import { ModuleWithProviders, Type } from '@angular/core'; import { HttpBackend, XhrFactory } from '@angular/common/http'; import { InMemoryBackendConfigArgs, InMemoryBackendConfig, InMemoryDbService } from './interfaces'; export declare function httpClientInMemBackendServiceFactory(dbService: InMemoryDbService, options: InMemoryBackendConfig, xhrFactory: XhrFactory): HttpBackend; export declare class HttpClientInMemoryWebApiModule { /** * Redirect the Angular `HttpClient` XHR calls * to in-memory data store that implements `InMemoryDbService`. * with class that implements InMemoryDbService and creates an in-memory database. * * Usually imported in the root application module. * Can import in a lazy feature module too, which will shadow modules loaded earlier * * @param {Type} dbCreator - Class that creates seed data for in-memory database. Must implement InMemoryDbService. * @param {InMemoryBackendConfigArgs} [options] * * @example * HttpInMemoryWebApiModule.forRoot(dbCreator); * HttpInMemoryWebApiModule.forRoot(dbCreator, {useValue: {delay:600}}); */ static forRoot(dbCreator: Type, options?: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs): ModuleWithProviders; /** * * Enable and configure the in-memory web api in a lazy-loaded feature module. * Same as `forRoot`. * This is a feel-good method so you can follow the Angular style guide for lazy-loaded modules. */ static forFeature(dbCreator: Type, options?: InMemoryBackendConfigArgs): ModuleWithProviders; }