import { Channel, Connection, connect as amqpConnect } from "amqplib/callback_api"; import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import util = require('util'); const MAX_LISTENERS = 10000; var debug = util.debuglog("amqptools"); export class ChannelManager extends EventEmitter { connectionURI: string; channel: Channel; channelPromise: Promise; connection: Connection; maxReconnectionAttempts = 100; randomReconnectionInterval = true; eventListeners: Event private connectCallbacks: ((err: Error, channel: Channel) => void)[] = []; private connectInProgress: boolean; constructor() { super(); this.setMaxListeners(MAX_LISTENERS); } onConnectionClose = (error) => { debug("amqp connection has been closed"); = null; this.connection = null; this.channelPromise = null; var reconnections = 0; var tryReconnect = () => { debug("Reconnection attempt..."); this.connect((err) => { reconnections++; if (!err) { this.emit("reconnect"); return debug("Connection has been restored"); } if (reconnections >= this.maxReconnectionAttempts) { throw new Error("Fail to establish a connection with rabbitmq"); } var timeout = this.randomReconnectionInterval ? Math.floor(Math.random()*(10-1)) + 1 : 1; debug("Next reconnect in %d seconds", timeout); setTimeout(tryReconnect, timeout * 1000); }); }; tryReconnect(); } connect(cb) { if ( { return cb(null,; } this.connectCallbacks.push(cb); if (this.connectInProgress) return; this.connectInProgress = true; amqpConnect(this.connectionURI, (err, connection) => { if (err) { return this.connectRespond(err, null); } this.connection = connection; this.connection.on("close", this.onConnectionClose); this.connection.createChannel((err, channel) => { if (err) { return this.connectRespond(err, null); } = channel;'error', () => { this.reconnect() }); this.connectRespond(null, }); }); } connectRespond(err, channel) { this.connectInProgress = false; if (err) { debug("Fail to connect...", err); } else { debug("Connected"); } this.connectCallbacks.forEach((extraCb) => { if (!extraCb) return; extraCb(err, channel); }); this.connectCallbacks = []; } getChannel(): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if ( { return resolve(; } this.connect((err, channel) => { if (err) return reject(err); resolve(channel); }) }); } setConnectionURI(uri) { this.connectionURI = uri; } disconnect(cb) { if (!this.connection) { return cb(); } this.connection.removeListener("close", this.onConnectionClose); this.connection.close(() => { this.connection = null; = null; this.channelPromise = null; cb(); }); } reconnect(cb?) { this.disconnect(() => { this.connect(cb); }); } } export var channelManager = new ChannelManager();