the old rows and insert new ones for a complete refresh private onGridColumnsChanged() { this.removeHeaderRowComps(); this.createHeaderRowComps(); } // we expose this for gridOptions.api.refreshHeader() to call public refresh(): void { this.onGridColumnsChanged(); } private setupDragAndDrop(gridComp: GridPanel): void { let dropContainer = this.eViewport ? this.eViewport : this.eContainer; let bodyDropTarget = new BodyDropTarget(this.pinned, dropContainer); this.context.wireBean(bodyDropTarget); bodyDropTarget.registerGridComp(gridComp); } private removeHeaderRowComps(): void { this.headerRowComps.forEach( headerRowComp => { headerRowComp.destroy(); }); this.headerRowComps.length = 0; _.removeAllChildren(this.eContainer); } private createHeaderRowComps(): void { // if we are displaying header groups, then we have many rows here. // go through each row of the header, one by one. let rowCount = this.columnController.getHeaderRowCount(); for (let dept = 0; dept