import * as os from "os"; import * as path from "path"; import startsWith = require("lodash/startsWith"); import { ModuleProxy as ModuleProxyBase } from "./proxy"; import { BSP } from "bsp"; import { clone, declone } from "@hyurl/structured-clone"; import isOwnKey from "@hyurl/utils/isOwnKey"; import { ModuleLoader } from './header'; const WinPipe = "\\\\?\\pipe\\"; export const local = Symbol("local"); export const proxyRoot = Symbol("proxyRoot"); /** * - 0: not ready (default) * - 1: initiating * - 2: ready * - 3: destroying */ export const readyState = Symbol("readyState"); export function absPath(filename: string, withPipe?: boolean): string { // resolve path to be absolute if (!path.isAbsolute(filename)) { filename = path.resolve(process.cwd(), filename); } if (withPipe && os.platform() == "win32" && !startsWith(filename, WinPipe)) { filename = WinPipe + filename; } return filename; } export function set( target: any, prop: any, value: any, writable = false, enumerable = false ) { Object.defineProperty(target, prop, { configurable: true, enumerable, writable, value }); } export function getInstance(mod: ModuleProxy, forRemote = false) { let ins: any; let { ctor } = mod; if (ctor) { if (!forRemote) { if (typeof ctor.getInstance === "function") { ins = ctor.getInstance(); } else { ins = mod.create(); } } else { // Create instance without instantiating, used for remote instance. ins = Object.create(ctor.prototype); } } else { ins = mod.proto; } return ins; } export function mergeFnProperties(fn: Function, origin: Function) { set(fn, "proxified", true); set(fn, "name",; set(fn, "length", origin.length); set(fn, "toString", function toString() { return "[ModuleProxy] " +; }, true); return fn; } export function createRemoteInstance( mod: ModuleProxy, fnCreator: (prop: string) => Function ) { // Generate a proxified singleton instance to the module, so that it can // be used for remote requests. the remote instance should only return // methods. return new Proxy(getInstance(mod, true), { get: (ins, prop: string | symbol) => { if (typeof prop === "symbol") { return ins[prop]; } let type = typeof ins[prop]; let isFn = type === "function"; if (isFn && !ins[prop]["proxified"] && !isOwnKey(ins, prop)) { set( ins, prop, mergeFnProperties(fnCreator(prop), ins[prop]) ); } return isFn ? ins[prop] : (type === "undefined" ? undefined : null); }, has: (ins, prop: string | symbol) => { return typeof prop === "symbol" ? (prop in ins) : typeof ins[prop] === "function"; } }); } export function humanizeDuration(duration: number): string { let num: number; let unit: string; if (duration < 1000) { num = duration; unit = "millisecond"; } else if (duration < 60000) { num = Math.round(duration / 1000); unit = "second"; } else { num = Math.round(duration / 60000); unit = "minute"; } if (num !== 1) unit += "s"; return num + " " + unit; } export async function tryLifeCycleFunction( mod: ModuleProxy<{ init?(): any, destroy?(): any }>, fn: "init" | "destroy", errorHandle: (err: Error) => void = void 0 ) { let ins = mod(); if (fn === "init") { if (typeof ins.init === "function") { ins[readyState] = 1; // initiating if (errorHandle) { try { await ins.init() } catch (err) { errorHandle(err) } } else { await ins.init(); } } ins[readyState] = 2; // ready } else if (fn === "destroy") { if (typeof ins.destroy === "function") { ins[readyState] = 3; // destroying if (errorHandle) { try { await ins.destroy() } catch (err) { errorHandle(err) } } else { await ins.destroy(); } } ins[readyState] = 0; // not ready } } export function throwNotAvailableError(name: string) { throw new ReferenceError(`Service ${name} is not available`); } export function getCodecOptions( codec: "JSON" | "CLONE" | "BSON" | "FRON" ): ConstructorParameters[0] { switch (codec) { case "JSON": return { objectSerializer: JSON.stringify, objectDeserializer: JSON.parse }; case "CLONE": return { objectSerializer: (data: any) => JSON.stringify(clone(data)), objectDeserializer: (data: string) => declone(JSON.parse(data)) }; case "FRON": { let FRON: JSON = require("fron"); return { objectSerializer: FRON.stringify, objectDeserializer: FRON.parse }; } case "BSON": { let BSON: { serialize: Function, deserialize: Function }; try { let BSONExt = require("bson-ext"); BSON = new BSONExt([ BSONExt.Binary, BSONExt.Code, BSONExt.DBRef, BSONExt.Decimal128, BSONExt.Double, BSONExt.Int32, BSONExt.Long, BSONExt.Map, BSONExt.MaxKey, BSONExt.MinKey, BSONExt.ObjectId, BSONExt.BSONRegExp, BSONExt.Symbol, BSONExt.Timestamp ]); } catch (e) { try { BSON = require("bson"); } catch (e) { throw new Error("Cannot find module 'bson' or 'bson-ext'"); } } return { objectSerializer: BSON.serialize.bind(BSON), objectDeserializer: BSON.deserialize.bind(BSON), serializationStyle: "buffer" }; } } } export function patchProperties( target: ModuleProxyBase, filename: string, loader: ModuleLoader, singletons: { [name: string]: any } ) { set(target, "path", path.normalize(filename), false, true); set(target, "loader", loader); set(target, "singletons", singletons); set(target, "remoteSingletons", dict()); set(target, "children", dict()); } export function dict(): { [x: string]: any } { return Object.create(null); }