import { ICommand } from '../Interfaces/ICommand'; import { Message, Collection } from 'discord.js'; import { Commands } from '../Database/Models/Commands'; import { IContext } from '../Interfaces/IContext'; import { ICommandArgument } from '../Interfaces/ICommandArgument'; /** * @module Command * @preferred */ export abstract class Command implements ICommand { public AllowedGuilds: string[]; public Data: any; public Blurb: string; public BotContext: IContext; public CooldownRate: number; public LastRun: number; public Arguments: ICommandArgument[]; public Parametrized: boolean; public Disabled: boolean; public Type: string; public Lockdown: boolean; private Modified: boolean; public constructor( public AllowedChannels: string[], public AllowedRoles: string[], public AllowedUsers: string[], public RequiresDatabase = false ) { this.Modified = false; } public get LocalData() { return this.Data[this.Name()]; } public set LocalData(value: any) { this.Data[this.Name()] = value; } public get HasLocalData(): boolean { return !!this.Data[this.Name()]; } abstract Run(message: Message, args?: any): Promise; public Name(): string { return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.NAME; } public Namespace(): string { return Object.getPrototypeOf(this).constructor.NAMESPACE; } private HasLocalField(name: string): boolean { return this.HasLocalData && !!this.LocalData[name]; } protected ValidateChannel(channelId: string): boolean { const AllowedChannels = this.GetValidationPermission('Channel'); return AllowedChannels.length === 0 || AllowedChannels.includes(channelId); } protected ValidateRoles(roles: Collection): boolean { const AllowedRoles = this.GetValidationPermission('Role'); return AllowedRoles.length === 0 || roles.find((role) => AllowedRoles.includes(; } protected ValidateUsers(user: string): boolean { const AllowedUsers = this.GetValidationPermission('User'); return AllowedUsers.length === 0 || AllowedUsers.includes(user); } private GetValidationPermission(type: string): any { const key = `Allowed${type}s`; if (this.HasLocalData) { return [ ...this[key], ...(this.LocalData[key] || []) ]; } else { return this[key]; } } public ModifyPermissions(type: string, action: string, key: string, local = false) { const permissionKey = `Allowed${type}s`; if (!local) { if (action === 'add') { this[permissionKey].push(key); } else if (this[permissionKey]) { this[permissionKey] = this[permissionKey].filter((entry) => key === entry); } } else if (this.HasLocalField(permissionKey)) { if (action === 'add') { this.LocalData[permissionKey].push(key); } else if (this.LocalData[permissionKey]) { this.LocalData[permissionKey] = this.LocalData[permissionKey].filter( (entry) => key === entry ); } } else { this.LocalData[permissionKey] = [ key ]; } this.Modified = true; } public AddAllowedChannel(channelId: string, local = true): void { return this.ModifyPermissions('Channel', 'add', channelId, local); } public AddAllowedRole(roleId: string, local = true): void { return this.ModifyPermissions('Role', 'add', roleId, local); } public AddAllowedUser(user: string, local = true): void { return this.ModifyPermissions('User', 'add', user, local); } public Call(message: Message, isOwner: boolean): Promise { if (!isOwner) { if ( this.AllowedGuilds && this.AllowedGuilds.length > 0 && !this.AllowedGuilds.includes( ) { console.warn( '[Failed Guild Permission]', message.member.displayName,, message.content ); } if ( !this.ValidateRoles(message.member.roles) || !this.ValidateChannel( ) { console.warn( '[Failed Permission]', message.member.displayName,, message.content ); `[Permission Failure] I'm afraid I can't let you do that, ${message.member .displayName}` ); return Promise.resolve(''); } const isOnCooldown = this.CheckCooldown(); if (isOnCooldown) { '[Rate Warning] This command is still on cooldown, please wait.' ); } } return this.Run(message, { ...this.GetArguments(message), ...this.ContextInjection() }).then(() => this.Save()); } /** * Returns false if command is on cooldown */ public CheckCooldown(): boolean { if (this.CooldownRate && this.CooldownRate !== 0) { const timestamp = new Date().getTime(); if (!this.LastRun || timestamp - this.LastRun >= this.CooldownRate) { this.LastRun = timestamp; return false; } return true; } return false; } // @ts-ignore public ContextInjection(context?: any) { return {}; } public GetArguments(message: Message): any { const args = this.Arguments; if (!args || args.length === 0) { return null; } if (this.Parametrized === true) { return this.GetParameterizedArguments(message.content); } else { return this.GetGenericArguments(message.content); } } private GetParameterizedArguments(content: string) { const parts = content.replace(/\u2014/g, '--').split('--').slice(1); const results = {}; const values = {}; const args = this.Arguments; parts.forEach((part) => { const words = part.split(' '); if (words[0].indexOf('=') >= 0) { const keys = words[0].split('='); if (words.length === 1) { values[keys[0]] = keys[1]; } else { const key = keys[0]; const value = [ keys[1], ...words.slice(1) ]; values[key] = value.join(' ').trim(); } } else { values[words[0]] = words.slice(1).join(' ').trim() || true; } }); args.forEach((argument: ICommandArgument) => { if (values[]) { results[] = values[]; } if (argument.alias && values[argument.alias]) { results[] = values[argument.alias]; } }); return results; } private GetGenericArguments(content: string) { const parts = content.split(' ').slice(1); const args = this.Arguments; const results = { args: [] }; args.forEach((argument: ICommandArgument, index: number) => { if (parts[index]) { results[] = parts[index].trim(); } }); return results; } public RemoveAllowedChannel(channelId: string, local = true): void { return this.ModifyPermissions('Channel', 'remove', channelId, local); } public RemoveAllowedRole(roleId: string, local = true): void { return this.ModifyPermissions('Role', 'remove', roleId, local); } public RemoveAllowedUsers(user: string, local = true): void { return this.ModifyPermissions('User', 'remove', user, local); } public async Save(force?: boolean): Promise { if (this.RequiresDatabase === false) { return Promise.resolve(); } let command = await Commands.findOne({ Namespace: this.Namespace() }); if (!command) { command = new Commands({ Namespace: this.Namespace(), AllowedChannels: [], AllowedRoles: [], AllowedUsers: [], AllowedGuilds: [], Data: {} }); } if (this.Modified || force === true) { // Overall all data for this command command.Data[this.Name()] = { AllowedChannels: this.AllowedChannels, AllowedRoles: this.AllowedRoles, AllowedUsers: this.AllowedUsers, AllowedGuilds: this.AllowedGuilds, Type: this.Type, Data: (this.Data[this.Name()] || { data: {} }).Data || {} }; } // If namespace === name then this is the parent and should be synced as such if (this.Namespace() === this.Name()) { command.AllowedChannels = this.AllowedChannels; command.AllowedRoles = this.AllowedRoles; command.AllowedUsers = this.AllowedUsers; command.AllowedGuilds = this.AllowedGuilds; } return; } public Validate(message: Message): boolean { let hasPermission = true; if ( this.AllowedGuilds && this.AllowedGuilds.length > 0 && !this.AllowedGuilds.includes( ) { hasPermission = false; } if ( !this.ValidateRoles(message.member.roles) || !this.ValidateChannel( ) { hasPermission = false; } if (this.Lockdown === true) { if ( (!this.AllowedRoles || this.AllowedRoles.length === 0) && !== this.BotContext.Owner ) { hasPermission = false; } } return hasPermission; } }