var fs = require('fs-extra'), chmodr = require('chmodr'), path = require('path'), os = require('os'), U = require('../Alloy/utils'), _ = require('lodash'), CONST = require('../Alloy/common/constants'), logger = require('../Alloy/logger'); // Fix node warning path.existsSync = fs.existsSync || path.existsSync; var spawn = require('child_process').spawn, harnessTemplatePath = path.join(process.cwd(),'test','projects','HarnessTemplate'), harnessAppPath = path.join(process.cwd(),'test','projects','Harness'), targetAppPath = path.join(harnessAppPath,'app'), resourcesPath = path.join(harnessAppPath,'Resources'), appDir = (/^ALOY-\d+$/.test(process.env.dir) ? 'testing/' : '') + process.env.dir; var IS_WIN = /^win/i.test(os.platform()); var IS_OSX = os.platform() === 'darwin'; function log(message) { if (!process.env.quiet) { console.log(message); } } //trim extra whitespace output function filterLog(line) { line = U.trim(line); if (!line) return; var lines = line.split('\n'); if (lines.length > 1) { _.each(lines,function(l) { filterLog(l); }); return; } var idx = line.indexOf(' -- ['); if (idx > 0) { var idx2 = line.indexOf(']', idx+7); line = line.substring(idx2+1); } if (line.charAt(0)=='[') { var i = line.indexOf(']'); var label = line.substring(1,i); var rest = U.trim(line.substring(i+1)); if (!rest) return; switch(label) { case 'INFO':; return; case 'TRACE': case 'DEBUG': logger.debug(rest); return; case 'WARN': logger.warn(rest); return; case 'ERROR': logger.error(rest); return; } } logger.debug(line); } function runApp() { log('Running sample app "'+appDir+'"...'); // create array for `titanium build` args var args = process.argv; var newArgs = ['build', '--project-dir', harnessAppPath ]; _.each(args, function(element, index, list) { if(index>3) { var a = element.split('='); if(!a[1]) { logger.error('You must specify argument values with =, for example platform=ios or tall=true'); process.exit(1); } if(a[0]==='tiversion') { a[0] = 'sdk'; } newArgs = newArgs.concat(['--'+a[0], a[1]]); } }); if(newArgs.indexOf('--platform') === -1) { newArgs = newArgs.concat(['--platform', (IS_OSX ? 'ios' : 'android')]); } //run stdout/stderr back through console.log var runcmd = spawn('titanium' + (IS_WIN ? '.cmd' : ''), newArgs); runcmd.stdout.on('data', function (data) { filterLog(data); }); runcmd.stderr.on('data', function (data) { filterLog(data); }); } namespace('app', function() { desc('remove the contents of the test harness\' "app" directory'); task('clobber', function() { log('Reseting the Harness app from template...'); fs.removeSync(harnessAppPath); fs.mkdirpSync(harnessAppPath); chmodr.sync(harnessAppPath, 0777); fs.copySync(harnessTemplatePath, harnessAppPath); }); desc('compile the example app in the given directory name and stage for launch, e.g. "jake app:setup dir=masterdetail"'); task('setup', ['app:clobber'], function() { log('Initializing Alloy project...'); if (!path.existsSync(resourcesPath)) { fs.mkdirpSync(resourcesPath); chmodr.sync(resourcesPath, 0777); } require('child_process').exec('alloy new -f "' + harnessAppPath + '"', function(error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) { console.log(stdout); console.log(stderr); console.log(error); process.exit(1); } else { log('Staging sample app "'+appDir+'" for launch...'); fs.copySync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'apps', appDir), targetAppPath, {preserveTimestamps:true}); fs.mkdirpSync(path.join(targetAppPath,'lib')); chmodr.sync(path.join(targetAppPath,'lib'), 0777); fs.copySync( path.join('test','lib'), path.join(targetAppPath,'lib'), {preserveTimestamps:true} ); fs.unlinkSync(path.join(targetAppPath,'lib','testUtils.js')); } }); }); desc('run an example, all but dir are optional: e.g. "jake app:run dir=masterdetail platform=android tiversion=2.0.2.GA tisdk="'); task('run', ['app:setup'], function() { runApp(); }); desc('copy a sample app\'s "app" folder into the Harness'); task('quickrun', function() { log('Quick-running sample app "' + appDir + '"...'); log('Staging sample app "' + appDir + '" for launch...'); fs.copySync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'apps', appDir), targetAppPath, {preserveTimestamps:true}); runApp(); }); desc('compiles the example app, minus the index.xml & index.tss files'); task('setupNoXML', ['app:clobber'], function() { log('Initializing Alloy project...'); if (!path.existsSync(resourcesPath)) { fs.mkdirpSync(resourcesPath); chmodr.sync(resourcesPath, 0777); } require('child_process').exec('alloy new -f "' + harnessAppPath + '"', function(error, stdout, stderr) { if (error) { console.log(stdout); console.log(stderr); console.log(error); process.exit(1); } else { log('Staging sample app "'+appDir+'" for launch...'); fs.copySync(path.join(process.cwd(), 'test', 'apps', appDir), targetAppPath, {preserveTimestamps:true}); fs.mkdirpSync(path.join(targetAppPath,'lib')); chmodr.sync(path.join(targetAppPath,'lib'), 0777); fs.copySync( path.join('test','lib'), path.join(targetAppPath,'lib'), {preserveTimestamps:true} ); fs.unlinkSync(path.join(targetAppPath,'lib','testUtils.js')); log('Removing index.xml & index.tss'); fs.unlinkSync(path.join(targetAppPath,'views','index.xml')); fs.unlinkSync(path.join(targetAppPath,'styles','index.tss')); } }); }); desc('run an example without copying index.xml and index.tss, for ALOY-656'); task('runNoXML', ['app:setupNoXML'], function () { runApp(); }); });