import {_} from "../utils"; import {CellComp} from "./cellComp"; import {CellChangedEvent, DataChangedEvent, RowNode} from "../entities/rowNode"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "../gridOptionsWrapper"; import {Column} from "../entities/column"; import { Events, RowClickedEvent, RowDoubleClickedEvent, RowEditingStartedEvent, RowEditingStoppedEvent, RowEvent, RowValueChangedEvent, VirtualRowRemovedEvent } from "../events"; import {Autowired} from "../context/context"; import {ICellRendererComp, ICellRendererParams} from "./cellRenderers/iCellRenderer"; import {RowContainerComponent} from "./rowContainerComponent"; import {Component} from "../widgets/component"; import {RefSelector} from "../widgets/componentAnnotations"; import {Beans} from "./beans"; import {ProcessRowParams} from "../entities/gridOptions"; export class LoadingCellRenderer extends Component { private static TEMPLATE = `
`; @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @RefSelector('eLoadingIcon') private eLoadingIcon: HTMLElement; @RefSelector('eLoadingText') private eLoadingText: HTMLElement; constructor() { super(LoadingCellRenderer.TEMPLATE); } public init(params: ICellRendererParams): void { let eLoadingIcon = _.createIconNoSpan('groupLoading', this.gridOptionsWrapper, null); this.eLoadingIcon.appendChild(eLoadingIcon); let localeTextFunc = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getLocaleTextFunc(); this.eLoadingText.innerText = localeTextFunc('loadingOoo', 'Loading'); } public refresh(params: any): boolean { return false; } } export class RowComp extends Component { public static DOM_DATA_KEY_RENDERED_ROW = 'renderedRow'; private static FULL_WIDTH_CELL_RENDERER = 'fullWidthCellRenderer'; private static GROUP_ROW_RENDERER = 'groupRowRenderer'; private static GROUP_ROW_RENDERER_COMP_NAME = 'agGroupRowRenderer'; private static LOADING_CELL_RENDERER = 'loadingCellRenderer'; private static LOADING_CELL_RENDERER_COMP_NAME = 'agLoadingCellRenderer'; private static DETAIL_CELL_RENDERER = 'detailCellRenderer'; private static DETAIL_CELL_RENDERER_COMP_NAME = 'agDetailCellRenderer'; private rowNode: RowNode; private beans: Beans; private ePinnedLeftRow: HTMLElement; private ePinnedRightRow: HTMLElement; private eBodyRow: HTMLElement; private eAllRowContainers: HTMLElement[] = []; private eFullWidthRow: HTMLElement; private eFullWidthRowBody: HTMLElement; private eFullWidthRowLeft: HTMLElement; private eFullWidthRowRight: HTMLElement; private bodyContainerComp: RowContainerComponent; private fullWidthContainerComp: RowContainerComponent; private pinnedLeftContainerComp: RowContainerComponent; private pinnedRightContainerComp: RowContainerComponent; private fullWidthRowComponent: ICellRendererComp; private fullWidthRowComponentBody: ICellRendererComp; private fullWidthRowComponentLeft: ICellRendererComp; private fullWidthRowComponentRight: ICellRendererComp; private active = true; private fullWidthRow: boolean; private fullWidthRowEmbedded: boolean; private editingRow: boolean; private rowFocused: boolean; private columnRefreshPending = false; private cellComps: {[key: string]: CellComp} = {}; // for animations, there are bits we want done in the next VM turn, to all DOM to update first. // instead of each row doing a setTimeout(func,0), we put the functions here and the rowRenderer // executes them all in one timeout private createSecondPassFuncs: Function[] = []; // these get called before the row is destroyed - they set up the DOM for the remove animation (ie they // set the DOM up for the animation), then the delayedDestroyFunctions get called when the animation is // complete (ie removes from the dom). private removeFirstPassFuncs: Function[] = []; // for animations, these functions get called 400ms after the row is cleared, called by the rowRenderer // so each row isn't setting up it's own timeout private removeSecondPassFuncs: Function[] = []; private fadeRowIn: boolean; private slideRowIn: boolean; private useAnimationFrameForCreate: boolean; private rowIsEven: boolean; private paginationPage: number; private parentScope: any; private scope: any; private initialised = false; constructor(parentScope: any, bodyContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, pinnedLeftContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, pinnedRightContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, fullWidthContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, rowNode: RowNode, beans: Beans, animateIn: boolean, useAnimationFrameForCreate: boolean) { super(); this.parentScope = parentScope; this.beans = beans; this.bodyContainerComp = bodyContainerComp; this.pinnedLeftContainerComp = pinnedLeftContainerComp; this.pinnedRightContainerComp = pinnedRightContainerComp; this.fullWidthContainerComp = fullWidthContainerComp; this.rowNode = rowNode; this.rowIsEven = this.rowNode.rowIndex % 2 === 0; this.paginationPage = this.beans.paginationProxy.getCurrentPage(); this.useAnimationFrameForCreate = useAnimationFrameForCreate; this.setAnimateFlags(animateIn); } public init(): void { this.rowFocused = this.beans.focusedCellController.isRowFocused(this.rowNode.rowIndex, this.rowNode.rowPinned); this.scope = this.createChildScopeOrNull(; this.setupRowContainers(); this.addListeners(); if (this.slideRowIn) { this.createSecondPassFuncs.push( () => { this.onTopChanged(); }); } if (this.fadeRowIn) { this.createSecondPassFuncs.push( () => { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach(eRow => _.removeCssClass(eRow, 'ag-opacity-zero')); }); } } private createTemplate(contents: string, extraCssClass: string = null): string { let templateParts: string[] = []; let rowHeight = this.rowNode.rowHeight; let rowClasses = this.getInitialRowClasses(extraCssClass).join(' '); let rowIdSanitised = _.escape(; let userRowStyles = this.preProcessStylesFromGridOptions(); let businessKey = this.getRowBusinessKey(); let businessKeySanitised = _.escape(businessKey); let rowTopStyle = this.getInitialRowTopStyle(); templateParts.push(``); // add in the template for the cells templateParts.push(contents); templateParts.push(``); return templateParts.join(''); } public getCellForCol(column: Column): HTMLElement { let cellComp = this.cellComps[column.getColId()]; if (cellComp) { return cellComp.getGui(); } else { return null; } } public afterFlush(): void { if (!this.initialised) { this.initialised = true; this.executeProcessRowPostCreateFunc(); } } private executeProcessRowPostCreateFunc(): void { let func = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getProcessRowPostCreateFunc(); if (func) { let params: ProcessRowParams = { eRow: this.eBodyRow, ePinnedLeftRow: this.ePinnedLeftRow, ePinnedRightRow: this.ePinnedRightRow, node: this.rowNode, api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex, addRenderedRowListener: this.addEventListener.bind(this), columnApi: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(), context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext() }; func(params); } } private getInitialRowTopStyle() { // if sliding in, we take the old row top. otherwise we just set the current row top. let pixels = this.slideRowIn ? this.roundRowTopToBounds(this.rowNode.oldRowTop) : this.rowNode.rowTop; let afterPaginationPixels = this.applyPaginationOffset(pixels); let afterScalingPixels = this.beans.heightScaler.getRealPixelPosition(afterPaginationPixels); if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowTransform()) { return `top: ${afterScalingPixels}px; `; } else { return `transform: translateY(${afterScalingPixels}px); `; } } private getRowBusinessKey(): string { if (typeof this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getBusinessKeyForNodeFunc() === 'function') { let businessKey = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getBusinessKeyForNodeFunc()(this.rowNode); return businessKey; } } private lazyCreateCells(cols: Column[], eRow: HTMLElement): void { if ( { let cellTemplatesAndComps = this.createCells(cols); eRow.innerHTML = cellTemplatesAndComps.template; this.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(cellTemplatesAndComps.cellComps, eRow); } } private createRowContainer(rowContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, cols: Column[], callback: (eRow: HTMLElement) => void): void { let cellTemplatesAndComps: {template: string, cellComps: CellComp[]}; if (this.useAnimationFrameForCreate) { cellTemplatesAndComps = {cellComps: [], template: ''}; } else { cellTemplatesAndComps = this.createCells(cols); } let rowTemplate = this.createTemplate(cellTemplatesAndComps.template); rowContainerComp.appendRowTemplate(rowTemplate, ()=> { let eRow: HTMLElement = rowContainerComp.getRowElement(this.getCompId()); this.afterRowAttached(rowContainerComp, eRow); callback(eRow); if (this.useAnimationFrameForCreate) { this.beans.taskQueue.addP1Task(this.lazyCreateCells.bind(this, cols, eRow)); } else { this.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(cellTemplatesAndComps.cellComps, eRow); } }); } private createChildScopeOrNull(data: any) { if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isAngularCompileRows()) { let newChildScope = this.parentScope.$new(); = data; newChildScope.rowNode = this.rowNode; newChildScope.context = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(); this.addDestroyFunc(() => { newChildScope.$destroy(); = null; newChildScope.rowNode = null; newChildScope.context = null; }); return newChildScope; } else { return null; } } private setupRowContainers(): void { let isFullWidthCellFunc = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getIsFullWidthCellFunc(); let isFullWidthCell = isFullWidthCellFunc ? isFullWidthCellFunc(this.rowNode) : false; let isDetailCell = this.beans.doingMasterDetail && this.rowNode.detail; let isGroupSpanningRow = && this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupUseEntireRow(); if (this.rowNode.stub) { this.createFullWidthRows(RowComp.LOADING_CELL_RENDERER, RowComp.LOADING_CELL_RENDERER_COMP_NAME); } else if (isDetailCell) { this.createFullWidthRows(RowComp.DETAIL_CELL_RENDERER, RowComp.DETAIL_CELL_RENDERER_COMP_NAME); } else if (isFullWidthCell) { this.createFullWidthRows(RowComp.FULL_WIDTH_CELL_RENDERER, null); } else if (isGroupSpanningRow) { this.createFullWidthRows(RowComp.GROUP_ROW_RENDERER, RowComp.GROUP_ROW_RENDERER_COMP_NAME); } else { this.setupNormalRowContainers(); } } private setupNormalRowContainers(): void { let centerCols = this.beans.columnController.getAllDisplayedCenterVirtualColumnsForRow(this.rowNode); this.createRowContainer(this.bodyContainerComp, centerCols, eRow => this.eBodyRow = eRow); let leftCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedLeftColumnsForRow(this.rowNode); let rightCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedRightColumnsForRow(this.rowNode); this.createRowContainer(this.pinnedRightContainerComp, rightCols, eRow => this.ePinnedRightRow = eRow); this.createRowContainer(this.pinnedLeftContainerComp, leftCols, eRow => this.ePinnedLeftRow = eRow); } private createFullWidthRows(type: string, name: string): void { this.fullWidthRow = true; this.fullWidthRowEmbedded = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isEmbedFullWidthRows(); if (this.fullWidthRowEmbedded) { this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.bodyContainerComp, null, null, type, name, (eRow: HTMLElement) => { this.eFullWidthRowBody = eRow; }, (cellRenderer: ICellRendererComp) => { this.fullWidthRowComponentBody = cellRenderer; }); this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.pinnedLeftContainerComp, Column.PINNED_LEFT, 'ag-cell-last-left-pinned', type, name, (eRow: HTMLElement) => { this.eFullWidthRowLeft = eRow; }, (cellRenderer: ICellRendererComp) => { this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft = cellRenderer; }); this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.pinnedRightContainerComp, Column.PINNED_RIGHT, 'ag-cell-first-right-pinned', type, name, (eRow: HTMLElement) => { this.eFullWidthRowRight = eRow; }, (cellRenderer: ICellRendererComp) => { this.fullWidthRowComponentRight = cellRenderer; }); } else { // otherwise we add to the fullWidth container as normal // let previousFullWidth = ensureDomOrder ? this.lastPlacedElements.eFullWidth : null; this.createFullWidthRowContainer(this.fullWidthContainerComp, null, null, type, name, (eRow: HTMLElement) => { this.eFullWidthRow = eRow; }, (cellRenderer: ICellRendererComp) => { this.fullWidthRowComponent = cellRenderer; }); } } private setAnimateFlags(animateIn: boolean): void { if (animateIn) { let oldRowTopExists = _.exists(this.rowNode.oldRowTop); // if the row had a previous position, we slide it in (animate row top) this.slideRowIn = oldRowTopExists; // if the row had no previous position, we fade it in (animate this.fadeRowIn = !oldRowTopExists; } else { this.slideRowIn = false; this.fadeRowIn = false; } } public isEditing(): boolean { return this.editingRow; } public stopRowEditing(cancel: boolean): void { this.stopEditing(cancel); } public isFullWidth(): boolean { return this.fullWidthRow; } private addListeners(): void { this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_HEIGHT_CHANGED, this.onRowHeightChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_ROW_SELECTED, this.onRowSelected.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_ROW_INDEX_CHANGED, this.onRowIndexChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_TOP_CHANGED, this.onTopChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_EXPANDED_CHANGED, this.onExpandedChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_DATA_CHANGED, this.onRowNodeDataChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_CELL_CHANGED, this.onRowNodeCellChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_DRAGGING_CHANGED, this.onRowNodeDraggingChanged.bind(this)); let eventService = this.beans.eventService; this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_HEIGHT_SCALE_CHANGED, this.onTopChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_DISPLAYED_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onDisplayedColumnsChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onVirtualColumnsChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_COLUMN_RESIZED, this.onColumnResized.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_CELL_FOCUSED, this.onCellFocusChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_PAGINATION_CHANGED, this.onPaginationChanged.bind(this)); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eventService, Events.EVENT_GRID_COLUMNS_CHANGED, this.onGridColumnsChanged.bind(this)); } // when grid columns change, then all cells should be cleaned out, // as the new columns could have same id as the previous columns and may conflict private onGridColumnsChanged(): void { let allRenderedCellIds = Object.keys(this.cellComps); this.removeRenderedCells(allRenderedCellIds); } private onRowNodeDataChanged(event: DataChangedEvent): void { // if this is an update, we want to refresh, as this will allow the user to put in a transition // into the cellRenderer refresh method. otherwise this might be completely new data, in which case // we will want to completely replace the cells this.forEachCellComp(cellComp => cellComp.refreshCell({ suppressFlash: !event.update, newData: !event.update }) ); // check for selected also, as this could be after lazy loading of the row data, in which case // the id might of just gotten set inside the row and the row selected state may of changed // as a result. this is what happens when selected rows are loaded in virtual pagination. // - niall note - since moving to the stub component, this may no longer be true, as replacing // the stub component now replaces the entire row this.onRowSelected(); // as data has changed, then the style and class needs to be recomputed this.postProcessCss(); } private onRowNodeCellChanged(event: CellChangedEvent): void { // as data has changed, then the style and class needs to be recomputed this.postProcessCss(); } private postProcessCss(): void { this.postProcessStylesFromGridOptions(); this.postProcessClassesFromGridOptions(); this.postProcessRowClassRules(); this.postProcessRowDragging(); } private onRowNodeDraggingChanged(): void { this.postProcessRowDragging(); } private postProcessRowDragging(): void { let dragging = this.rowNode.dragging; this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( (row) => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-dragging', dragging) ); } private onExpandedChanged(): void { if ( && !this.rowNode.footer) { let expanded = this.rowNode.expanded; this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-group-expanded', expanded)); this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-group-contracted', !expanded)); } } private onDisplayedColumnsChanged(): void { if (!this.fullWidthRow) { this.refreshCells(); } } private destroyFullWidthComponents(): void { if (this.fullWidthRowComponent) { if (this.fullWidthRowComponent.destroy) { this.fullWidthRowComponent.destroy(); } this.fullWidthRowComponent = null; } if (this.fullWidthRowComponentBody) { if (this.fullWidthRowComponentBody.destroy) { this.fullWidthRowComponentBody.destroy(); } this.fullWidthRowComponent = null; } if (this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft) { if (this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft.destroy) { this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft.destroy(); } this.fullWidthRowComponentLeft = null; } if (this.fullWidthRowComponentRight) { if (this.fullWidthRowComponentRight.destroy) { this.fullWidthRowComponentRight.destroy(); } this.fullWidthRowComponent = null; } } private getContainerForCell(pinnedType: string): HTMLElement { switch (pinnedType) { case Column.PINNED_LEFT: return this.ePinnedLeftRow; case Column.PINNED_RIGHT: return this.ePinnedRightRow; default: return this.eBodyRow; } } private onVirtualColumnsChanged(): void { if (!this.fullWidthRow) { this.refreshCells(); } } private onColumnResized(): void { if (!this.fullWidthRow) { this.refreshCells(); } } private refreshCells() { if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressAnimationFrame()) { this.refreshCellsInAnimationFrame(); } else { if (this.columnRefreshPending) { return; } this.beans.taskQueue.addP1Task(this.refreshCellsInAnimationFrame.bind(this)); } } private refreshCellsInAnimationFrame() { if (! { return; } this.columnRefreshPending = false; let centerCols = this.beans.columnController.getAllDisplayedCenterVirtualColumnsForRow(this.rowNode); let leftCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedLeftColumnsForRow(this.rowNode); let rightCols = this.beans.columnController.getDisplayedRightColumnsForRow(this.rowNode); this.insertCellsIntoContainer(this.eBodyRow, centerCols); this.insertCellsIntoContainer(this.ePinnedLeftRow, leftCols); this.insertCellsIntoContainer(this.ePinnedRightRow, rightCols); let colIdsToRemove = Object.keys(this.cellComps); centerCols.forEach( (col: Column) => _.removeFromArray(colIdsToRemove, col.getId())); leftCols.forEach( (col: Column) => _.removeFromArray(colIdsToRemove, col.getId())); rightCols.forEach( (col: Column) => _.removeFromArray(colIdsToRemove, col.getId())); // we never remove editing cells, as this would cause the cells to loose their values while editing // as the grid is scrolling horizontally. colIdsToRemove = _.filter(colIdsToRemove, this.isCellEligibleToBeRemoved.bind(this)); // remove old cells from gui, but we don't destroy them, we might use them again this.removeRenderedCells(colIdsToRemove); } private removeRenderedCells(colIds: string[]): void { colIds.forEach( (key: string)=> { let cellComp = this.cellComps[key]; // could be old reference, ie removed cell if (_.missing(cellComp)) { return; } cellComp.detach(); cellComp.destroy(); this.cellComps[key] = null; }); } private isCellEligibleToBeRemoved(indexStr: string): boolean { let displayedColumns = this.beans.columnController.getAllDisplayedColumns(); let REMOVE_CELL: boolean = true; let KEEP_CELL: boolean = false; let renderedCell = this.cellComps[indexStr]; if (!renderedCell) { return REMOVE_CELL; } // always remove the cell if it's in the wrong pinned location if (this.isCellInWrongRow(renderedCell)) { return REMOVE_CELL; } // we want to try and keep editing and focused cells let editing = renderedCell.isEditing(); let focused = this.beans.focusedCellController.isCellFocused(renderedCell.getGridCell()); let mightWantToKeepCell = editing || focused; if (mightWantToKeepCell) { let column = renderedCell.getColumn(); let cellStillDisplayed = displayedColumns.indexOf(column) >= 0; return cellStillDisplayed ? KEEP_CELL : REMOVE_CELL; } else { return REMOVE_CELL; } } private ensureCellInCorrectContainer(cellComp: CellComp): void { let element = cellComp.getGui(); let column = cellComp.getColumn(); let pinnedType = column.getPinned(); let eContainer = this.getContainerForCell(pinnedType); // if in wrong container, remove it let eOldContainer = cellComp.getParentRow(); let inWrongRow = eOldContainer !== eContainer; if (inWrongRow) { // take out from old row if (eOldContainer) { eOldContainer.removeChild(element); } eContainer.appendChild(element); cellComp.setParentRow(eContainer); } } private isCellInWrongRow(cellComp: CellComp): boolean { let column = cellComp.getColumn(); let rowWeWant = this.getContainerForCell(column.getPinned()); // if in wrong container, remove it let oldRow = cellComp.getParentRow(); return oldRow !== rowWeWant; } private insertCellsIntoContainer(eRow: HTMLElement, cols: Column[]): void { if (!eRow) { return; } let cellTemplates: string[] = []; let newCellComps: CellComp[] = []; cols.forEach( col => { let colId = col.getId(); let oldCell = this.cellComps[colId]; if (oldCell) { this.ensureCellInCorrectContainer(oldCell); } else { this.createNewCell(col, eRow, cellTemplates, newCellComps); } }); if (cellTemplates.length>0) { _.appendHtml(eRow, cellTemplates.join('')); this.callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(newCellComps, eRow); } } private addDomData(eRowContainer: Element): void { let gow = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper; gow.setDomData(eRowContainer, RowComp.DOM_DATA_KEY_RENDERED_ROW, this); this.addDestroyFunc( ()=> { gow.setDomData(eRowContainer, RowComp.DOM_DATA_KEY_RENDERED_ROW, null); } ); } private createNewCell(col: Column, eContainer: HTMLElement, cellTemplates: string[], newCellComps: CellComp[]): void { let newCellComp = new CellComp(this.scope, this.beans, col, this.rowNode, this, false); let cellTemplate = newCellComp.getCreateTemplate(); cellTemplates.push(cellTemplate); newCellComps.push(newCellComp); this.cellComps[col.getId()] = newCellComp; newCellComp.setParentRow(eContainer); } public onMouseEvent(eventName: string, mouseEvent: MouseEvent): void { switch (eventName) { case 'dblclick': this.onRowDblClick(mouseEvent); break; case 'click': this.onRowClick(mouseEvent); break; } } private createRowEvent(type: string, domEvent?: Event): RowEvent { return { type: type, node: this.rowNode, data:, rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex, rowPinned: this.rowNode.rowPinned, context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(), api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), columnApi: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(), event: domEvent }; } private createRowEventWithSource(type: string, domEvent: Event): RowEvent { let event = this.createRowEvent(type, domEvent); // when first developing this, we included the rowComp in the event. // this seems very weird. so when introducing the event types, i left the 'source' // out of the type, and just include the source in the two places where this event // was fired (rowClicked and rowDoubleClicked). it doesn't make sense for any // users to be using this, as the rowComp isn't an object we expose, so would be // very surprising if a user was using it. (event).source = this; return event; } private onRowDblClick(mouseEvent: MouseEvent): void { if (_.isStopPropagationForAgGrid(mouseEvent)) { return; } let agEvent: RowDoubleClickedEvent = this.createRowEventWithSource(Events.EVENT_ROW_DOUBLE_CLICKED, mouseEvent); this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(agEvent); } public onRowClick(mouseEvent: MouseEvent) { let stop = _.isStopPropagationForAgGrid(mouseEvent); if (stop) { return; } let agEvent: RowClickedEvent = this.createRowEventWithSource(Events.EVENT_ROW_CLICKED, mouseEvent); this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(agEvent); // ctrlKey for windows, metaKey for Apple let multiSelectKeyPressed = mouseEvent.ctrlKey || mouseEvent.metaKey; let shiftKeyPressed = mouseEvent.shiftKey; // we do not allow selecting groups by clicking (as the click here expands the group) // so return if it's a group row if ( { return; } // we also don't allow selection of pinned rows if (this.rowNode.rowPinned) { return; } // if no selection method enabled, do nothing if (!this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowSelection()) { return; } // if click selection suppressed, do nothing if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowClickSelection()) { return; } let multiSelectOnClick = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowMultiSelectWithClick(); let rowDeselectionWithCtrl = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowDeselection(); if (this.rowNode.isSelected()) { if (multiSelectOnClick) { this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: false}); } else if (multiSelectKeyPressed) { if (rowDeselectionWithCtrl) { this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: false}); } } else { // selected with no multi key, must make sure anything else is unselected this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: true, clearSelection: true}); } } else { let clearSelection = multiSelectOnClick ? false : !multiSelectKeyPressed; this.rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: true, clearSelection: clearSelection, rangeSelect: shiftKeyPressed}); } } private createFullWidthRowContainer(rowContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, pinned: string, extraCssClass: string, cellRendererType: string, cellRendererName: string, eRowCallback: (eRow: HTMLElement) => void, cellRendererCallback: (comp: ICellRendererComp) => void): void { let rowTemplate = this.createTemplate('', extraCssClass); rowContainerComp.appendRowTemplate(rowTemplate, ()=> { let eRow: HTMLElement = rowContainerComp.getRowElement(this.getCompId()); let params = this.createFullWidthParams(eRow, pinned); let callback = (cellRenderer: ICellRendererComp)=> { if (this.isAlive()) { let gui = cellRenderer.getGui(); eRow.appendChild(gui); cellRendererCallback(cellRenderer); } else { if (cellRenderer.destroy) { cellRenderer.destroy(); } } }; this.beans.componentResolver.createAgGridComponent(null, params, cellRendererType, params, cellRendererName).then(callback); this.afterRowAttached(rowContainerComp, eRow); eRowCallback(eRow); this.angular1Compile(eRow); }); } private angular1Compile(element: Element): void { if (this.scope) { this.beans.$compile(element)(this.scope); } } private createFullWidthParams(eRow: HTMLElement, pinned: string): any { let params = { fullWidth: true, data:, node: this.rowNode, value: this.rowNode.key, $scope: this.scope, rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex, api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), columnApi: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(), context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(), // these need to be taken out, as part of 'afterAttached' now eGridCell: eRow, eParentOfValue: eRow, pinned: pinned, addRenderedRowListener: this.addEventListener.bind(this) }; return params; } private getInitialRowClasses(extraCssClass: string): string[] { let classes: string[] = []; if (_.exists(extraCssClass)) { classes.push(extraCssClass); } classes.push('ag-row'); classes.push(this.rowFocused ? 'ag-row-focus' : 'ag-row-no-focus'); if (this.fadeRowIn) { classes.push('ag-opacity-zero'); } if (this.rowIsEven) { classes.push('ag-row-even'); } else { classes.push('ag-row-odd'); } if (this.rowNode.isSelected()) { classes.push('ag-row-selected'); } if ( { classes.push('ag-row-group'); // if a group, put the level of the group in classes.push('ag-row-level-' + this.rowNode.level); if (this.rowNode.footer) { classes.push('ag-row-footer'); } } else { // if a leaf, and a parent exists, put a level of the parent, else put level of 0 for top level item if (this.rowNode.parent) { classes.push('ag-row-level-' + (this.rowNode.parent.level + 1)); } else { classes.push('ag-row-level-0'); } } if (this.rowNode.stub) { classes.push('ag-row-stub'); } if (this.fullWidthRow) { classes.push('ag-full-width-row'); } if ( && !this.rowNode.footer) { classes.push(this.rowNode.expanded ? 'ag-row-group-expanded' : 'ag-row-group-contracted'); } if (this.rowNode.dragging) { classes.push('ag-row-dragging'); } _.pushAll(classes, this.processClassesFromGridOptions()); _.pushAll(classes, this.preProcessRowClassRules()); return classes; } private preProcessRowClassRules(): string[] { let res: string[] = []; this.processRowClassRules( (className: string)=> { res.push(className); }, (className: string)=> { // not catered for, if creating, no need // to remove class as it was never there } ); return res; } private processRowClassRules(onApplicableClass: (className: string)=>void, onNotApplicableClass?: (className: string)=>void): void { this.beans.stylingService.processClassRules( this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.rowClassRules(), { value: undefined, colDef:undefined, data:, node: this.rowNode, rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex, api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), $scope: this.scope, context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext() }, onApplicableClass, onNotApplicableClass); } public stopEditing(cancel = false): void { this.forEachCellComp(renderedCell => { renderedCell.stopEditing(cancel); }); if (this.editingRow) { if (!cancel) { let event: RowValueChangedEvent = this.createRowEvent(Events.EVENT_ROW_VALUE_CHANGED); this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } this.setEditingRow(false); } } private setEditingRow(value: boolean): void { this.editingRow = value; this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( (row) => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-editing', value) ); let event: RowEvent = value ? this.createRowEvent(Events.EVENT_ROW_EDITING_STARTED) : this.createRowEvent(Events.EVENT_ROW_EDITING_STOPPED); this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } public startRowEditing(keyPress: number = null, charPress: string = null, sourceRenderedCell: CellComp = null): void { // don't do it if already editing if (this.editingRow) { return; } this.forEachCellComp(renderedCell => { let cellStartedEdit = renderedCell === sourceRenderedCell; if (cellStartedEdit) { renderedCell.startEditingIfEnabled(keyPress, charPress, cellStartedEdit); } else { renderedCell.startEditingIfEnabled(null, null, cellStartedEdit); } }); this.setEditingRow(true); } public forEachCellComp(callback: (renderedCell: CellComp)=>void): void { _.iterateObject(this.cellComps, (key: any, cellComp: CellComp)=> { if (cellComp) { callback(cellComp); } }); } private postProcessClassesFromGridOptions(): void { let cssClasses = this.processClassesFromGridOptions(); if (cssClasses) { cssClasses.forEach( (classStr: string) => { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => _.addCssClass(row, classStr)); }); } } private postProcessRowClassRules(): void { this.processRowClassRules( (className: string)=> { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => _.addCssClass(row, className)); }, (className: string)=> { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => _.removeCssClass(row, className)); } ); } private processClassesFromGridOptions(): string[] { let res: string[] = []; let process = (rowClass: string | string[]) => { if (typeof rowClass === 'string') { res.push(rowClass); } else if (Array.isArray(rowClass)) { rowClass.forEach( e => res.push(e) ); } }; // part 1 - rowClass let rowClass = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowClass(); if (rowClass) { if (typeof rowClass === 'function') { console.warn('ag-Grid: rowClass should not be a function, please use getRowClass instead'); return; } process(rowClass); } // part 2 - rowClassFunc let rowClassFunc = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowClassFunc(); if (rowClassFunc) { let params = { node: this.rowNode, data:, rowIndex: this.rowNode.rowIndex, context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(), api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi() }; let rowClassFuncResult = rowClassFunc(params); process(rowClassFuncResult); } return res; } private preProcessStylesFromGridOptions(): string { let rowStyles = this.processStylesFromGridOptions(); return _.cssStyleObjectToMarkup(rowStyles); } private postProcessStylesFromGridOptions(): void { let rowStyles = this.processStylesFromGridOptions(); this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => _.addStylesToElement(row, rowStyles)); } private processStylesFromGridOptions(): any { // part 1 - rowStyle let rowStyle = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowStyle(); if (rowStyle && typeof rowStyle === 'function') { console.log('ag-Grid: rowStyle should be an object of key/value styles, not be a function, use getRowStyle() instead'); return; } // part 1 - rowStyleFunc let rowStyleFunc = this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getRowStyleFunc(); let rowStyleFuncResult: any; if (rowStyleFunc) { let params = { data:, node: this.rowNode, api: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), context: this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(), $scope: this.scope }; rowStyleFuncResult = rowStyleFunc(params); } return _.assign({}, rowStyle, rowStyleFuncResult); } private createCells(cols: Column[]): {template: string, cellComps: CellComp[]} { let templateParts: string[] = []; let newCellComps: CellComp[] = []; cols.forEach( col => { let newCellComp = new CellComp(this.scope, this.beans, col, this.rowNode, this, false); let cellTemplate = newCellComp.getCreateTemplate(); templateParts.push(cellTemplate); newCellComps.push(newCellComp); this.cellComps[col.getId()] = newCellComp; }); let templateAndComps = { template: templateParts.join(''), cellComps: newCellComps }; return templateAndComps; } private onRowSelected(): void { let selected = this.rowNode.isSelected(); this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( (row) => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-selected', selected) ); } // called: // + after row created for first time // + after horizontal scroll, so new cells due to column virtualisation private callAfterRowAttachedOnCells(newCellComps: CellComp[], eRow: HTMLElement): void { newCellComps.forEach( cellComp => { cellComp.setParentRow(eRow); cellComp.afterAttached(); // if we are editing the row, then the cell needs to turn // into edit mode if (this.editingRow) { cellComp.startEditingIfEnabled(); } }); } private afterRowAttached(rowContainerComp: RowContainerComponent, eRow: HTMLElement): void { this.addDomData(eRow); this.removeSecondPassFuncs.push( ()=> { // console.log(eRow); rowContainerComp.removeRowElement(eRow); }); this.removeFirstPassFuncs.push( ()=> { if (_.exists(this.rowNode.rowTop)) { // the row top is updated anyway, however we set it here again // to something more reasonable for the animation - ie if the // row top is 10000px away, the row will flash out, so this // gives it a rounded value, so row animates out more slowly let rowTop = this.roundRowTopToBounds(this.rowNode.rowTop); this.setRowTop(rowTop); } else { _.addCssClass(eRow, 'ag-opacity-zero'); } }); this.eAllRowContainers.push(eRow); // adding hover functionality adds listener to this row, so we // do it lazily in an animation frame if (this.useAnimationFrameForCreate) { this.beans.taskQueue.addP1Task(this.addHoverFunctionality.bind(this, eRow)); } else { this.addHoverFunctionality(eRow); } } private addHoverFunctionality(eRow: HTMLElement): void { // because we use animation frames to do this, it's possible the row no longer exists // by the time we get to add it if (! { return; } // because mouseenter and mouseleave do not propagate, we cannot listen on the gridPanel // like we do for all the other mouse events. // because of the pinning, we cannot simply add / remove the class based on the eRow. we // have to check all eRow's (body & pinned). so the trick is if any of the rows gets a // mouse hover, it sets such in the rowNode, and then all three reflect the change as // all are listening for event on the row node. // step 1 - add listener, to set flag on row node this.addDestroyableEventListener(eRow, 'mouseenter', () => this.rowNode.onMouseEnter() ); this.addDestroyableEventListener(eRow, 'mouseleave', () => this.rowNode.onMouseLeave() ); // step 2 - listen for changes on row node (which any eRow can trigger) this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_MOUSE_ENTER, ()=> { // if hover turned off, we don't add the class. we do this here so that if the application // toggles this property mid way, we remove the hover form the last row, but we stop // adding hovers from that point onwards. if (!this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowHoverHighlight()) { _.addCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-hover'); } }); this.addDestroyableEventListener(this.rowNode, RowNode.EVENT_MOUSE_LEAVE, ()=> { _.removeCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-hover'); }); } // for animation, we don't want to animate entry or exit to a very far away pixel, // otherwise the row would move so fast, it would appear to disappear. so this method // moves the row closer to the viewport if it is far away, so the row slide in / out // at a speed the user can see. private roundRowTopToBounds(rowTop: number): number { let range = this.beans.gridPanel.getVScrollPosition(); let minPixel = this.applyPaginationOffset(, true) - 100; let maxPixel = this.applyPaginationOffset(range.bottom, true) + 100; if (rowTop < minPixel) { return minPixel; } else if (rowTop > maxPixel) { return maxPixel; } else { return rowTop; } } private onRowHeightChanged(): void { // check for exists first - if the user is resetting the row height, then // it will be null (or undefined) momentarily until the next time the flatten // stage is called where the row will then update again with a new height if (_.exists(this.rowNode.rowHeight)) { let heightPx = this.rowNode.rowHeight + 'px'; this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => = heightPx); } } public addEventListener(eventType: string, listener: Function): void { if (eventType==='renderedRowRemoved' || eventType==='rowRemoved') { eventType = Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED; console.warn('ag-Grid: Since version 11, event renderedRowRemoved is now called ' + Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED); } super.addEventListener(eventType, listener); } public removeEventListener(eventType: string, listener: Function): void { if (eventType==='renderedRowRemoved' || eventType==='rowRemoved') { eventType = Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED; console.warn('ag-Grid: Since version 11, event renderedRowRemoved and rowRemoved is now called ' + Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED); } super.removeEventListener(eventType, listener); } public destroy(animate = false): void { super.destroy(); = false; // why do we have this method? shouldn't everything below be added as a destroy func beside // the corresponding create logic? this.destroyFullWidthComponents(); if (animate) { this.removeFirstPassFuncs.forEach( func => func() ); this.removeSecondPassFuncs.push(this.destroyContainingCells.bind(this)); } else { this.destroyContainingCells(); // we are not animating, so execute the second stage of removal now. // we call getAndClear, so that they are only called once let delayedDestroyFunctions = this.getAndClearDelayedDestroyFunctions(); delayedDestroyFunctions.forEach( func => func() ); } let event: VirtualRowRemovedEvent = this.createRowEvent(Events.EVENT_VIRTUAL_ROW_REMOVED); this.dispatchEvent(event); this.beans.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } private destroyContainingCells(): void { this.forEachCellComp(renderedCell => renderedCell.destroy() ); this.destroyFullWidthComponents(); } // we clear so that the functions are never executed twice public getAndClearDelayedDestroyFunctions(): Function[] { let result = this.removeSecondPassFuncs; this.removeSecondPassFuncs = []; return result; } private onCellFocusChanged(): void { let rowFocused = this.beans.focusedCellController.isRowFocused(this.rowNode.rowIndex, this.rowNode.rowPinned); if (rowFocused !== this.rowFocused) { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( (row) => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-focus', rowFocused) ); this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( (row) => _.addOrRemoveCssClass(row, 'ag-row-no-focus', !rowFocused) ); this.rowFocused = rowFocused; } // if we are editing, then moving the focus out of a row will stop editing if (!rowFocused && this.editingRow) { this.stopEditing(false); } } private onPaginationChanged(): void { let currentPage = this.beans.paginationProxy.getCurrentPage(); // it is possible this row is in the new page, but the page number has changed, which means // it needs to reposition itself relative to the new page if (this.paginationPage!==currentPage) { this.paginationPage = currentPage; this.onTopChanged(); } } private onTopChanged(): void { this.setRowTop(this.rowNode.rowTop); } // applies pagination offset, eg if on second page, and page height is 500px, then removes // 500px from the top position, so a row with rowTop 600px is displayed at location 100px. // reverse will take the offset away rather than add. private applyPaginationOffset(topPx: number, reverse = false): number { if (this.rowNode.isRowPinned()) { return topPx; } else { let pixelOffset = this.beans.paginationProxy.getPixelOffset(); if (reverse) { return topPx + pixelOffset; } else { return topPx - pixelOffset; } } } private setRowTop(pixels: number): void { // need to make sure rowTop is not null, as this can happen if the node was once // visible (ie parent group was expanded) but is now not visible if (_.exists(pixels)) { let afterPaginationPixels = this.applyPaginationOffset(pixels); let afterScalingPixels = this.beans.heightScaler.getRealPixelPosition(afterPaginationPixels); let topPx = afterScalingPixels + "px"; if (this.beans.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressRowTransform()) { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => = `${topPx}` ); } else { this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( row => = `translateY(${topPx})` ); } } } // we clear so that the functions are never executed twice public getAndClearNextVMTurnFunctions(): Function[] { let result = this.createSecondPassFuncs; this.createSecondPassFuncs = []; return result; } public getRowNode(): RowNode { return this.rowNode; } public getRenderedCellForColumn(column: Column): CellComp { return this.cellComps[column.getColId()]; } private onRowIndexChanged(): void { this.onCellFocusChanged(); this.updateRowIndexes(); } private updateRowIndexes(): void { let rowIndexStr = this.rowNode.getRowIndexString(); let rowIsEven = this.rowNode.rowIndex % 2 === 0; let rowIsEvenChanged = this.rowIsEven !== rowIsEven; if (rowIsEvenChanged) { this.rowIsEven = rowIsEven; } this.eAllRowContainers.forEach( eRow => { eRow.setAttribute('row-index', rowIndexStr); if (rowIsEvenChanged) { _.addOrRemoveCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-even', rowIsEven); _.addOrRemoveCssClass(eRow, 'ag-row-odd', !rowIsEven); } }); } public ensureDomOrder(): void { let body = this.getBodyRowElement(); if (body) { this.bodyContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(body); } let left = this.getPinnedLeftRowElement(); if (left) { this.pinnedLeftContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(left); } let right = this.getPinnedRightRowElement(); if (right) { this.pinnedRightContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(right); } let fullWidth = this.getFullWidthRowElement(); if (fullWidth) { this.fullWidthContainerComp.ensureDomOrder(fullWidth); } } // returns the pinned left container, either the normal one, or the embedded full with one if exists public getPinnedLeftRowElement(): HTMLElement { return this.ePinnedLeftRow ? this.ePinnedLeftRow : this.eFullWidthRowLeft; } // returns the pinned right container, either the normal one, or the embedded full with one if exists public getPinnedRightRowElement(): HTMLElement { return this.ePinnedRightRow ? this.ePinnedRightRow : this.eFullWidthRowRight; } // returns the body container, either the normal one, or the embedded full with one if exists public getBodyRowElement(): HTMLElement { return this.eBodyRow ? this.eBodyRow : this.eFullWidthRowBody; } // returns the full width container public getFullWidthRowElement(): HTMLElement { return this.eFullWidthRow; } }