import { Directive, Input, EventEmitter, SimpleChange, OnChanges, DoCheck, IterableDiffers, IterableDiffer, Output } from "@angular/core"; import * as _ from "lodash"; import {ReplaySubject} from "rxjs/Rx"; export interface SortEvent { sortBy: string|string[]; sortOrder: string } export interface PageEvent { activePage: number; rowsOnPage: number; dataLength: number; } export interface DataEvent { length: number; } @Directive({ selector: 'table[mfData]', exportAs: 'mfDataTable' }) export class DataTable implements OnChanges, DoCheck { private diff: IterableDiffer; @Input("mfData") public inputData: any[] = []; @Input("mfSortBy") public sortBy: string|string[] = ""; @Input("mfSortOrder") public sortOrder = "asc"; @Output("mfSortByChange") public sortByChange = new EventEmitter(); @Output("mfSortOrderChange") public sortOrderChange = new EventEmitter(); @Input("mfRowsOnPage") public rowsOnPage = 1000; @Input("mfActivePage") public activePage = 1; private mustRecalculateData = false; public data: any[]; public onSortChange = new ReplaySubject(1); public onPageChange = new EventEmitter(); public constructor(private differs: IterableDiffers) { this.diff = differs.find([]).create(null); } public getSort(): SortEvent { return {sortBy: this.sortBy, sortOrder: this.sortOrder}; } public setSort(sortBy: string|string[], sortOrder: string): void { if (this.sortBy !== sortBy || this.sortOrder !== sortOrder) { this.sortBy = sortBy; this.sortOrder = _.includes(["asc","desc"], sortOrder) ? sortOrder : "asc"; this.mustRecalculateData = true;{sortBy: sortBy, sortOrder: sortOrder}); this.sortByChange.emit(this.sortBy); this.sortOrderChange.emit(this.sortOrder); } } public getPage(): PageEvent { return {activePage: this.activePage, rowsOnPage: this.rowsOnPage, dataLength: this.inputData.length}; } public setPage(activePage: number, rowsOnPage: number): void { if (this.rowsOnPage !== rowsOnPage || this.activePage !== activePage) { this.activePage = this.activePage !== activePage ? activePage : this.calculateNewActivePage(this.rowsOnPage, rowsOnPage); this.rowsOnPage = rowsOnPage; this.mustRecalculateData = true; this.onPageChange.emit({ activePage: this.activePage, rowsOnPage: this.rowsOnPage, dataLength: this.inputData ? this.inputData.length : 0 }); } } private calculateNewActivePage(previousRowsOnPage: number, currentRowsOnPage: number): number { let firstRowOnPage = (this.activePage - 1) * previousRowsOnPage + 1; let newActivePage = Math.ceil(firstRowOnPage / currentRowsOnPage); return newActivePage; } private recalculatePage() { let lastPage = Math.ceil(this.inputData.length / this.rowsOnPage); this.activePage = lastPage < this.activePage ? lastPage : this.activePage; this.activePage = this.activePage || 1; this.onPageChange.emit({ activePage: this.activePage, rowsOnPage: this.rowsOnPage, dataLength: this.inputData.length }); } public ngOnChanges(changes: {[key: string]: SimpleChange}): any { if (changes["rowsOnPage"]) { this.rowsOnPage = changes["rowsOnPage"].previousValue; this.setPage(this.activePage, changes["rowsOnPage"].currentValue); this.mustRecalculateData = true; } if (changes["sortBy"] || changes["sortOrder"]) { if (!_.includes(["asc", "desc"], this.sortOrder)) { console.warn("angular2-datatable: value for input mfSortOrder must be one of ['asc', 'desc'], but is:", this.sortOrder); this.sortOrder = "asc"; } if (this.sortBy) {{sortBy: this.sortBy, sortOrder: this.sortOrder}); } this.mustRecalculateData = true; } if (changes["inputData"]) { this.inputData = changes["inputData"].currentValue || []; this.recalculatePage(); this.mustRecalculateData = true; } } public ngDoCheck(): any { let changes = this.diff.diff(this.inputData); if (changes) { this.recalculatePage(); this.mustRecalculateData = true; } if (this.mustRecalculateData) { this.fillData(); this.mustRecalculateData = false; } } private fillData(): void { this.activePage = this.activePage; this.rowsOnPage = this.rowsOnPage; let offset = (this.activePage - 1) * this.rowsOnPage; let data = this.inputData; var sortBy = this.sortBy; if (typeof sortBy === 'string' || sortBy instanceof String) { data = _.orderBy(data, this.caseInsensitiveIteratee(sortBy), [this.sortOrder]); } else { data = _.orderBy(data, sortBy, [this.sortOrder]); } data = _.slice(data, offset, offset + this.rowsOnPage); = data; } private caseInsensitiveIteratee(sortBy: string) { return (row: any): any => { var value = row; for (let sortByProperty of sortBy.split('.')) { if(value) { value = value[sortByProperty]; } } if (value && typeof value === 'string' || value instanceof String) { return value.toLowerCase(); } return value; }; } }