import { extname, sep } from "path"; import { watch, FSWatcher } from "chokidar"; import startsWith = require("lodash/startsWith"); import { RpcOptions, RpcChannel } from './rpc/channel'; import { RpcClient, ClientOptions } from "./rpc/client"; import { RpcServer } from "./rpc/server"; import { ModuleProxyBase } from "./proxy"; import * as util from './util'; export { ModuleProxyBase, RpcOptions, RpcChannel, RpcServer, RpcClient, ClientOptions, FSWatcher, util }; // Auto-Load And Remote. declare global { type FunctionPropertyNames = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? K : never }[keyof T]; type NonFunctionPropertyNames = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] extends Function ? never : K }[keyof T]; type FunctionProperties = Pick>; type NonFunctionProperties = Pick>; type Voidable = { [K in keyof T]: T[K] | void } interface ModuleConstructor { new(...args: any[]): T; getInstance?(): T; } interface ModuleProxy { /** The name (with namespace) of the module. */ readonly name: string; /** The path (without extension) of the module. */ readonly path: string; /** The very exports object of the module. */ readonly exports: any; /** The very prototype of the module. */ readonly proto: T; /** The very class constructor of the module. */ readonly ctor: ModuleConstructor; /** Creates a new instance of the module. */ create(): T; create(arg1: A1): T; create(arg1: A1, arg2: A2): T; create(arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3): T; create(arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4): T; create(arg1: A1, arg2: A2, arg3: A3, arg4: A4, arg5: A5): T; /** * Gets the local singleton or a remote instance of the module, if * connected to one or more remote instances, the module proxy will * automatically calculate the `route` and direct the traffic to the * corresponding remote instance. */ instance(local: symbol): T; instance(route?: any): FunctionProperties & Voidable>>; /** * If the module is registered as remote service, however when no RPC * channel is available, by default, `instance()` will fail to the local * instance, using this method to disable the default behavior. */ noLocal(): this; /** * Allowing the current module to be injected as a dependency bound to a * property of another class instance. */ inject(route?: any): PropertyDecorator; } } export interface ModuleLoader { [x: string]: any; /** * Extension name of the module file, by default, it's `.js` (or `.ts` in * ts-node). */ extension: string | string[], /** Loads module from the given file or cache. */ load(filename: string): any; /** Unloads the module in cache if the file is modified. */ unload(filename: string): void; } export class ModuleProxy extends ModuleProxyBase { /** * If passed to the `ModuleProxy.instance()`, the method will always * return the local instance. */ local = util.local; get exports() { return {}; } /** Serves an RPC service according to the given configuration. */ serve(config: string | RpcOptions): Promise { return new RpcServer(config).open(); } /** Connects an RPC service according to the given configuration. */ connect(config: string | ClientOptions): Promise { return new RpcClient(config).open(); } /** Resolves the given path to a module name. */ resolve(path: string): string { let dir = this.path + sep; if (startsWith(path, dir)) { let modPath = path.slice(dir.length), ext = extname(modPath); if (Array.isArray(this.loader.extension)) { if (this.loader.extension.includes(ext)) { modPath = modPath.slice(0, -ext.length); } else { return; } } else if (ext === this.loader.extension) { modPath = modPath.slice(0, -ext.length); } else if (ext) { return; } return + "." + modPath.replace(/\\|\//g, "."); } else { return; } } /** Watches file change and reload the corresponding module. */ watch(listener?: (event: "change" | "unlink", filename: string) => void) { let { path } = this; let clearCache = (event: string, filename: string, cb: Function) => { let name = this.resolve(filename); if (name) { delete this.singletons[name]; this.loader.unload(filename); cb && cb(event, filename); } }; return watch(path, { awaitWriteFinish: true, followSymlinks: false, ignored: /\.(js\.map|d\.ts)$/ }).on("change", (filename) => { clearCache("change", filename, listener); }).on("unlink", (filename) => { clearCache("unlink", filename, listener); }).on("unlinkDir", dirname => { dirname = dirname + sep; for (let filename in require.cache) { if (startsWith(filename, dirname)) { clearCache("unlink", filename, listener); } } }); } /** Sets a custom loader to resolve the module. */ setLoader(loader: ModuleLoader) { this.loader = loader; } } export default ModuleProxy;