import { sep, dirname, basename, extname } from "path"; import { applyMagic } from "js-magic"; import { ModuleLoader } from './index'; import { Injectable } from "./di"; import { readdirSync } from 'fs'; import cloneDeep = require("lodash/cloneDeep"); import merge = require("lodash/merge"); import values = require("lodash/values"); import typeOf from "@hyurl/utils/typeOf"; import { local, set, dict, patchProperties, getInstance, throwUnavailableError, readyState, proxyRoot, evalRouteId } from './util'; import { ModuleProxy as ModuleProxyRoot } from "."; const fallbackToLocal = Symbol("fallbackToLocal"); const cmd = process.execArgv.concat(process.argv).join(" "); const isTsNode = cmd.includes("ts-node"); export const defaultLoader: ModuleLoader = { extension: isTsNode ? ".ts" : ".js", cache: require.cache, load: require, unload(filename) { delete this.cache[filename]; } } /** * Creates a module proxy manually. */ export function createModuleProxy( name: string, path: string, loader = defaultLoader, singletons = dict(), root: ModuleProxyRoot = void 0 ): ModuleProxy { let proxy: ModuleProxy = function (...args: any[]) { if (! { return proxy.instance(args[0]); } else { return proxy.create(...args); } }; (!loader && root) && (loader = root["loader"]); (!singletons && root) && (singletons = root["singletons"]); Object.setPrototypeOf(proxy, ModuleProxy.prototype); set(proxy, "name", name); patchProperties(proxy, path, loader, singletons); proxy[fallbackToLocal] = true; proxy[proxyRoot] = root; proxy[Symbol.toStringTag] = "ModuleProxy"; proxy[Symbol.hasInstance] = function ModuleProxy(ins: any) { return ins instanceof proxy.ctor; }; return applyMagic(proxy, true); } @applyMagic export abstract class ModuleProxy extends Injectable { abstract readonly name: string; readonly path: string; readonly loader: ModuleLoader; protected children: { [name: string]: ModuleProxy }; protected singletons: { [name: string]: any }; protected remoteSingletons: { [serverId: string]: any }; get exports(): any { if (typeof this.loader.extension === "string") { return this.loader.load(this.path + this.loader.extension); } else { let dir = dirname(this.path); let name = basename(this.path); let files = readdirSync(dir); for (let file of files) { let ext = extname(file); let _name = basename(file, ext); if (_name === name && this.loader.extension.includes(ext)) { return this.loader.load(this.path + ext); } } throw new Error(`Cannot find module '${this.path}'`); } } get proto(): any { let { exports } = this; if (typeof exports === "object") { if (typeof exports.default === "object") { return exports.default; } else if (typeOf(exports.default) === "class") { return exports.default.prototype; } return exports; } else if (typeOf(exports) === "class") { return exports.prototype; } else { return null; } } get ctor(): new (...args: any[]) => any { let { exports } = this; if (typeof exports === "object" && typeOf(exports.default) === "class") { return exports.default; } else if (typeOf(exports) === "class") { return exports; } else { return null; } } create(...args: any[]): any { if (this.ctor) { return new this.ctor(...args); } else if (this.proto) { return merge(cloneDeep(this.proto), args[0]); } else { throw new TypeError(`${} is not a valid module`); } } instance(route: any = local): any { if (route === local) { return this.singletons[] || ( this.singletons[] = getInstance(this) ); } // If the route matches the any key of the remoteSingletons, return the // corresponding singleton as wanted. if (typeof route === "string" && this.remoteSingletons[route]) { return this.remoteSingletons[route]; } let singletons = values(this.remoteSingletons); if (singletons.length > 0) { // If the module is connected to one or more remote instances, // redirect traffic to one of them automatically. let id = evalRouteId(route); let availableSingletons = singletons.filter(item => { return item[readyState] === 2; }); if (availableSingletons.length > 0) { return availableSingletons[id % availableSingletons.length]; } else { return singletons[id % singletons.length]; } } else { throwUnavailableError(; } } fallbackToLocal(): boolean; fallbackToLocal(enable: boolean): this; fallbackToLocal(enable: boolean = void 0): this | boolean { if (enable === void 0) { return this[fallbackToLocal]; } else { this[fallbackToLocal] = Boolean(enable); return this; } } /** @deprecated */ noLocal(): this { return this.fallbackToLocal(false); } protected __get(prop: string) { if (prop in this) { return this[prop]; } else if (prop in this.children) { return this.children[prop]; } else if (typeof prop != "symbol") { return this.children[prop] = createModuleProxy( + "." + String(prop), this.path + sep + String(prop), this.loader, this.singletons, this[proxyRoot] || this ); } } protected __has(prop: string) { return (prop in this) || (prop in this.children); } toString() { return; } toJSON() { return; } }