// Type definitions for Angular Protractor 1.5.0 // Project: https://github.com/angular/protractor // Definitions by: Bill Armstrong // Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped /// declare module protractor { //region Wrapped webdriver Items class ActionSequence extends webdriver.ActionSequence {} class Builder extends webdriver.Builder {} class Capabilities extends webdriver.Capabilities {} class Command extends webdriver.Command {} class EventEmitter extends webdriver.EventEmitter {} class Session extends webdriver.Session {} class WebDriver extends webdriver.WebDriver {} class WebElement extends webdriver.WebElement {} class WebElementPromise extends webdriver.WebElementPromise { } var Browser: webdriver.IBrowser; var Button: webdriver.IButton; var Capability: webdriver.ICapability; var CommandName: webdriver.ICommandName; var Key: webdriver.IKey; module error { class Error extends webdriver.error.Error {} var ErrorCode: webdriver.error.IErrorCode; } module logging { class Preferences extends webdriver.logging.Preferences { } class Entry extends webdriver.logging.Entry { } var Type: webdriver.logging.IType; var Level: webdriver.logging.ILevelValues; function getLevel(nameOrValue: string): webdriver.logging.ILevel; function getLevel(nameOrValue: number): webdriver.logging.ILevel; } module promise { class Thenable extends webdriver.promise.Thenable { } class Promise extends webdriver.promise.Promise { } class Deferred extends webdriver.promise.Deferred { } class ControlFlow extends webdriver.promise.ControlFlow { } class CancellationError extends webdriver.promise.CancellationError { } /** * Given an array of promises, will return a promise that will be fulfilled * with the fulfillment values of the input array's values. If any of the * input array's promises are rejected, the returned promise will be rejected * with the same reason. * * @param {!Array.<(T|!webdriver.promise.Promise.)>} arr An array of * promises to wait on. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.>} A promise that is * fulfilled with an array containing the fulfilled values of the * input array, or rejected with the same reason as the first * rejected value. * @template T */ function all(arr: webdriver.promise.Promise[]): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Invokes the appropriate callback function as soon as a promised * {@code value} is resolved. This function is similar to * {@link webdriver.promise.when}, except it does not return a new promise. * @param {*} value The value to observe. * @param {Function} callback The function to call when the value is * resolved successfully. * @param {Function=} opt_errback The function to call when the value is * rejected. */ function asap(value: any, callback: Function, opt_errback?: Function): void; /** * @return {!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} The currently active control flow. */ function controlFlow(): webdriver.promise.ControlFlow; /** * Creates a new control flow. The provided callback will be invoked as the * first task within the new flow, with the flow as its sole argument. Returns * a promise that resolves to the callback result. * @param {function(!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow)} callback The entry point * to the newly created flow. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves to the callback * result. */ function createFlow(callback: (flow: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow) => R): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Determines whether a {@code value} should be treated as a promise. * Any object whose "then" property is a function will be considered a promise. * * @param {*} value The value to test. * @return {boolean} Whether the value is a promise. */ function isPromise(value: any): boolean; /** * Tests is a function is a generator. * @param {!Function} fn The function to test. * @return {boolean} Whether the function is a generator. */ function isGenerator(fn: Function): boolean; /** * Creates a promise that will be resolved at a set time in the future. * @param {number} ms The amount of time, in milliseconds, to wait before * resolving the promise. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} The promise. */ function delayed(ms: number): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Calls a function for each element in an array, and if the function returns * true adds the element to a new array. * *

If the return value of the filter function is a promise, this function * will wait for it to be fulfilled before determining whether to insert the * element into the new array. * *

If the filter function throws or returns a rejected promise, the promise * returned by this function will be rejected with the same reason. Only the * first failure will be reported; all subsequent errors will be silently * ignored. * * @param {!(Array.|webdriver.promise.Promise.>)} arr The * array to iterator over, or a promise that will resolve to said array. * @param {function(this: SELF, TYPE, number, !Array.): ( * boolean|webdriver.promise.Promise.)} fn The function * to call for each element in the array. * @param {SELF=} opt_self The object to be used as the value of 'this' within * {@code fn}. * @template TYPE, SELF */ function filter(arr: T[], fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): webdriver.promise.Promise; function filter(arr: webdriver.promise.Promise, fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): webdriver.promise.Promise /** * Creates a new deferred object. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Deferred} The new deferred object. */ function defer(): webdriver.promise.Deferred; /** * Creates a promise that has been resolved with the given value. * @param {*=} opt_value The resolved value. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} The resolved promise. */ function fulfilled(opt_value?: T): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Calls a function for each element in an array and inserts the result into a * new array, which is used as the fulfillment value of the promise returned * by this function. * *

If the return value of the mapping function is a promise, this function * will wait for it to be fulfilled before inserting it into the new array. * *

If the mapping function throws or returns a rejected promise, the * promise returned by this function will be rejected with the same reason. * Only the first failure will be reported; all subsequent errors will be * silently ignored. * * @param {!(Array.|webdriver.promise.Promise.>)} arr The * array to iterator over, or a promise that will resolve to said array. * @param {function(this: SELF, TYPE, number, !Array.): ?} fn The * function to call for each element in the array. This function should * expect three arguments (the element, the index, and the array itself. * @param {SELF=} opt_self The object to be used as the value of 'this' within * {@code fn}. * @template TYPE, SELF */ function map(arr: T[], fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): webdriver.promise.Promise function map(arr: webdriver.promise.Promise, fn: (element: T, index: number, array: T[]) => any, opt_self?: any): webdriver.promise.Promise /** * Creates a promise that has been rejected with the given reason. * @param {*=} opt_reason The rejection reason; may be any value, but is * usually an Error or a string. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} The rejected promise. */ function rejected(opt_reason?: any): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Wraps a function that is assumed to be a node-style callback as its final * argument. This callback takes two arguments: an error value (which will be * null if the call succeeded), and the success value as the second argument. * If the call fails, the returned promise will be rejected, otherwise it will * be resolved with the result. * @param {!Function} fn The function to wrap. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * result of the provided function's callback. */ function checkedNodeCall(fn: Function, ...var_args: any[]): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Consumes a {@code GeneratorFunction}. Each time the generator yields a * promise, this function will wait for it to be fulfilled before feeding the * fulfilled value back into {@code next}. Likewise, if a yielded promise is * rejected, the rejection error will be passed to {@code throw}. * *

Example 1: the Fibonacci Sequence. *

         * webdriver.promise.consume(function* fibonacci() {
         *   var n1 = 1, n2 = 1;
         *   for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
         *     var tmp = yield n1 + n2;
         *     n1 = n2;
         *     n2 = tmp;
         *   }
         *   return n1 + n2;
         * }).then(function(result) {
         *   console.log(result);  // 13
         * });
* *

Example 2: a generator that throws. *

         * webdriver.promise.consume(function* () {
         *   yield webdriver.promise.delayed(250).then(function() {
         *     throw Error('boom');
         *   });
         * }).thenCatch(function(e) {
         *   console.log(e.toString());  // Error: boom
         * });
* * @param {!Function} generatorFn The generator function to execute. * @param {Object=} opt_self The object to use as "this" when invoking the * initial generator. * @param {...*} var_args Any arguments to pass to the initial generator. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.} A promise that will resolve to the * generator's final result. * @throws {TypeError} If the given function is not a generator. */ function consume(generatorFn: Function, opt_self?: any, ...var_args: any[]): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Registers an observer on a promised {@code value}, returning a new promise * that will be resolved when the value is. If {@code value} is not a promise, * then the return promise will be immediately resolved. * @param {*} value The value to observe. * @param {Function=} opt_callback The function to call when the value is * resolved successfully. * @param {Function=} opt_errback The function to call when the value is * rejected. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A new promise. */ function when(value: T, opt_callback?: (value: T) => any, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): webdriver.promise.Promise; function when(value: webdriver.promise.Promise, opt_callback?: (value: T) => any, opt_errback?: (error: any) => any): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Returns a promise that will be resolved with the input value in a * fully-resolved state. If the value is an array, each element will be fully * resolved. Likewise, if the value is an object, all keys will be fully * resolved. In both cases, all nested arrays and objects will also be * fully resolved. All fields are resolved in place; the returned promise will * resolve on {@code value} and not a copy. * * Warning: This function makes no checks against objects that contain * cyclical references: * * var value = {}; * value['self'] = value; * webdriver.promise.fullyResolved(value); // Stack overflow. * * @param {*} value The value to fully resolve. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise for a fully resolved version * of the input value. */ function fullyResolved(value: any): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Changes the default flow to use when no others are active. * @param {!webdriver.promise.ControlFlow} flow The new default flow. * @throws {Error} If the default flow is not currently active. */ function setDefaultFlow(flow: webdriver.promise.ControlFlow): void; } module stacktrace { class Frame extends webdriver.stacktrace.Frame { } class Snapshot extends webdriver.stacktrace.Snapshot { } /** * Formats an error's stack trace. * @param {!(Error|goog.testing.JsUnitException)} error The error to format. * @return {!(Error|goog.testing.JsUnitException)} The formatted error. */ function format(error: any): any; /** * Gets the native stack trace if available otherwise follows the call chain. * The generated trace will exclude all frames up to and including the call to * this function. * @return {!Array.} The frames of the stack trace. */ function get(): webdriver.stacktrace.Frame[]; /** * Whether the current browser supports stack traces. * * @type {boolean} * @const */ var BROWSER_SUPPORTED: boolean; } module until { class Condition extends webdriver.until.Condition { } /** * Creates a condition that will wait until the input driver is able to switch * to the designated frame. The target frame may be specified as: *
  1. A numeric index into {@code window.frames} for the currently selected * frame. *
  2. A {@link webdriver.WebElement}, which must reference a FRAME or IFRAME * element on the current page. *
  3. A locator which may be used to first locate a FRAME or IFRAME on the * current page before attempting to switch to it. *
* *

Upon successful resolution of this condition, the driver will be left * focused on the new frame. * * @param {!(number|webdriver.WebElement| * webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash| * function(!webdriver.WebDriver): !webdriver.WebElement)} frame * The frame identifier. * @return {!until.Condition.} A new condition. */ function ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: number): webdriver.until.Condition; function ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; function ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: webdriver.Locator): webdriver.until.Condition; function ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: (webdriver: webdriver.WebDriver) => webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; function ableToSwitchToFrame(frame: any): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that waits for an alert to be opened. Upon success, the * returned promise will be fulfilled with the handle for the opened alert. * * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. */ function alertIsPresent(): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be disabled. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#isEnabled */ function elementIsDisabled(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be enabled. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#isEnabled */ function elementIsEnabled(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be deselected. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#isSelected */ function elementIsNotSelected(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be in the DOM, * yet not visible to the user. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#isDisplayed */ function elementIsNotVisible(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to be selected. * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#isSelected */ function elementIsSelected(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to become visible. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#isDisplayed */ function elementIsVisible(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will loop until an element is * {@link webdriver.WebDriver#findElement found} with the given locator. * * @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The locator * to use. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. */ function elementLocated(locator: webdriver.Locator): webdriver.until.Condition; function elementLocated(locator: any): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's * {@link webdriver.WebDriver#getText visible text} to contain the given * substring. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @param {string} substr The substring to search for. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#getText */ function elementTextContains(element: webdriver.IWebElement, substr: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's * {@link webdriver.WebDriver#getText visible text} to match the given * {@code text} exactly. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @param {string} text The expected text. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#getText */ function elementTextIs(element: webdriver.IWebElement, text: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element's * {@link webdriver.WebDriver#getText visible text} to match a regular * expression. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element to test. * @param {!RegExp} regex The regular expression to test against. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. * @see webdriver.WebDriver#getText */ function elementTextMatches(element: webdriver.IWebElement, regex: RegExp): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will loop until at least one element is * {@link webdriver.WebDriver#findElement found} with the given locator. * * @param {!(webdriver.Locator|webdriver.By.Hash|Function)} locator The locator * to use. * @return {!until.Condition.>} The new * condition. */ function elementsLocated(locator: webdriver.Locator): webdriver.until.Condition; function elementsLocated(locator: any): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the given element to become stale. An * element is considered stale once it is removed from the DOM, or a new page * has loaded. * * @param {!webdriver.WebElement} element The element that should become stale. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. */ function stalenessOf(element: webdriver.IWebElement): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to contain * the given substring. * * @param {string} substr The substring that should be present in the page * title. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. */ function titleContains(substr: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to match the * given value. * * @param {string} title The expected page title. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. */ function titleIs(title: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Creates a condition that will wait for the current page's title to match the * given regular expression. * * @param {!RegExp} regex The regular expression to test against. * @return {!until.Condition.} The new condition. */ function titleMatches(regex: RegExp): webdriver.until.Condition; } module ExpectedConditions { /** * Negates the result of a promise. * * @param {webdriver.until.Condition} expectedCondition * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns the negated value. */ function not(expectedCondition: webdriver.until.Condition): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Chain a number of expected conditions using logical_and, short circuiting at the * first expected condition that evaluates to false. * * @param {...webdriver.until.Condition[]} fns An array of expected conditions to 'and' together. * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise which evaluates * to the result of the logical and. */ function and(...fns: webdriver.until.Condition[]): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Chain a number of expected conditions using logical_or, short circuiting at the * first expected condition that evaluates to true. * * @param {...webdriver.until.Condition[]} fns An array of expected conditions to 'or' together. * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise which * evaluates to the result of the logical or. */ function or(...fns: webdriver.until.Condition[]): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * Expect an alert to be present. * * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether an alert is present. */ function alertIsPresent(): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An Expectation for checking an element is visible and enabled such that you can click it. * * @param {ElementFinder} element The element to check * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the element is clickable. */ function elementToBeClickable(element: ElementFinder): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking if the given text is present in the element. * Returns false if the elementFinder does not find an element. * * @param {ElementFinder} element The element to check * @param {string} text The text to verify against * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the text is present in the element. */ function textToBePresentInElement(element: ElementFinder, text: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking if the given text is present in the element’s value. * Returns false if the elementFinder does not find an element. * * @param {ElementFinder} element The element to check * @param {string} text The text to verify against * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the text is present in the element's value. */ function textToBePresentInElementValue( element: ElementFinder, text: string ): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking that the title contains a case-sensitive substring. * * @param {string} title The fragment of title expected * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the title contains the string. */ function titleContains(title: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking the title of a page. * * @param {string} title The expected title, which must be an exact match. * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the title equals the string. */ function titleIs(title: string): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page. This does not necessarily * mean that the element is visible. This is the opposite of 'stalenessOf'. * * @param {ElementFinder} elementFinder The element to check * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise * representing whether the element is present. */ function presenceOf(element: ElementFinder): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking that an element is not attached to the DOM of a page. * This is the opposite of 'presenceOf'. * * @param {ElementFinder} elementFinder The element to check * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the element is stale. */ function stalenessOf(element: ElementFinder): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page and visible. * Visibility means that the element is not only displayed but also has a height and width that is * greater than 0. This is the opposite of 'invisibilityOf'. * * @param {ElementFinder} elementFinder The element to check * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the element is visible. */ function visibilityOf(element: ElementFinder): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking that an element is present on the DOM of a page. This does not necessarily * mean that the element is visible. This is the opposite of 'stalenessOf'. * * @param {ElementFinder} elementFinder The element to check * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the element is invisible. */ function invisibilityOf(element: ElementFinder): webdriver.until.Condition; /** * An expectation for checking the selection is selected. * * @param {ElementFinder} elementFinder The element to check * @return {!webdriver.until.Condition} An expected condition that returns a promise representing * whether the element is selected. */ function elementToBeSelected(element: ElementFinder): webdriver.until.Condition; } //endregion /** * Use as: element(locator) * * The ElementFinder can be treated as a WebElement for most purposes, in * particular, you may perform actions (i.e. click, getText) on them as you * would a WebElement. ElementFinders extend Promise, and once an action * is performed on an ElementFinder, the latest result from the chain can be * accessed using then. Unlike a WebElement, an ElementFinder will wait for * angular to settle before performing finds or actions. * * ElementFinder can be used to build a chain of locators that is used to find * an element. An ElementFinder does not actually attempt to find the element * until an action is called, which means they can be set up in helper files * before the page is available. * * @param {webdriver.Locator} locator An element locator. * @return {ElementFinder} */ interface Element { (locator: webdriver.Locator): ElementFinder; /** * ElementArrayFinder is used for operations on an array of elements (as opposed * to a single element). * * @param {webdriver.Locator} locator An element locator. * @return {ElementArrayFinder} */ all(locator: webdriver.Locator): ElementArrayFinder; } interface ElementFinder extends webdriver.IWebElement, webdriver.promise.IThenable { /** * Calls to element may be chained to find elements within a parent. * * @alias element(locator).element(locator) * @view *

* Child text *
* * @example * // Chain 2 element calls. * var child = element(by.css('.parent')). * element(by.css('.child')); * expect(child.getText()).toBe('Child text\n555-123-4567'); * * // Chain 3 element calls. * var triple = element(by.css('.parent')). * element(by.css('.child')). * element(by.binding('person.phone')); * expect(triple.getText()).toBe('555-123-4567'); * * @param {webdriver.Locator} subLocator * @return {ElementFinder} */ element(subLocator: webdriver.Locator): ElementFinder; /** * Calls to element may be chained to find an array of elements within a parent. * * @alias element(locator).all(locator) * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var items = element(by.css('.parent')).all(by.tagName('li')) * * @param {webdriver.Locator} subLocator * @return {ElementArrayFinder} */ all(subLocator: webdriver.Locator): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Shortcut for querying the document directly with css. * * @alias $(cssSelector) * @view *
* First * Second *
* * @example * var item = $('.count .two'); * expect(item.getText()).toBe('Second'); * * @param {string} selector A css selector * @return {ElementFinder} which identifies the located * {@link webdriver.WebElement} */ $(selector: string): ElementFinder; /** * Shortcut for querying the document directly with css. * * @alias $$(cssSelector) * @view *
* First * Second *
* * @example * // The following protractor expressions are equivalent. * var list = element.all(by.css('.count span')); * expect(list.count()).toBe(2); * * list = $$('.count span'); * expect(list.count()).toBe(2); * expect(list.get(0).getText()).toBe('First'); * expect(list.get(1).getText()).toBe('Second'); * * @param {string} selector a css selector * @return {ElementArrayFinder} which identifies the * array of the located {@link webdriver.WebElement}s. */ $$(selector: string): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Determine whether the element is present on the page. * * @view * {{person.name}} * * @example * // Element exists. * expect(element(by.binding('person.name')).isPresent()).toBe(true); * * // Element not present. * expect(element(by.binding('notPresent')).isPresent()).toBe(false); * * @return {ElementFinder} which resolves to whether * the element is present on the page. */ isPresent(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Override for WebElement.prototype.isElementPresent so that protractor waits * for Angular to settle before making the check. * * @see ElementFinder.isPresent * * @param {webdriver.Locator} subLocator Locator for element to look for. * @return {ElementFinder} which resolves to whether * the element is present on the page. */ isElementPresent(subLocator: webdriver.Locator): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * @see ElementArrayFinder.prototype.locator * * @return {webdriver.Locator} */ locator(): webdriver.Locator; /** * Returns the WebElement represented by this ElementFinder. * Throws the WebDriver error if the element doesn't exist. * * @example * The following three expressions are equivalent. * element(by.css('.parent')).getWebElement(); * browser.waitForAngular(); browser.driver.findElement(by.css('.parent')); * browser.findElement(by.css('.parent')); * * @alias element(locator).getWebElement() * @return {webdriver.WebElement} */ getWebElement(): webdriver.WebElement; /** * Evaluates the input as if it were on the scope of the current element. * @see ElementArrayFinder.evaluate * * @param {string} expression * * @return {ElementFinder} which resolves to the evaluated expression. */ evaluate(expression: string): ElementFinder; /** * @see ElementArrayFinder.prototype.allowAnimations. * @param {string} value * * @return {ElementFinder} which resolves to whether animation is allowed. */ allowAnimations(value: string): ElementFinder; /** * Create a shallow copy of ElementFinder. * * @return {!ElementFinder} A shallow copy of this. */ clone(): ElementFinder; } interface ElementArrayFinder extends webdriver.promise.IThenable { /** * Returns the elements as an array of WebElements. */ getWebElements(): webdriver.WebElement[]; /** * Get an element within the ElementArrayFinder by index. The index starts at 0. * Negative indices are wrapped (i.e. -i means ith element from last) * This does not actually retrieve the underlying element. * * @alias element.all(locator).get(index) * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var list = element.all(by.css('.items li')); * expect(list.get(0).getText()).toBe('First'); * expect(list.get(1).getText()).toBe('Second'); * * @param {number} index Element index. * @return {ElementFinder} finder representing element at the given index. */ get(index: number): ElementFinder; /** * Get the first matching element for the ElementArrayFinder. This does not * actually retrieve the underlying element. * * @alias element.all(locator).first() * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var first = element.all(by.css('.items li')).first(); * expect(first.getText()).toBe('First'); * * @return {ElementFinder} finder representing the first matching element */ first(): ElementFinder; /** * Get the last matching element for the ElementArrayFinder. This does not * actually retrieve the underlying element. * * @alias element.all(locator).last() * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var last = element.all(by.css('.items li')).last(); * expect(last.getText()).toBe('Third'); * * @return {ElementFinder} finder representing the last matching element */ last(): ElementFinder; /** * Count the number of elements represented by the ElementArrayFinder. * * @alias element.all(locator).count() * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var list = element.all(by.css('.items li')); * expect(list.count()).toBe(3); * * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise which resolves to the * number of elements matching the locator. */ count(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Calls the input function on each ElementFinder represented by the ElementArrayFinder. * * @alias element.all(locator).each(eachFunction) * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * element.all(by.css('.items li')).each(function(element) { * // Will print First, Second, Third. * element.getText().then(console.log); * }); * * @param {function(ElementFinder)} fn Input function */ each(fn: (element: ElementFinder, index: number) => void): void; /** * Apply a map function to each element within the ElementArrayFinder. The * callback receives the ElementFinder as the first argument and the index as * a second arg. * * @alias element.all(locator).map(mapFunction) * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var items = element.all(by.css('.items li')).map(function(elm, index) { * return { * index: index, * text: elm.getText(), * class: elm.getAttribute('class') * }; * }); * expect(items).toEqual([ * {index: 0, text: 'First', class: 'one'}, * {index: 1, text: 'Second', class: 'two'}, * {index: 2, text: 'Third', class: 'three'} * ]); * * @param {function(ElementFinder, number)} mapFn Map function that * will be applied to each element. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves to an array * of values returned by the map function. */ map(mapFn: (element: ElementFinder, index: number) => T): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Apply a filter function to each element within the ElementArrayFinder. Returns * a new ElementArrayFinder with all elements that pass the filter function. The * filter function receives the ElementFinder as the first argument * and the index as a second arg. * This does not actually retrieve the underlying list of elements, so it can * be used in page objects. * * @alias element.all(locator).filter(filterFn) * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * element.all(by.css('.items li')).filter(function(elem, index) { * return elem.getText().then(function(text) { * return text === 'Third'; * }); * }).then(function(filteredElements) { * filteredElements[0].click(); * }); * * @param {function(ElementFinder, number): webdriver.WebElement.Promise} filterFn * Filter function that will test if an element should be returned. * filterFn can either return a boolean or a promise that resolves to a boolean. * @return {!ElementArrayFinder} A ElementArrayFinder that represents an array * of element that satisfy the filter function. */ filter(filterFn: (element: ElementFinder, index: number) => any): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Apply a reduce function against an accumulator and every element found * using the locator (from left-to-right). The reduce function has to reduce * every element into a single value (the accumulator). Returns promise of * the accumulator. The reduce function receives the accumulator, current * ElementFinder, the index, and the entire array of ElementFinders, * respectively. * * @alias element.all(locator).reduce(reduceFn) * @view *
  • First
  • *
  • Second
  • *
  • Third
  • *
* * @example * var value = element.all(by.css('.items li')).reduce(function(acc, elem) { * return elem.getText().then(function(text) { * return acc + text + ' '; * }); * }); * * expect(value).toEqual('First Second Third '); * * @param {function(number, ElementFinder, number, Array.)} * reduceFn Reduce function that reduces every element into a single value. * @param {*} initialValue Initial value of the accumulator. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that resolves to the final * value of the accumulator. */ reduce(reduceFn: (acc: T, element: ElementFinder, index: number, arr: ElementFinder[]) => webdriver.promise.Promise, initialValue: T): webdriver.promise.Promise; reduce(reduceFn: (acc: T, element: ElementFinder, index: number, arr: ElementFinder[]) => T, initialValue: T): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Represents the ElementArrayFinder as an array of ElementFinders. * * @return {Array.} Return a promise, which resolves to a list * of ElementFinders specified by the locator. */ asElementFinders_(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Create a shallow copy of ElementArrayFinder. * * @return {!ElementArrayFinder} A shallow copy of this. */ clone(): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Calls to ElementArrayFinder may be chained to find an array of elements * using the current elements in this ElementArrayFinder as the starting point. * This function returns a new ElementArrayFinder which would contain the * children elements found (and could also be empty). * * @alias element.all(locator).all(locator) * @view *
  • 1a
  • *
  • 1b
  • *
  • 2a
  • *
  • 2b
  • *
* * @example * var foo = element.all(by.css('.parent')).all(by.css('.foo')) * expect(foo.getText()).toEqual(['1a', '2a']) * var baz = element.all(by.css('.parent')).all(by.css('.baz')) * expect(baz.getText()).toEqual(['1b']) * var nonexistent = element.all(by.css('.parent')).all(by.css('.NONEXISTENT')) * expect(nonexistent.getText()).toEqual(['']) * * @param {webdriver.Locator} subLocator * @return {ElementArrayFinder} */ all(locator: webdriver.Locator): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Shorthand function for finding arrays of elements by css. * * @type {function(string): ElementArrayFinder} */ $$(selector: string): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Returns an ElementFinder representation of ElementArrayFinder. It ensures * that the ElementArrayFinder resolves to one and only one underlying element. * * @return {ElementFinder} An ElementFinder representation * @private */ toElementFinder_(): ElementFinder; /** * Returns the most relevant locator. * * @example * $('#ID1').locator() // returns by.css('#ID1') * $('#ID1').$('#ID2').locator() // returns by.css('#ID2') * $$('#ID1').filter(filterFn).get(0).click().locator() // returns by.css('#ID1') * * @return {webdriver.Locator} */ locator(): webdriver.Locator; /** * Evaluates the input as if it were on the scope of the current underlying * elements. * * @view * {{variableInScope}} * * @example * var value = element(by.id('foo')).evaluate('variableInScope'); * * @param {string} expression * * @return {ElementArrayFinder} which resolves to the * evaluated expression for each underlying element. * The result will be resolved as in * {@link webdriver.WebDriver.executeScript}. In summary - primitives will * be resolved as is, functions will be converted to string, and elements * will be returned as a WebElement. */ evaluate(expression: string): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Determine if animation is allowed on the current underlying elements. * @param {string} value * * @example * // Turns off ng-animate animations for all elements in the * element(by.css('body')).allowAnimations(false); * * @return {ElementArrayFinder} which resolves to whether animation is allowed. */ allowAnimations(value: boolean): ElementArrayFinder; /** * Schedules a command to click on this element. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when * the click command has completed. */ click(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to type a sequence on the DOM element represented by this * instance. *

* Modifier keys (SHIFT, CONTROL, ALT, META) are stateful; once a modifier is * processed in the keysequence, that key state is toggled until one of the * following occurs: *

  • The modifier key is encountered again in the sequence. At this point the * state of the key is toggled (along with the appropriate keyup/down events). *
  • *
  • The {@code webdriver.Key.NULL} key is encountered in the sequence. When * this key is encountered, all modifier keys current in the down state are * released (with accompanying keyup events). The NULL key can be used to * simulate common keyboard shortcuts: * * element.sendKeys("text was", * webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "a", webdriver.Key.NULL, * "now text is"); * // Alternatively: * element.sendKeys("text was", * webdriver.Key.chord(webdriver.Key.CONTROL, "a"), * "now text is"); *
  • *
  • The end of the keysequence is encountered. When there are no more keys * to type, all depressed modifier keys are released (with accompanying keyup * events). *
  • *
* Note: On browsers where native keyboard events are not yet * supported (e.g. Firefox on OS X), key events will be synthesized. Special * punctionation keys will be synthesized according to a standard QWERTY en-us * keyboard layout. * * @param {...string} var_args The sequence of keys to * type. All arguments will be joined into a single sequence (var_args is * permitted for convenience). * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when all * keys have been typed. */ sendKeys(...var_args: string[]): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to query for the tag/node name of this element. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * element's tag name. */ getTagName(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to query for the computed style of the element * represented by this instance. If the element inherits the named style from * its parent, the parent will be queried for its value. Where possible, color * values will be converted to their hex representation (e.g. #00ff00 instead of * rgb(0, 255, 0)). *

* Warning: the value returned will be as the browser interprets it, so * it may be tricky to form a proper assertion. * * @param {string} cssStyleProperty The name of the CSS style property to look * up. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * requested CSS value. */ getCssValue(cssStyleProperty: string): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to query for the value of the given attribute of the * element. Will return the current value even if it has been modified after the * page has been loaded. More exactly, this method will return the value of the * given attribute, unless that attribute is not present, in which case the * value of the property with the same name is returned. If neither value is * set, null is returned. The "style" attribute is converted as best can be to a * text representation with a trailing semi-colon. The following are deemed to * be "boolean" attributes and will be returned as thus: * *

async, autofocus, autoplay, checked, compact, complete, controls, declare, * defaultchecked, defaultselected, defer, disabled, draggable, ended, * formnovalidate, hidden, indeterminate, iscontenteditable, ismap, itemscope, * loop, multiple, muted, nohref, noresize, noshade, novalidate, nowrap, open, * paused, pubdate, readonly, required, reversed, scoped, seamless, seeking, * selected, spellcheck, truespeed, willvalidate * *

Finally, the following commonly mis-capitalized attribute/property names * are evaluated as expected: *

  • "class" *
  • "readonly" *
* @param {string} attributeName The name of the attribute to query. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * attribute's value. */ getAttribute(attributeName: string): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Get the visible (i.e. not hidden by CSS) innerText of this element, including * sub-elements, without any leading or trailing whitespace. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * element's visible text. */ getText(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to compute the size of this element's bounding box, in * pixels. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * element's size as a {@code {width:number, height:number}} object. */ getSize(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to compute the location of this element in page space. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved to the * element's location as a {@code {x:number, y:number}} object. */ getLocation(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to query whether the DOM element represented by this * instance is enabled, as dicted by the {@code disabled} attribute. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with * whether this element is currently enabled. */ isEnabled(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to query whether this element is selected. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with * whether this element is currently selected. */ isSelected(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to submit the form containing this element (or this * element if it is a FORM element). This command is a no-op if the element is * not contained in a form. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when * the form has been submitted. */ submit(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to clear the {@code value} of this element. This command * has no effect if the underlying DOM element is neither a text INPUT element * nor a TEXTAREA element. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved when * the element has been cleared. */ clear(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to test whether this element is currently displayed. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with * whether this element is currently visible on the page. */ isDisplayed(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Schedules a command to retrieve the outer HTML of this element. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with * the element's outer HTML. */ getOuterHtml(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise.} A promise * that resolves to this element's JSON representation as defined by the * WebDriver wire protocol. * @see http://code.google.com/p/selenium/wiki/JsonWireProtocol */ getId(): webdriver.promise.Promise /** * Schedules a command to retrieve the inner HTML of this element. * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will be resolved with the * element's inner HTML. */ getInnerHtml(): webdriver.promise.Promise; } interface LocatorWithColumn extends webdriver.Locator { column(index: number): webdriver.Locator; column(name: string): webdriver.Locator; } interface RepeaterLocator extends LocatorWithColumn { row(index: number): LocatorWithColumn; } interface IProtractorLocatorStrategy { /** * webdriver's By is an enum of locator functions, so we must set it to * a prototype before inheriting from it. */ className: typeof webdriver.By.className; css: typeof webdriver.By.css; id: typeof webdriver.By.id; linkText: typeof webdriver.By.linkText; js: typeof webdriver.By.js; name: typeof webdriver.By.name; partialLinkText: typeof webdriver.By.partialLinkText; tagName: typeof webdriver.By.tagName; xpath: typeof webdriver.By.xpath; /** * Add a locator to this instance of ProtractorBy. This locator can then be * used with element(by.locatorName(args)). * * @view * * * @example * // Add the custom locator. * by.addLocator('buttonTextSimple', * function(buttonText, opt_parentElement, opt_rootSelector) { * // This function will be serialized as a string and will execute in the * // browser. The first argument is the text for the button. The second * // argument is the parent element, if any. * var using = opt_parentElement, * buttons = using.querySelectorAll('button'); * * // Return an array of buttons with the text. * return Array.prototype.filter.call(buttons, function(button) { * return button.textContent === buttonText; * }); * }); * * // Use the custom locator. * element(by.buttonTextSimple('Go!')).click(); * * @alias by.addLocator(locatorName, functionOrScript) * @param {string} name The name of the new locator. * @param {Function|string} script A script to be run in the context of * the browser. This script will be passed an array of arguments * that contains any args passed into the locator followed by the * element scoping the search and the css selector for the root angular * element. It should return an array of elements. */ addLocator(name: string, script: string): void; addLocator(name: string, script: Function): void; /** * Find an element by binding. * * @view * {{person.name}} * * * @example * var span1 = element(by.binding('person.name')); * expect(span1.getText()).toBe('Foo'); * * var span2 = element(by.binding('person.email')); * expect(span2.getText()).toBe('foo@bar.com'); * * @param {string} bindingDescriptor * @return {{findElementsOverride: findElementsOverride, toString: Function|string}} */ binding(bindingDescriptor: string): webdriver.Locator; /** * Find an element by exact binding. * * @view * {{ person.name }} * * {{person_phone|uppercase}} * * @example * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person.name')).isPresent()).toBe(true); * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person-email')).isPresent()).toBe(true); * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person')).isPresent()).toBe(false); * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person_phone')).isPresent()).toBe(true); * expect(element(by.exactBinding('person_phone|uppercase')).isPresent()).toBe(true); * expect(element(by.exactBinding('phone')).isPresent()).toBe(false); * * @param {string} bindingDescriptor * @return {{findElementsOverride: findElementsOverride, toString: Function|string}} */ exactBinding(bindingDescriptor: string): webdriver.Locator; /** * Find an element by ng-model expression. * * @alias by.model(modelName) * @view * * * @example * var input = element(by.model('person.name')); * input.sendKeys('123'); * expect(input.getAttribute('value')).toBe('Foo123'); * * @param {string} model ng-model expression. */ model(model: string): webdriver.Locator; /** * Find a button by text. * * @view * * * @example * element(by.buttonText('Save')); * * @param {string} searchText * @return {{findElementsOverride: findElementsOverride, toString: Function|string}} */ buttonText(searchText: string): webdriver.Locator; /** * Find a button by partial text. * * @view * * * @example * element(by.partialButtonText('Save')); * * @param {string} searchText * @return {{findElementsOverride: findElementsOverride, toString: Function|string}} */ partialButtonText(searchText: string): webdriver.Locator; /** * Find elements inside an ng-repeat. * * @view *
* {{cat.name}} * {{cat.age}} *
* *
* {{$index}} *




* * @example * // Returns the DIV for the second cat. * var secondCat = element(by.repeater('cat in pets').row(1)); * * // Returns the SPAN for the first cat's name. * var firstCatName = element(by.repeater('cat in pets'). * row(0).column('{{cat.name}}')); * * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements from a column * var ages = element.all( * by.repeater('cat in pets').column('{{cat.age}}')); * * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing * // all top level elements repeated by the repeater. For 2 pets rows resolves * // to an array of 2 elements. * var rows = element.all(by.repeater('cat in pets')); * * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing all * // the elements with a binding to the book's name. * var divs = element.all(by.repeater('book in library').column('book.name')); * * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing * // the DIVs for the second book. * var bookInfo = element.all(by.repeater('book in library').row(1)); * * // Returns the H4 for the first book's name. * var firstBookName = element(by.repeater('book in library'). * row(0).column('{{book.name}}')); * * // Returns a promise that resolves to an array of WebElements containing * // all top level elements repeated by the repeater. For 2 books divs * // resolves to an array of 4 elements. * var divs = element.all(by.repeater('book in library')); */ repeater(repeatDescriptor: string): RepeaterLocator; /** * Find elements by CSS which contain a certain string. * * @view *
  • Dog
  • *
  • Cat
  • *
* * @example * // Returns the DIV for the dog, but not cat. * var dog = element(by.cssContainingText('.pet', 'Dog')); */ cssContainingText(cssSelector: string, searchText: string): webdriver.Locator; /** * Find an element by ng-options expression. * * @alias by.options(optionsDescriptor) * @view * * * @example * var allOptions = element.all(by.options('c for c in colors')); * expect(allOptions.count()).toEqual(2); * var firstOption = allOptions.first(); * expect(firstOption.getText()).toEqual('red'); * * @param {string} optionsDescriptor ng-options expression. */ options(optionsDescriptor: string): webdriver.Locator; } var By: IProtractorLocatorStrategy; interface Protractor extends webdriver.WebDriver { /** * The wrapped webdriver instance. Use this to interact with pages that do * not contain Angular (such as a log-in screen). * * @type {webdriver.WebDriver} */ driver: webdriver.WebDriver; /** * Helper function for finding elements. * * @type {function(webdriver.Locator): ElementFinder} */ element(locator: webdriver.Locator): ElementFinder; /** * Shorthand function for finding elements by css. * * @type {function(string): ElementFinder} */ $(selector: string): ElementFinder; /** * Shorthand function for finding arrays of elements by css. * * @type {function(string): ElementArrayFinder} */ $$(selector: string): ElementArrayFinder; /** * All get methods will be resolved against this base URL. Relative URLs are = * resolved the way anchor tags resolve. * * @type {string} */ baseUrl: string; /** * The css selector for an element on which to find Angular. This is usually * 'body' but if your ng-app is on a subsection of the page it may be * a subelement. * * @type {string} */ rootEl: string; /** * If true, Protractor will not attempt to synchronize with the page before * performing actions. This can be harmful because Protractor will not wait * until $timeouts and $http calls have been processed, which can cause * tests to become flaky. This should be used only when necessary, such as * when a page continuously polls an API using $timeout. * * @type {boolean} */ ignoreSynchronization: boolean; /** * Timeout in milliseconds to wait for pages to load when calling `get`. * * @type {number} */ getPageTimeout: number; /** * An object that holds custom test parameters. * * @type {Object} */ params: any; /** * The reset URL to use between page loads. * * @type {string} */ resetUrl: string; /** * Instruct webdriver to wait until Angular has finished rendering and has * no outstanding $http calls before continuing. * * @return {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will resolve to the * scripts return value. */ waitForAngular(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Add a module to load before Angular whenever Protractor.get is called. * Modules will be registered after existing modules already on the page, * so any module registered here will override preexisting modules with the same * name. * * @example * browser.addMockModule('modName', function() { * angular.module('modName', []).value('foo', 'bar'); * }); * * @param {!string} name The name of the module to load or override. * @param {!string|Function} script The JavaScript to load the module. * @param {...*} varArgs Any additional arguments will be provided to * the script and may be referenced using the `arguments` object. */ addMockModule(name: string, script: string, ...varArgs: any[]): void; addMockModule(name: string, script: Function, ...varArgs: any[]): void; /** * Clear the list of registered mock modules. */ clearMockModules(): void; /** * Remove a registered mock module. * * @example * browser.removeMockModule('modName'); * * @param {!string} name The name of the module to remove. */ removeMockModule(name: string): void; /** * @see webdriver.WebDriver.get * * Navigate to the given destination and loads mock modules before * Angular. Assumes that the page being loaded uses Angular. * If you need to access a page which does not have Angular on load, use * the wrapped webdriver directly. * * @param {string} destination Destination URL. * @param {number=} opt_timeout Number of milliseconds to wait for Angular to * start. */ get(destination: string, opt_timeout?: number): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * See webdriver.WebDriver.refresh * * Makes a full reload of the current page and loads mock modules before * Angular. Assumes that the page being loaded uses Angular. * If you need to access a page which does not have Angular on load, use * the wrapped webdriver directly. * * @param {number=} opt_timeout Number of seconds to wait for Angular to start. */ refresh(opt_timeout?: number): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Browse to another page using in-page navigation. * * @param {string} url In page URL using the same syntax as $location.url() * @returns {!webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise that will resolve once * page has been changed. */ setLocation(url: string): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Returns the current absolute url from AngularJS. */ getLocationAbsUrl(): webdriver.promise.Promise; /** * Pauses the test and injects some helper functions into the browser, so that * debugging may be done in the browser console. * * This should be used under node in debug mode, i.e. with * protractor debug * * @example * While in the debugger, commands can be scheduled through webdriver by * entering the repl: * debug> repl * Press Ctrl + C to leave rdebug repl * > ptor.findElement(protractor.By.input('user').sendKeys('Laura')); * > ptor.debugger(); * debug> c * * This will run the sendKeys command as the next task, then re-enter the * debugger. */ debugger(): void; /** * Beta (unstable) pause function for debugging webdriver tests. Use * browser.pause() in your test to enter the protractor debugger from that * point in the control flow. * Does not require changes to the command line (no need to add 'debug'). * * @example * element(by.id('foo')).click(); * browser.pause(); * // Execution will stop before the next click action. * element(by.id('bar')).click(); * * @param {number=} opt_debugPort Optional port to use for the debugging process */ pause(opt_debugPort?: number): void; } // Interface for the global browser object. interface IBrowser extends Protractor { /** * Fork another instance of protractor for use in interactive tests. * * @param {boolean} opt_useSameUrl Whether to navigate to current url on creation * @param {boolean} opt_copyMockModules Whether to apply same mock modules on creation * @return {Protractor} a protractor instance. */ forkNewDriverInstance(opt_useSameUrl?: boolean, opt_copyMockModules?: boolean): Protractor; /** * Get the processed configuration object that is currently being run. This will contain * the specs and capabilities properties of the current runner instance. * * Set by the runner. * * @return {webdriver.promise.Promise} A promise which resolves to the capabilities object. */ getProcessedConfig(): webdriver.promise.Promise; } /** * Create a new instance of Protractor by wrapping a webdriver instance. * * @param {webdriver.WebDriver} webdriver The configured webdriver instance. * @param {string=} opt_baseUrl A URL to prepend to relative gets. * @return {Protractor} */ function wrapDriver(webdriver: webdriver.WebDriver, opt_baseUrl?: string, opt_rootElement?: string): Protractor; } interface cssSelectorHelper { (cssLocator: string): protractor.ElementFinder; } interface cssArraySelectorHelper { (cssLocator: string): protractor.ElementArrayFinder; } declare var browser: protractor.IBrowser; declare var by: protractor.IProtractorLocatorStrategy; declare var By: protractor.IProtractorLocatorStrategy; declare var element: protractor.Element; declare var $: cssSelectorHelper; declare var $$: cssArraySelectorHelper; declare module 'protractor' { export = protractor; }