import type { Component } from 'react'; import React from 'react'; import type { BasicDataNode, TreeProps as RcTreeProps } from 'rc-tree'; import RcTree from 'rc-tree'; import type { DataNode, Key } from 'rc-tree/lib/interface'; export type SwitcherIcon = React.ReactNode | ((props: AntTreeNodeProps) => React.ReactNode); export type TreeLeafIcon = React.ReactNode | ((props: AntTreeNodeProps) => React.ReactNode); type TreeIcon = React.ReactNode | ((props: AntdTreeNodeAttribute) => React.ReactNode); export interface AntdTreeNodeAttribute { eventKey: string; prefixCls: string; className: string; expanded: boolean; selected: boolean; checked: boolean; halfChecked: boolean; children: React.ReactNode; title: React.ReactNode; pos: string; dragOver: boolean; dragOverGapTop: boolean; dragOverGapBottom: boolean; isLeaf: boolean; selectable: boolean; disabled: boolean; disableCheckbox: boolean; } export interface AntTreeNodeProps { className?: string; checkable?: boolean; disabled?: boolean; disableCheckbox?: boolean; title?: React.ReactNode | ((data: DataNode) => React.ReactNode); key?: Key; eventKey?: Key; isLeaf?: boolean; checked?: boolean; expanded?: boolean; loading?: boolean; selected?: boolean; selectable?: boolean; icon?: TreeIcon; children?: React.ReactNode; [customProp: string]: any; } export interface AntTreeNode extends Component { } export interface AntTreeNodeBaseEvent { node: AntTreeNode; nativeEvent: MouseEvent; } export interface AntTreeNodeCheckedEvent extends AntTreeNodeBaseEvent { event: 'check'; checked?: boolean; checkedNodes?: AntTreeNode[]; } export interface AntTreeNodeSelectedEvent extends AntTreeNodeBaseEvent { event: 'select'; selected?: boolean; selectedNodes?: DataNode[]; } export interface AntTreeNodeExpandedEvent extends AntTreeNodeBaseEvent { expanded?: boolean; } export interface AntTreeNodeMouseEvent { node: AntTreeNode; event: React.DragEvent; } export interface AntTreeNodeDragEnterEvent extends AntTreeNodeMouseEvent { expandedKeys: Key[]; } export interface AntTreeNodeDropEvent { node: AntTreeNode; dragNode: AntTreeNode; dragNodesKeys: Key[]; dropPosition: number; dropToGap?: boolean; event: React.MouseEvent; } export type TreeNodeNormal = DataNode; type DraggableFn = (node: DataNode) => boolean; interface DraggableConfig { icon?: React.ReactNode; nodeDraggable?: DraggableFn; } export interface TreeProps extends Omit, 'prefixCls' | 'showLine' | 'direction' | 'draggable' | 'icon' | 'switcherIcon'> { showLine?: boolean | { showLeafIcon: boolean | TreeLeafIcon; }; className?: string; /** Whether to support multiple selection */ multiple?: boolean; /** Whether to automatically expand the parent node */ autoExpandParent?: boolean; /** Node selection in Checkable state is fully controlled (the selected state of parent and child nodes is no longer associated) */ checkStrictly?: boolean; /** Whether to support selection */ checkable?: boolean; /** whether to disable the tree */ disabled?: boolean; /** Expand all tree nodes by default */ defaultExpandAll?: boolean; /** Expand the corresponding tree node by default */ defaultExpandParent?: boolean; /** Expand the specified tree node by default */ defaultExpandedKeys?: Key[]; /** (Controlled) Expand the specified tree node */ expandedKeys?: Key[]; /** (Controlled) Tree node with checked checkbox */ checkedKeys?: Key[] | { checked: Key[]; halfChecked: Key[]; }; /** Tree node with checkbox checked by default */ defaultCheckedKeys?: Key[]; /** (Controlled) Set the selected tree node */ selectedKeys?: Key[]; /** Tree node selected by default */ defaultSelectedKeys?: Key[]; selectable?: boolean; /** Click on the tree node to trigger */ filterAntTreeNode?: (node: AntTreeNode) => boolean; loadedKeys?: Key[]; /** Set the node to be draggable (IE>8) */ draggable?: DraggableFn | boolean | DraggableConfig; style?: React.CSSProperties; showIcon?: boolean; icon?: TreeIcon; switcherIcon?: SwitcherIcon; switcherLoadingIcon?: React.ReactNode; prefixCls?: string; children?: React.ReactNode; blockNode?: boolean; } declare const Tree: React.ForwardRefExoticComponent & React.RefAttributes>>; export default Tree;