import {GridOptionsWrapper} from "../gridOptionsWrapper"; import {ExpressionService} from "./expressionService"; import {ColumnController} from "../columnController/columnController"; import {NewValueParams, ValueGetterParams} from "../entities/colDef"; import {Autowired, Bean, PostConstruct} from "../context/context"; import {RowNode} from "../entities/rowNode"; import {Column} from "../entities/column"; import {_} from "../utils"; import {CellValueChangedEvent, Events} from "../events"; import {EventService} from "../eventService"; import {ValueCache} from "./valueCache"; @Bean('valueService') export class ValueService { @Autowired('gridOptionsWrapper') private gridOptionsWrapper: GridOptionsWrapper; @Autowired('expressionService') private expressionService: ExpressionService; @Autowired('columnController') private columnController: ColumnController; @Autowired('eventService') private eventService: EventService; @Autowired('valueCache') private valueCache: ValueCache; private cellExpressions: boolean; private initialised = false; @PostConstruct public init(): void { this.cellExpressions = this.gridOptionsWrapper.isEnableCellExpressions(); this.initialised = true; } public getValue(column: Column, rowNode: RowNode, forFilter = false, ignoreAggData = false): any { // console.log(`turnActive = ${this.turnActive}`); // hack - the grid is getting refreshed before this bean gets initialised, race condition. // really should have a way so they get initialised in the right order??? if (!this.initialised) { this.init(); } // pull these out to make code below easier to read let colDef = column.getColDef(); let field = colDef.field; let colId = column.getId(); let data =; let result: any; // if there is a value getter, this gets precedence over a field let groupDataExists = rowNode.groupData && rowNode.groupData[colId] !== undefined; let aggDataExists = !ignoreAggData && rowNode.aggData && rowNode.aggData[colId] !== undefined; if (forFilter && colDef.filterValueGetter) { result = this.executeValueGetter(colDef.filterValueGetter, data, column, rowNode); } else if (groupDataExists) { result = rowNode.groupData[colId]; } else if (aggDataExists) { result = rowNode.aggData[colId]; } else if (colDef.valueGetter) { result = this.executeValueGetter(colDef.valueGetter, data, column, rowNode); } else if (field && data) { result = _.getValueUsingField(data, field, column.isFieldContainsDots()); } else { result = undefined; } // the result could be an expression itself, if we are allowing cell values to be expressions if (this.cellExpressions && (typeof result === 'string') && result.indexOf('=') === 0) { let cellValueGetter = result.substring(1); result = this.executeValueGetter(cellValueGetter, data, column, rowNode); } return result; } public setValue(rowNode: RowNode, colKey: string|Column, newValue: any): void { let column = this.columnController.getPrimaryColumn(colKey); if (!rowNode || !column) { return; } // this will only happen if user is trying to paste into a group row, which doesn't make sense // the user should not be trying to paste into group rows let data =; if (_.missing(data)) { = {}; } // for backwards compatibility we are also retrieving the newValueHandler as well as the valueSetter let {field, newValueHandler, valueSetter} = column.getColDef(); // need either a field or a newValueHandler for this to work if (_.missing(field) && _.missing(newValueHandler) && _.missing(valueSetter)) { // we don't tell user about newValueHandler, as that is deprecated console.warn(`ag-Grid: you need either field or valueSetter set on colDef for editing to work`); return; } let params: NewValueParams = { node: rowNode, data:, oldValue: this.getValue(column, rowNode), newValue: newValue, colDef: column.getColDef(), column: column, api: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), columnApi: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(), context: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext() }; params.newValue = newValue; let valueWasDifferent: boolean; if (_.exists(newValueHandler)) { valueWasDifferent = newValueHandler(params); } else if (_.exists(valueSetter)) { valueWasDifferent = this.expressionService.evaluate(valueSetter, params); } else { valueWasDifferent = this.setValueUsingField(data, field, newValue, column.isFieldContainsDots()); } // in case user forgot to return something (possible if they are not using TypeScript // and just forgot, or using an old newValueHandler we didn't always expect a return // value here), we default the return value to true, so we always refresh. if (valueWasDifferent === undefined) { valueWasDifferent = true; } // if no change to the value, then no need to do the updating, or notifying via events. // otherwise the user could be tabbing around the grid, and cellValueChange would get called // all the time. if (!valueWasDifferent) { return; } // reset quick filter on this row rowNode.resetQuickFilterAggregateText(); this.valueCache.onDataChanged(); params.newValue = this.getValue(column, rowNode); if (typeof column.getColDef().onCellValueChanged === 'function') { // to make callback async, do in a timeout setTimeout( ()=> column.getColDef().onCellValueChanged(params), 0); } let event: CellValueChangedEvent = { type: Events.EVENT_CELL_VALUE_CHANGED, event: null, rowIndex: rowNode.rowIndex, rowPinned: rowNode.rowPinned, column: params.column, api: params.api, colDef: params.colDef, columnApi: params.columnApi, context: params.context, data:, node: rowNode, oldValue: params.oldValue, newValue: params.newValue, value: params.newValue }; this.eventService.dispatchEvent(event); } private setValueUsingField(data: any, field: string, newValue: any, isFieldContainsDots: boolean): boolean { // if no '.', then it's not a deep value let valuesAreSame: boolean; if (!isFieldContainsDots) { data[field] = newValue; } else { // otherwise it is a deep value, so need to dig for it let fieldPieces = field.split('.'); let currentObject = data; while (fieldPieces.length > 0 && currentObject) { let fieldPiece = fieldPieces.shift(); if (fieldPieces.length === 0) { currentObject[fieldPiece] = newValue; } else { currentObject = currentObject[fieldPiece]; } } } return !valuesAreSame; } private executeValueGetter(filterValueGetter: string | Function, data: any, column: Column, rowNode: RowNode): any { let colId = column.getId(); // if inside the same turn, just return back the value we got last time let valueFromCache = this.valueCache.getValue(rowNode, colId); if (valueFromCache!==undefined) { return valueFromCache; } let params: ValueGetterParams = { data: data, node: rowNode, column: column, colDef: column.getColDef(), api: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getApi(), columnApi: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getColumnApi(), context: this.gridOptionsWrapper.getContext(), getValue: this.getValueCallback.bind(this, rowNode) }; let result = this.expressionService.evaluate(filterValueGetter, params); // if a turn is active, store the value in case the grid asks for it again this.valueCache.setValue(rowNode, colId, result); return result; } private getValueCallback(node: RowNode, field: string): any { let otherColumn = this.columnController.getPrimaryColumn(field); if (otherColumn) { return this.getValue(otherColumn, node); } else { return null; } } // used by row grouping and pivot, to get key for a row. col can be a pivot col or a row grouping col public getKeyForNode(col: Column, rowNode: RowNode): any { let value = this.getValue(col, rowNode); let result: any; let keyCreator = col.getColDef().keyCreator; if (keyCreator) { result = keyCreator({value: value}); } else { result = value; } // if already a string, or missing, just return it if (typeof result === 'string' || result===null || result===undefined) { return result; } result = String(result); if (result==='[object Object]') { _.doOnce( ()=> { console.warn('ag-Grid: a column you are grouping or pivoting by has objects as values. If you want to group by complex objects then either a) use a colDef.keyCreator (se ag-Grid docs) or b) to toString() on the object to return a key'); }, 'getKeyForNode - warn about [object,object]'); } return result; } }