fs = require 'fs' {exec} = require 'child_process' task 'tests', 'run tests through mocha', -> console.log "Run tests with Mocha..." command = "mocha tests.coffee --reporter spec " command += "--compilers coffee:coffee-script --colors" exec command, (err, stdout, stderr) -> console.log stdout if err console.log "Running mocha caught exception: \n" + err process.exit 1 else process.exit 0 task "build", "Compile coffee files to JS", -> console.log "Compile main file..." command = "coffee -c main.coffee" exec command, (err, stdout, stderr) -> if err console.log "Running coffee-script compiler caught exception: \n" + err process.exit 1 else console.log "Compilation succeeded." console.log stdout task "lint", "Run coffeelint on source files", -> command = "coffeelint -f coffeelint.json main.coffee" exec command, (err, stdout, stderr) -> console.log stdout