import {Column} from "./entities/column"; import {Autowired} from "./context/context"; import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "./gridOptionsWrapper"; import {ColumnApi} from "./columnController/columnApi"; import {ColumnController} from "./columnController/columnController"; import {EventService} from "./eventService"; import {ColumnEventType, Events, SortChangedEvent} from "./events"; import {Bean} from "./context/context"; import {Utils as _} from './utils'; import {GridApi} from "./gridApi"; @Bean('sortController') export class SortController { private static DEFAULT_SORTING_ORDER = [Column.SORT_ASC, Column.SORT_DESC, null]; @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; @Autowired('eventService') private eventService: EventService; @Autowired('columnApi') private columnApi: ColumnApi; @Autowired('gridApi') private gridApi: GridApi; public progressSort(column: Column, multiSort: boolean, source: ColumnEventType = "api"): void { let nextDirection = this.getNextSortDirection(column); this.setSortForColumn(column, nextDirection, multiSort, source); } public setSortForColumn(column: Column, sort: string, multiSort: boolean, source: ColumnEventType = "api"): void { // auto correct - if sort not legal value, then set it to 'no sort' (which is null) if (sort!==Column.SORT_ASC && sort!==Column.SORT_DESC) { sort = null; } // update sort on current col column.setSort(sort, source); // sortedAt used for knowing order of cols when multi-col sort if (column.getSort()) { let sortedAt = Number(new Date().valueOf()); column.setSortedAt(sortedAt); } else { column.setSortedAt(null); } let doingMultiSort = multiSort && !this.gridOptionsWrapper.isSuppressMultiSort(); // clear sort on all columns except this one, and update the icons if (!doingMultiSort) { this.clearSortBarThisColumn(column, source); } this.dispatchSortChangedEvents(); } // gets called by API, so if data changes, use can call this, which will end up // working out the sort order again of the rows. public onSortChanged(): void { this.dispatchSortChangedEvents(); } private dispatchSortChangedEvents(): void { let event: SortChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_SORT_CHANGED, api: this.gridApi, columnApi: this.columnApi }; this.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } private clearSortBarThisColumn(columnToSkip: Column, source: ColumnEventType): void { this.columnController.getPrimaryAndSecondaryAndAutoColumns().forEach( (columnToClear: Column)=> { // Do not clear if either holding shift, or if column in question was clicked if (!(columnToClear === columnToSkip)) { // setting to 'undefined' as null means 'none' rather than cleared, otherwise issue will arise // if sort order is: ['desc', null , 'asc'], as it will start at null rather than 'desc'. columnToClear.setSort(undefined, source); } }); } private getNextSortDirection(column: Column): string { let sortingOrder: string[]; if (column.getColDef().sortingOrder) { sortingOrder = column.getColDef().sortingOrder; } else if (this.gridOptionsWrapper.getSortingOrder()) { sortingOrder = this.gridOptionsWrapper.getSortingOrder(); } else { sortingOrder = SortController.DEFAULT_SORTING_ORDER; } if ( !Array.isArray(sortingOrder) || sortingOrder.length <= 0) { console.warn('ag-grid: sortingOrder must be an array with at least one element, currently it\'s ' + sortingOrder); return; } let currentIndex = sortingOrder.indexOf(column.getSort()); let notInArray = currentIndex < 0; let lastItemInArray = currentIndex == sortingOrder.length - 1; let result: string; if (notInArray || lastItemInArray) { result = sortingOrder[0]; } else { result = sortingOrder[currentIndex + 1]; } // verify the sort type exists, as the user could provide the sortingOrder, need to make sure it's valid if (SortController.DEFAULT_SORTING_ORDER.indexOf(result) < 0) { console.warn('ag-grid: invalid sort type ' + result); return null; } return result; } // used by the public api, for saving the sort model public getSortModel() { let columnsWithSorting = this.getColumnsWithSortingOrdered(); return, (column: Column) => { return { colId: column.getColId(), sort: column.getSort() } }); } public setSortModel(sortModel: any, source: ColumnEventType = "api") { if (!this.gridOptionsWrapper.isEnableSorting()) { console.warn('ag-grid: You are setting the sort model on a grid that does not have sorting enabled'); return; } // first up, clear any previous sort let sortModelProvided = sortModel && sortModel.length > 0; let allColumnsIncludingAuto = this.columnController.getPrimaryAndSecondaryAndAutoColumns(); allColumnsIncludingAuto.forEach( (column: Column)=> { let sortForCol: any = null; let sortedAt = -1; if (sortModelProvided && !column.getColDef().suppressSorting) { for (let j = 0; j < sortModel.length; j++) { let sortModelEntry = sortModel[j]; if (typeof sortModelEntry.colId === 'string' && typeof column.getColId() === 'string' && this.compareColIds(sortModelEntry, column)) { sortForCol = sortModelEntry.sort; sortedAt = j; } } } if (sortForCol) { column.setSort(sortForCol, source); column.setSortedAt(sortedAt); } else { column.setSort(null, source); column.setSortedAt(null); } }); this.dispatchSortChangedEvents(); } private compareColIds(sortModelEntry: any, column: Column) { return sortModelEntry.colId === column.getColId(); } public getColumnsWithSortingOrdered(): Column[] { // pull out all the columns that have sorting set let allColumnsIncludingAuto = this.columnController.getPrimaryAndSecondaryAndAutoColumns(); let columnsWithSorting = _.filter(allColumnsIncludingAuto, (column:Column) => { return !!column.getSort();} ); // put the columns in order of which one got sorted first columnsWithSorting.sort( (a: any, b: any) => { return a.sortedAt - b.sortedAt} ); return columnsWithSorting; } // used by row controller, when doing the sorting public getSortForRowController(): any[] { let columnsWithSorting = this.getColumnsWithSortingOrdered(); return, (column: Column) => { let ascending = column.getSort() === Column.SORT_ASC; return { inverter: ascending ? 1 : -1, column: column } }); } }