import {Utils as _} from './utils'; import {RowNode} from "./entities/rowNode"; import {Bean} from "./context/context"; import {Qualifier} from "./context/context"; import {Logger} from "./logger"; import {LoggerFactory} from "./logger"; import {EventService} from "./eventService"; import {Events, SelectionChangedEvent} from "./events"; import {Autowired} from "./context/context"; import {IRowModel} from "./interfaces/iRowModel"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "./gridOptionsWrapper"; import {PostConstruct} from "./context/context"; import {Constants} from "./constants"; import {ClientSideRowModel} from "./rowModels/clientSide/clientSideRowModel"; import {ColumnApi} from "./columnController/columnApi"; import {GridApi} from "./gridApi"; @Bean('selectionController') export class SelectionController { @Autowired('eventService') private eventService: EventService; @Autowired('rowModel') private rowModel: IRowModel; @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('columnApi') private columnApi: ColumnApi; @Autowired('gridApi') private gridApi: GridApi; private selectedNodes: {[key: string]: RowNode}; private logger: Logger; // used for shift selection, so we know where to start the range selection from private lastSelectedNode: RowNode; private groupSelectsChildren: boolean; private setBeans(@Qualifier('loggerFactory') loggerFactory: LoggerFactory) { this.logger = loggerFactory.create('SelectionController'); this.reset(); if (this.gridOptionsWrapper.isRowModelDefault()) { this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_ROW_DATA_CHANGED, this.reset.bind(this)); } else { this.logger.log('dont know what to do here'); } } @PostConstruct public init(): void { this.groupSelectsChildren = this.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupSelectsChildren(); this.eventService.addEventListener(Events.EVENT_ROW_SELECTED, this.onRowSelected.bind(this)); } public setLastSelectedNode(rowNode: RowNode): void { this.lastSelectedNode = rowNode; } public getLastSelectedNode(): RowNode { return this.lastSelectedNode; } public getSelectedNodes() { let selectedNodes: RowNode[] = []; _.iterateObject(this.selectedNodes, (key: string, rowNode: RowNode) => { if (rowNode) { selectedNodes.push(rowNode); } }); return selectedNodes; } public getSelectedRows() { let selectedRows: any[] = []; _.iterateObject(this.selectedNodes, (key: string, rowNode: RowNode) => { if (rowNode && { selectedRows.push(; } }); return selectedRows; } public removeGroupsFromSelection(): void { _.iterateObject(this.selectedNodes, (key: string, rowNode: RowNode) => { if (rowNode && { this.selectedNodes[] = undefined; } }); } // should only be called if groupSelectsChildren=true public updateGroupsFromChildrenSelections(): void { // we only do this when group selection state depends on selected children if (!this.gridOptionsWrapper.isGroupSelectsChildren()) { return; } // also only do it if CSRM (code should never allow this anyway) if (this.rowModel.getType()!==Constants.ROW_MODEL_TYPE_CLIENT_SIDE) { return; } let clientSideRowModel = this.rowModel; clientSideRowModel.getTopLevelNodes().forEach( (rowNode: RowNode) => { rowNode.depthFirstSearch( (rowNode)=> { if ( { rowNode.calculateSelectedFromChildren(); } }); }); } public getNodeForIdIfSelected(id: number): RowNode { return this.selectedNodes[id]; } public clearOtherNodes(rowNodeToKeepSelected: RowNode): number { let groupsToRefresh: any = {}; let updatedCount = 0; _.iterateObject(this.selectedNodes, (key: string, otherRowNode: RowNode)=> { if (otherRowNode && !== { let rowNode = this.selectedNodes[]; updatedCount += rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: false, clearSelection: false, suppressFinishActions: true}); if (this.groupSelectsChildren && otherRowNode.parent) { groupsToRefresh[] = otherRowNode.parent; } } }); _.iterateObject(groupsToRefresh, (key: string, group: RowNode) => { group.calculateSelectedFromChildren(); }); return updatedCount; } private onRowSelected(event: any): void { let rowNode = event.node; // we do not store the group rows when the groups select children if (this.groupSelectsChildren && { return; } if (rowNode.isSelected()) { this.selectedNodes[] = rowNode; } else { this.selectedNodes[] = undefined; } } public syncInRowNode(rowNode: RowNode, oldNode: RowNode): void { this.syncInOldRowNode(rowNode, oldNode); this.syncInNewRowNode(rowNode); } // if the id has changed for the node, then this means the rowNode // is getting used for a different data item, which breaks // our selectedNodes, as the node now is mapped by the old id // which is inconsistent. so to keep the old node as selected, // we swap in the clone (with the old id and old data). this means // the oldNode is effectively a daemon we keep a reference to, // so if client calls api.getSelectedNodes(), it gets the daemon // in the result. when the client un-selects, the reference to the // daemon is removed. the daemon, because it's an oldNode, is not // used by the grid for rendering, it's a copy of what the node used // to be like before the id was changed. private syncInOldRowNode(rowNode: RowNode, oldNode: RowNode): void { let oldNodeHasDifferentId = _.exists(oldNode) && ( !==; if (oldNodeHasDifferentId) { let oldNodeSelected = _.exists(this.selectedNodes[]); if (oldNodeSelected) { this.selectedNodes[] = oldNode; } } } private syncInNewRowNode(rowNode: RowNode): void { if (_.exists(this.selectedNodes[])) { rowNode.setSelectedInitialValue(true); this.selectedNodes[] = rowNode; } else { rowNode.setSelectedInitialValue(false); } } public reset(): void { this.logger.log('reset'); this.selectedNodes = {}; this.lastSelectedNode = null; } // returns a list of all nodes at 'best cost' - a feature to be used // with groups / trees. if a group has all it's children selected, // then the group appears in the result, but not the children. // Designed for use with 'children' as the group selection type, // where groups don't actually appear in the selection normally. public getBestCostNodeSelection() { if (this.rowModel.getType()!==Constants.ROW_MODEL_TYPE_CLIENT_SIDE) { console.warn('getBestCostNodeSelection is only avilable when using normal row model'); } let clientSideRowModel = this.rowModel; let topLevelNodes = clientSideRowModel.getTopLevelNodes(); if (topLevelNodes===null) { console.warn('selectAll not available doing rowModel=virtual'); return; } let result: any = []; // recursive function, to find the selected nodes function traverse(nodes: any) { for (let i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) { let node = nodes[i]; if (node.isSelected()) { result.push(node); } else { // if not selected, then if it's a group, and the group // has children, continue to search for selections if ( && node.children) { traverse(node.children); } } } } traverse(topLevelNodes); return result; } public setRowModel(rowModel: any) { this.rowModel = rowModel; } public isEmpty(): boolean { let count = 0; _.iterateObject(this.selectedNodes, (nodeId: string, rowNode: RowNode) => { if (rowNode) { count++; } }); return count === 0; } public deselectAllRowNodes(justFiltered = false) { let callback = (rowNode: RowNode) => rowNode.selectThisNode(false); let rowModelClientSide = this.rowModel.getType() === Constants.ROW_MODEL_TYPE_CLIENT_SIDE; if (justFiltered) { if (!rowModelClientSide) { console.error('ag-Grid: selecting just filtered only works with In Memory Row Model'); return; } let clientSideRowModel = this.rowModel; clientSideRowModel.forEachNodeAfterFilter(callback); } else { _.iterateObject(this.selectedNodes, (id: string, rowNode: RowNode) => { // remember the reference can be to null, as we never 'delete' from the map if (rowNode) { callback(rowNode); } }); // this clears down the map (whereas above only sets the items in map to 'undefined') this.reset(); } // the above does not clean up the parent rows if they are selected if (rowModelClientSide && this.groupSelectsChildren) { this.updateGroupsFromChildrenSelections(); } let event: SelectionChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, api: this.gridApi, columnApi: this.columnApi }; this.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } public selectAllRowNodes(justFiltered = false) { if (this.rowModel.getType()!==Constants.ROW_MODEL_TYPE_CLIENT_SIDE) { throw `selectAll only available with normal row model, ie not ${this.rowModel.getType()}`; } let clientSideRowModel = this.rowModel; let callback = (rowNode: RowNode) => rowNode.selectThisNode(true); if (justFiltered) { clientSideRowModel.forEachNodeAfterFilter(callback); } else { clientSideRowModel.forEachNode(callback); } // the above does not clean up the parent rows if they are selected if (this.rowModel.getType()===Constants.ROW_MODEL_TYPE_CLIENT_SIDE && this.groupSelectsChildren) { this.updateGroupsFromChildrenSelections(); } let event: SelectionChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_SELECTION_CHANGED, api: this.gridApi, columnApi: this.columnApi }; this.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } // Deprecated method public selectNode(rowNode: RowNode, tryMulti: boolean) { rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: true, clearSelection: !tryMulti}); } // Deprecated method public deselectIndex(rowIndex: number) { let node = this.rowModel.getRow(rowIndex); this.deselectNode(node); } // Deprecated method public deselectNode(rowNode: RowNode) { rowNode.setSelectedParams({newValue: false, clearSelection: false}); } // Deprecated method public selectIndex(index: any, tryMulti: boolean) { let node = this.rowModel.getRow(index); this.selectNode(node, tryMulti); } }