var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true }); var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod); // index.ts var antlr4_c3_exports = {}; __export(antlr4_c3_exports, { ArrayType: () => ArrayType, BaseSymbol: () => BaseSymbol, BlockSymbol: () => BlockSymbol, CandidatesCollection: () => CandidatesCollection, ClassSymbol: () => ClassSymbol, CodeCompletionCore: () => CodeCompletionCore, DuplicateSymbolError: () => DuplicateSymbolError, FieldSymbol: () => FieldSymbol, FundamentalType: () => FundamentalType, InterfaceSymbol: () => InterfaceSymbol, LiteralSymbol: () => LiteralSymbol, MemberVisibility: () => MemberVisibility, MethodFlags: () => MethodFlags, MethodSymbol: () => MethodSymbol, Modifier: () => Modifier, NamespaceSymbol: () => NamespaceSymbol, ParameterSymbol: () => ParameterSymbol, ReferenceKind: () => ReferenceKind, RoutineSymbol: () => RoutineSymbol, ScopedSymbol: () => ScopedSymbol, SymbolTable: () => SymbolTable, TypeAlias: () => TypeAlias, TypeKind: () => TypeKind, TypedSymbol: () => TypedSymbol, VariableSymbol: () => VariableSymbol }); module.exports = __toCommonJS(antlr4_c3_exports); // src/types.ts var MemberVisibility = /* @__PURE__ */ ((MemberVisibility2) => { MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["Open"] = 1] = "Open"; MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["Public"] = 2] = "Public"; MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["Protected"] = 3] = "Protected"; MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["Private"] = 4] = "Private"; MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["FilePrivate"] = 5] = "FilePrivate"; MemberVisibility2[MemberVisibility2["Library"] = 6] = "Library"; return MemberVisibility2; })(MemberVisibility || {}); var Modifier = /* @__PURE__ */ ((Modifier3) => { Modifier3[Modifier3["Static"] = 0] = "Static"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Final"] = 1] = "Final"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Sealed"] = 2] = "Sealed"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Abstract"] = 3] = "Abstract"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Deprecated"] = 4] = "Deprecated"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Virtual"] = 5] = "Virtual"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Const"] = 6] = "Const"; Modifier3[Modifier3["Overwritten"] = 7] = "Overwritten"; return Modifier3; })(Modifier || {}); var TypeKind = /* @__PURE__ */ ((TypeKind2) => { TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Unknown"] = 0] = "Unknown"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Integer"] = 1] = "Integer"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Float"] = 2] = "Float"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Number"] = 3] = "Number"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["String"] = 4] = "String"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Char"] = 5] = "Char"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Boolean"] = 6] = "Boolean"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Class"] = 7] = "Class"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Interface"] = 8] = "Interface"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Array"] = 9] = "Array"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Map"] = 10] = "Map"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Enum"] = 11] = "Enum"; TypeKind2[TypeKind2["Alias"] = 12] = "Alias"; return TypeKind2; })(TypeKind || {}); var ReferenceKind = /* @__PURE__ */ ((ReferenceKind3) => { ReferenceKind3[ReferenceKind3["Irrelevant"] = 0] = "Irrelevant"; ReferenceKind3[ReferenceKind3["Pointer"] = 1] = "Pointer"; ReferenceKind3[ReferenceKind3["Reference"] = 2] = "Reference"; ReferenceKind3[ReferenceKind3["Instance"] = 3] = "Instance"; return ReferenceKind3; })(ReferenceKind || {}); // src/BaseSymbol.ts var BaseSymbol = class { static { __name(this, "BaseSymbol"); } /** The name of the symbol or empty if anonymous. */ name; /** Reference to the parse tree which contains this symbol. */ context; modifiers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); visibility = 0 /* Unknown */; #parent; constructor(name = "") { = name; } get parent() { return this.#parent; } get firstSibling() { if (!this.#parent) { return void 0; } return this.#parent?.firstChild; } /** * @returns the symbol before this symbol in its scope. */ get previousSibling() { if (!this.#parent) { return void 0; } if (!this.#parent) { return this; } return this.#parent.previousSiblingOf(this); } /** * @returns the symbol following this symbol in its scope. */ get nextSibling() { return this.#parent?.nextSiblingOf(this); } get lastSibling() { return this.#parent?.lastChild; } /** * @returns the next symbol in definition order, regardless of the scope. */ get next() { return this.#parent?.nextOf(this); } /** * @returns the outermost entity (below the symbol table) that holds us. */ get root() { let run = this.#parent; while (run) { if (!run.parent || this.isSymbolTable(run.parent)) { return run; } run = run.parent; } return run; } /** * @returns the symbol table we belong too or undefined if we are not yet assigned. */ get symbolTable() { if (this.isSymbolTable(this)) { return this; } let run = this.#parent; while (run) { if (this.isSymbolTable(run)) { return run; } run = run.parent; } return void 0; } /** * @returns the list of symbols from this one up to root. */ get symbolPath() { const result = []; let run = this; while (run) { result.push(run); if (!run.parent) { break; } run = run.parent; } return result; } /** * This is rather an internal method and should rarely be used by external code. * * @param parent The new parent to use. */ setParent(parent) { this.#parent = parent; } /** * Remove this symbol from its parent scope. */ removeFromParent() { this.#parent?.removeSymbol(this); this.#parent = void 0; } /** * Asynchronously looks up a symbol with a given name, in a bottom-up manner. * * @param name The name of the symbol to find. * @param localOnly If true only child symbols are returned, otherwise also symbols from the parent of this symbol * (recursively). * * @returns A promise resolving to the first symbol with a given name, in the order of appearance in this scope * or any of the parent scopes (conditionally). */ async resolve(name, localOnly = false) { return this.#parent?.resolve(name, localOnly); } /** * Synchronously looks up a symbol with a given name, in a bottom-up manner. * * @param name The name of the symbol to find. * @param localOnly If true only child symbols are returned, otherwise also symbols from the parent of this symbol * (recursively). * * @returns the first symbol with a given name, in the order of appearance in this scope * or any of the parent scopes (conditionally). */ resolveSync(name, localOnly = false) { return this.#parent?.resolveSync(name, localOnly); } /** * @param t The type of objects to return. * * @returns the next enclosing parent of the given type. */ getParentOfType(t) { let run = this.#parent; while (run) { if (run instanceof t) { return run; } run = run.parent; } return void 0; } /** * Creates a qualified identifier from this symbol and its parent. * If `full` is true then all parents are traversed in addition to this instance. * * @param separator The string to be used between the parts. * @param full A flag indicating if the full path is to be returned. * @param includeAnonymous Use a special string for empty scope names. * * @returns the constructed qualified identifier. */ qualifiedName(separator = ".", full = false, includeAnonymous = false) { if (!includeAnonymous && === 0) { return ""; } let result = === 0 ? "" :; let run = this.#parent; while (run) { if (includeAnonymous || > 0) { result = ( === 0 ? "" : + separator + result; } if (!full || !run.parent) { break; } run = run.parent; } return result; } /** * Type guard to check for ISymbolTable. * * @param candidate The object to check. * * @returns true if the object is a symbol table. */ isSymbolTable(candidate) { return !== void 0; } }; // src/ArrayType.ts var ArrayType = class extends BaseSymbol { static { __name(this, "ArrayType"); } elementType; size; // > 0 if fixed length. referenceKind; constructor(name, referenceKind, elemType, size = 0) { super(name); this.referenceKind = referenceKind; this.elementType = elemType; this.size = size; } get baseTypes() { return []; } get kind() { return 9 /* Array */; } get reference() { return this.referenceKind; } }; // src/DuplicateSymbolError.ts var DuplicateSymbolError = class extends Error { static { __name(this, "DuplicateSymbolError"); } }; // src/ScopedSymbol.ts var ScopedSymbol = class _ScopedSymbol extends BaseSymbol { static { __name(this, "ScopedSymbol"); } /** All child symbols in definition order. */ #children = []; // All used child names. Used to detect name collisions. #names = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); constructor(name = "") { super(name); } /** * @returns A promise resolving to all direct child symbols with a scope (e.g. classes in a module). */ get directScopes() { return this.getSymbolsOfType(_ScopedSymbol); } get children() { return this.#children; } get firstChild() { if (this.#children.length > 0) { return this.#children[0]; } return void 0; } get lastChild() { if (this.#children.length > 0) { return this.#children[this.#children.length - 1]; } return void 0; } clear() { this.#children = []; this.#names.clear(); } /** * Adds the given symbol to this scope. If it belongs already to a different scope * it is removed from that before adding it here. * * @param symbol The symbol to add as a child. */ addSymbol(symbol) { symbol.removeFromParent(); const symbolTable = this.symbolTable; const count = this.#names.get(; if (!symbolTable || !symbolTable.options.allowDuplicateSymbols) { if (count !== void 0) { throw new DuplicateSymbolError("Attempt to add duplicate symbol '" + ( ?? "") + "'"); } else { this.#names.set(, 1); } const index = this.#children.indexOf(symbol); if (index > -1) { throw new DuplicateSymbolError("Attempt to add duplicate symbol '" + ( ?? "") + "'"); } } else { this.#names.set(, count === void 0 ? 1 : count + 1); } this.#children.push(symbol); symbol.setParent(this); } removeSymbol(symbol) { const index = this.#children.indexOf(symbol); if (index > -1) { this.#children.splice(index, 1); symbol.setParent(void 0); const count = this.#names.get(; if (count !== void 0) { if (count === 1) { this.#names.delete(; } else { this.#names.set(, count - 1); } } } } /** * Asynchronously retrieves child symbols of a given type from this symbol. * * @param t The type of of the objects to return. * * @returns A promise resolving to all (nested) children of the given type. */ async getNestedSymbolsOfType(t) { const result = []; const childPromises = []; this.#children.forEach((child) => { if (child instanceof t) { result.push(child); } if (child instanceof _ScopedSymbol) { childPromises.push(child.getNestedSymbolsOfType(t)); } }); const childSymbols = await Promise.all(childPromises); childSymbols.forEach((entry) => { result.push(...entry); }); return result; } /** * Synchronously retrieves child symbols of a given type from this symbol. * * @param t The type of of the objects to return. * * @returns A list of all (nested) children of the given type. */ getNestedSymbolsOfTypeSync(t) { const result = []; this.#children.forEach((child) => { if (child instanceof t) { result.push(child); } if (child instanceof _ScopedSymbol) { result.push(...child.getNestedSymbolsOfTypeSync(t)); } }); return result; } /** * @param name If given only returns symbols with that name. * * @returns A promise resolving to symbols from this and all nested scopes in the order they were defined. */ async getAllNestedSymbols(name) { const result = []; const childPromises = []; this.#children.forEach((child) => { if (!name || === name) { result.push(child); } if (child instanceof _ScopedSymbol) { childPromises.push(child.getAllNestedSymbols(name)); } }); const childSymbols = await Promise.all(childPromises); childSymbols.forEach((entry) => { result.push(...entry); }); return result; } /** * @param name If given only returns symbols with that name. * * @returns A list of all symbols from this and all nested scopes in the order they were defined. */ getAllNestedSymbolsSync(name) { const result = []; this.#children.forEach((child) => { if (!name || === name) { result.push(child); } if (child instanceof _ScopedSymbol) { result.push(...child.getAllNestedSymbolsSync(name)); } }); return result; } /** * @param t The type of of the objects to return. * * @returns A promise resolving to direct children of a given type. */ getSymbolsOfType(t) { return new Promise((resolve) => { const result = []; this.#children.forEach((child) => { if (child instanceof t) { result.push(child); } }); resolve(result); }); } /** * TODO: add optional position dependency (only symbols defined before a given caret pos are viable). * * @param t The type of the objects to return. * @param localOnly If true only child symbols are returned, otherwise also symbols from the parent of this symbol * (recursively). * * @returns A promise resolving to all symbols of the the given type, accessible from this scope (if localOnly is * false), within the owning symbol table. */ async getAllSymbols(t, localOnly = false) { const result = []; for (const child of this.#children) { if (child instanceof t) { result.push(child); } if (this.isNamespace(child)) { const childSymbols = await child.getAllSymbols(t, true); result.push(...childSymbols); } } if (!localOnly) { if (this.parent) { const childSymbols = await this.getAllSymbols(t, true); result.push(...childSymbols); } } return result; } /** * TODO: add optional position dependency (only symbols defined before a given caret pos are viable). * * @param t The type of the objects to return. * @param localOnly If true only child symbols are returned, otherwise also symbols from the parent of this symbol * (recursively). * * @returns A list with all symbols of the the given type, accessible from this scope (if localOnly is * false), within the owning symbol table. */ getAllSymbolsSync(t, localOnly = false) { const result = []; for (const child of this.#children) { if (child instanceof t) { result.push(child); } if (this.isNamespace(child)) { const childSymbols = child.getAllSymbolsSync(t, true); result.push(...childSymbols); } } if (!localOnly) { if (this.parent) { const childSymbols = this.getAllSymbolsSync(t, true); result.push(...childSymbols); } } return result; } /** * @param name The name of the symbol to resolve. * @param localOnly If true only child symbols are returned, otherwise also symbols from the parent of this symbol * (recursively). * * @returns A promise resolving to the first symbol with a given name, in the order of appearance in this scope * or any of the parent scopes (conditionally). */ async resolve(name, localOnly = false) { return new Promise((resolve) => { for (const child of this.#children) { if ( === name) { resolve(child); return; } } if (!localOnly) { if (this.parent) { resolve(this.parent.resolve(name, false)); return; } } resolve(void 0); }); } /** * @param name The name of the symbol to resolve. * @param localOnly If true only child symbols are returned, otherwise also symbols from the parent of this symbol * (recursively). * * @returns the first symbol with a given name, in the order of appearance in this scope * or any of the parent scopes (conditionally). */ resolveSync(name, localOnly = false) { for (const child of this.#children) { if ( === name) { return child; } } if (!localOnly) { if (this.parent) { return this.parent.resolveSync(name, false); } } return void 0; } /** * @param path The path consisting of symbol names separator by `separator`. * @param separator The character to separate path segments. * * @returns the symbol located at the given path through the symbol hierarchy. */ symbolFromPath(path, separator = ".") { const elements = path.split(separator); let index = 0; if (elements[0] === || elements[0].length === 0) { ++index; } let result = this; while (index < elements.length) { if (!(result instanceof _ScopedSymbol)) { return void 0; } const child = result.children.find((candidate) => { return === elements[index]; }); if (!child) { return void 0; } result = child; ++index; } return result; } /** * @param child The child to search for. * * @returns the index of the given child symbol in the child list or -1 if it couldn't be found. */ indexOfChild(child) { return this.#children.findIndex((value) => { return value === child; }); } /** * @param child The reference node. * * @returns the sibling symbol after the given child symbol, if one exists. */ nextSiblingOf(child) { const index = this.indexOfChild(child); if (index === -1 || index >= this.#children.length - 1) { return void 0; } return this.#children[index + 1]; } /** * @param child The reference node. * * @returns the sibling symbol before the given child symbol, if one exists. */ previousSiblingOf(child) { const index = this.indexOfChild(child); if (index < 1) { return void 0; } return this.#children[index - 1]; } /** * @param child The reference node. * * @returns the next symbol in definition order, regardless of the scope. */ nextOf(child) { if (!child.parent) { return void 0; } if (child.parent !== this) { return child.parent.nextOf(child); } if (child instanceof _ScopedSymbol && child.children.length > 0) { return child.children[0]; } const sibling = this.nextSiblingOf(child); if (sibling) { return sibling; } return this.parent.nextOf(this); } isNamespace(candidate) { return candidate.inline !== void 0 && candidate.attributes !== void 0; } }; // src/BlockSymbol.ts var BlockSymbol = class extends ScopedSymbol { static { __name(this, "BlockSymbol"); } }; // src/TypedSymbol.ts var TypedSymbol = class extends BaseSymbol { static { __name(this, "TypedSymbol"); } type; constructor(name, type) { super(name); this.type = type; } }; // src/VariableSymbol.ts var VariableSymbol = class extends TypedSymbol { static { __name(this, "VariableSymbol"); } value; constructor(name, value, type) { super(name, type); this.value = value; } }; // src/FieldSymbol.ts var FieldSymbol = class extends VariableSymbol { static { __name(this, "FieldSymbol"); } setter; getter; }; // src/ParameterSymbol.ts var ParameterSymbol = class extends VariableSymbol { static { __name(this, "ParameterSymbol"); } }; // src/RoutineSymbol.ts var RoutineSymbol = class extends ScopedSymbol { static { __name(this, "RoutineSymbol"); } returnType; // Can be null if result is void. constructor(name, returnType) { super(name); this.returnType = returnType; } getVariables(_localOnly = true) { return this.getSymbolsOfType(VariableSymbol); } getParameters(_localOnly = true) { return this.getSymbolsOfType(ParameterSymbol); } }; // src/MethodSymbol.ts var MethodFlags = /* @__PURE__ */ ((MethodFlags2) => { MethodFlags2[MethodFlags2["None"] = 0] = "None"; MethodFlags2[MethodFlags2["Virtual"] = 1] = "Virtual"; MethodFlags2[MethodFlags2["Const"] = 2] = "Const"; MethodFlags2[MethodFlags2["Overwritten"] = 4] = "Overwritten"; MethodFlags2[MethodFlags2["SetterOrGetter"] = 8] = "SetterOrGetter"; MethodFlags2[MethodFlags2["Explicit"] = 16] = "Explicit"; return MethodFlags2; })(MethodFlags || {}); var MethodSymbol = class extends RoutineSymbol { static { __name(this, "MethodSymbol"); } methodFlags = 0 /* None */; }; // src/ClassSymbol.ts var ClassSymbol = class extends ScopedSymbol { static { __name(this, "ClassSymbol"); } isStruct = false; reference = 0 /* Irrelevant */; /** Usually only one member, unless the language supports multiple inheritance (like C++). */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define extends; /** Typescript allows a class to implement a class, not only interfaces. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define implements; constructor(name, ext, impl) { super(name); this.extends = ext; this.implements = impl; } get baseTypes() { return this.extends; } get kind() { return 7 /* Class */; } /** * @param _includeInherited Not used. * * @returns a list of all methods. */ getMethods(_includeInherited = false) { return this.getSymbolsOfType(MethodSymbol); } /** * @param _includeInherited Not used. * * @returns all fields. */ getFields(_includeInherited = false) { return this.getSymbolsOfType(FieldSymbol); } }; // src/FundamentalType.ts var FundamentalType = class _FundamentalType { static { __name(this, "FundamentalType"); } static integerType = new _FundamentalType("int", 1 /* Integer */, 3 /* Instance */); static floatType = new _FundamentalType("float", 2 /* Float */, 3 /* Instance */); static stringType = new _FundamentalType("string", 4 /* String */, 3 /* Instance */); static boolType = new _FundamentalType("bool", 6 /* Boolean */, 3 /* Instance */); name; typeKind; referenceKind; constructor(name, typeKind = 0 /* Unknown */, referenceKind = 0 /* Irrelevant */) { = name; this.typeKind = typeKind; this.referenceKind = referenceKind; } get baseTypes() { return []; } get kind() { return this.typeKind; } get reference() { return this.referenceKind; } }; // src/InterfaceSymbol.ts var InterfaceSymbol = class extends ScopedSymbol { static { __name(this, "InterfaceSymbol"); } reference = 0 /* Irrelevant */; /** Typescript allows an interface to extend a class, not only interfaces. */ // eslint-disable-next-line no-use-before-define extends; constructor(name, ext) { super(name); this.extends = ext; } get baseTypes() { return this.extends; } get kind() { return 8 /* Interface */; } /** * @param _includeInherited not used * * @returns a list of all methods. */ getMethods(_includeInherited = false) { return this.getSymbolsOfType(MethodSymbol); } /** * @param _includeInherited Not used. * * @returns all fields. */ getFields(_includeInherited = false) { return this.getSymbolsOfType(FieldSymbol); } }; // src/LiteralSymbol.ts var LiteralSymbol = class extends TypedSymbol { static { __name(this, "LiteralSymbol"); } value; constructor(name, value, type) { super(name, type); this.value = value; } }; // src/NamespaceSymbol.ts var NamespaceSymbol = class extends ScopedSymbol { static { __name(this, "NamespaceSymbol"); } inline; attributes; constructor(name, inline = false, attributes = []) { super(name); this.inline = inline; this.attributes = attributes; } }; // src/TypeAlias.ts var TypeAlias = class extends BaseSymbol { static { __name(this, "TypeAlias"); } targetType; constructor(name, target) { super(name); this.targetType = target; } get baseTypes() { return [this.targetType]; } get kind() { return 12 /* Alias */; } get reference() { return 0 /* Irrelevant */; } }; // src/CodeCompletionCore.ts var import_antlr4ng = require("antlr4ng"); // src/utils.ts var longestCommonPrefix = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((arr1, arr2) => { if (!arr1 || !arr2) { return []; } let i; for (i = 0; i < Math.min(arr1.length, arr2.length); i++) { if (arr1[i] !== arr2[i]) { break; } } return arr1.slice(0, i); }, "longestCommonPrefix"); // src/CodeCompletionCore.ts var CandidatesCollection = class { static { __name(this, "CandidatesCollection"); } tokens = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); rules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); }; var FollowSetWithPath = class { static { __name(this, "FollowSetWithPath"); } intervals; path = []; following = []; }; var CodeCompletionCore = class _CodeCompletionCore { static { __name(this, "CodeCompletionCore"); } static followSetsByATN = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); static atnStateTypeMap = [ "invalid", "basic", "rule start", "block start", "plus block start", "star block start", "token start", "rule stop", "block end", "star loop back", "star loop entry", "plus loop back", "loop end" ]; // Debugging options. Print human readable ATN state and other info. /** Not dependent on showDebugOutput. Prints the collected rules + tokens to terminal. */ showResult = false; /** Enables printing ATN state info to terminal. */ showDebugOutput = false; /** Only relevant when showDebugOutput is true. Enables transition printing for a state. */ debugOutputWithTransitions = false; /** Also depends on showDebugOutput. Enables call stack printing for each rule recursion. */ showRuleStack = false; /** * Tailoring of the result: * Tokens which should not appear in the candidates set. */ ignoredTokens; /** * Rules which replace any candidate token they contain. * This allows to return descriptive rules (e.g. className, instead of ID/identifier). */ preferredRules; /** * Specify if preferred rules should translated top-down (higher index rule returns first) or * bottom-up (lower index rule returns first). */ translateRulesTopDown = false; parser; atn; vocabulary; ruleNames; tokens; precedenceStack; tokenStartIndex = 0; statesProcessed = 0; /** * A mapping of rule index + token stream position to end token positions. * A rule which has been visited before with the same input position will always produce the same output positions. */ shortcutMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); /** The collected candidates (rules and tokens). */ candidates = new CandidatesCollection(); constructor(parser) { this.parser = parser; this.atn = parser.atn; this.vocabulary = parser.vocabulary; this.ruleNames = parser.ruleNames; this.ignoredTokens = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); this.preferredRules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); } /** * This is the main entry point. The caret token index specifies the token stream index for the token which * currently covers the caret (or any other position you want to get code completion candidates for). * Optionally you can pass in a parser rule context which limits the ATN walk to only that or called rules. * This can significantly speed up the retrieval process but might miss some candidates (if they are outside of * the given context). * * @param caretTokenIndex The index of the token at the caret position. * @param context An option parser rule context to limit the search space. * @returns The collection of completion candidates. */ collectCandidates(caretTokenIndex, context) { this.shortcutMap.clear(); this.candidates.rules.clear(); this.candidates.tokens.clear(); this.statesProcessed = 0; this.precedenceStack = []; this.tokenStartIndex = context?.start ? context.start.tokenIndex : 0; const tokenStream = this.parser.tokenStream; this.tokens = []; let offset = this.tokenStartIndex; while (true) { const token = tokenStream.get(offset++); if (!token) { break; } if ( === import_antlr4ng.Token.DEFAULT_CHANNEL) { this.tokens.push(token); if (token.tokenIndex >= caretTokenIndex || token.type === import_antlr4ng.Token.EOF) { break; } } if (token.type === import_antlr4ng.Token.EOF) { break; } } const callStack = []; const startRule = context ? context.ruleIndex : 0; this.processRule(this.atn.ruleToStartState[startRule], 0, callStack, 0, 0); if (this.showResult) { console.log(`States processed: ${this.statesProcessed}`); console.log("\n\nCollected rules:\n"); for (const rule of this.candidates.rules) { let path = ""; for (const token of rule[1].ruleList) { path += this.ruleNames[token] + " "; } console.log(this.ruleNames[rule[0]] + ", path: ", path); } const sortedTokens = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const token of this.candidates.tokens) { let value = this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(token[0]) ?? ""; for (const following of token[1]) { value += " " + this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(following); } sortedTokens.add(value); } console.log("\n\nCollected tokens:\n"); for (const symbol of sortedTokens) { console.log(symbol); } console.log("\n\n"); } return this.candidates; } /** * Checks if the predicate associated with the given transition evaluates to true. * * @param transition The transition to check. * @returns the evaluation result of the predicate. */ checkPredicate(transition) { return transition.getPredicate().evaluate(this.parser, import_antlr4ng.ParserRuleContext.empty); } /** * Walks the rule chain upwards or downwards (depending on translateRulesTopDown) to see if that matches any of the * preferred rules. If found, that rule is added to the collection candidates and true is returned. * * @param ruleWithStartTokenList The list to convert. * @returns true if any of the stack entries was converted. */ translateStackToRuleIndex(ruleWithStartTokenList) { if (this.preferredRules.size === 0) { return false; } if (this.translateRulesTopDown) { for (let i = ruleWithStartTokenList.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this.translateToRuleIndex(i, ruleWithStartTokenList)) { return true; } } } else { for (let i = 0; i < ruleWithStartTokenList.length; i++) { if (this.translateToRuleIndex(i, ruleWithStartTokenList)) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Given the index of a rule from a rule chain, check if that matches any of the preferred rules. If it matches, * that rule is added to the collection candidates and true is returned. * * @param i The rule index. * @param ruleWithStartTokenList The list to check. * @returns true if the specified rule is in the list of preferred rules. */ translateToRuleIndex(i, ruleWithStartTokenList) { const { ruleIndex, startTokenIndex } = ruleWithStartTokenList[i]; if (this.preferredRules.has(ruleIndex)) { const path = ruleWithStartTokenList.slice(0, i).map(({ ruleIndex: candidate }) => { return candidate; }); let addNew = true; for (const rule of this.candidates.rules) { if (rule[0] !== ruleIndex || rule[1].ruleList.length !== path.length) { continue; } if (path.every((v, j) => { return v === rule[1].ruleList[j]; })) { addNew = false; break; } } if (addNew) { this.candidates.rules.set(ruleIndex, { startTokenIndex, ruleList: path }); if (this.showDebugOutput) { console.log("=====> collected: ", this.ruleNames[ruleIndex]); } } return true; } return false; } /** * This method follows the given transition and collects all symbols within the same rule that directly follow it * without intermediate transitions to other rules and only if there is a single symbol for a transition. * * @param transition The transition from which to start. * @returns A list of toke types. */ getFollowingTokens(transition) { const result = []; const pipeline = []; while (pipeline.length > 0) { const state = pipeline.pop(); if (state) { state.transitions.forEach((outgoing) => { if (outgoing.transitionType === import_antlr4ng.Transition.ATOM) { if (!outgoing.isEpsilon) { const list = outgoing.label.toArray(); if (list.length === 1 && !this.ignoredTokens.has(list[0])) { result.push(list[0]); pipeline.push(; } } else { pipeline.push(; } } }); } } return result; } /** * Entry point for the recursive follow set collection function. * * @param start Start state. * @param stop Stop state. * @returns Follow sets. */ determineFollowSets(start, stop) { const sets = []; const stateStack = []; const ruleStack = []; const isExhaustive = this.collectFollowSets(start, stop, sets, stateStack, ruleStack); const combined = new import_antlr4ng.IntervalSet(); for (const set of sets) { combined.addSet(set.intervals); } return { sets, isExhaustive, combined }; } /** * Collects possible tokens which could be matched following the given ATN state. This is essentially the same * algorithm as used in the LL1Analyzer class, but here we consider predicates also and use no parser rule context. * * @param s The state to continue from. * @param stopState The state which ends the collection routine. * @param followSets A pass through parameter to add found sets to. * @param stateStack A stack to avoid endless recursions. * @param ruleStack The current rule stack. * @returns true if the follow sets is exhaustive, i.e. we terminated before the rule end was reached, so no * subsequent rules could add tokens */ collectFollowSets(s, stopState, followSets, stateStack, ruleStack) { if (stateStack.find((x) => { return x === s; })) { return true; } stateStack.push(s); if (s === stopState || s.constructor.stateType === import_antlr4ng.ATNState.RULE_STOP) { stateStack.pop(); return false; } let isExhaustive = true; for (const transition of s.transitions) { if (transition.transitionType === import_antlr4ng.Transition.RULE) { const ruleTransition = transition; if (ruleStack.indexOf( !== -1) { continue; } ruleStack.push(; const ruleFollowSetsIsExhaustive = this.collectFollowSets(, stopState, followSets, stateStack, ruleStack ); ruleStack.pop(); if (!ruleFollowSetsIsExhaustive) { const nextStateFollowSetsIsExhaustive = this.collectFollowSets( ruleTransition.followState, stopState, followSets, stateStack, ruleStack ); isExhaustive &&= nextStateFollowSetsIsExhaustive; } } else if (transition.transitionType === import_antlr4ng.Transition.PREDICATE) { if (this.checkPredicate(transition)) { const nextStateFollowSetsIsExhaustive = this.collectFollowSets(, stopState, followSets, stateStack, ruleStack ); isExhaustive &&= nextStateFollowSetsIsExhaustive; } } else if (transition.isEpsilon) { const nextStateFollowSetsIsExhaustive = this.collectFollowSets(, stopState, followSets, stateStack, ruleStack ); isExhaustive &&= nextStateFollowSetsIsExhaustive; } else if (transition.transitionType === import_antlr4ng.Transition.WILDCARD) { const set = new FollowSetWithPath(); set.intervals = import_antlr4ng.IntervalSet.of(import_antlr4ng.Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, this.atn.maxTokenType); set.path = ruleStack.slice(); followSets.push(set); } else { let label = transition.label; if (label && label.length > 0) { if (transition.transitionType === import_antlr4ng.Transition.NOT_SET) { label = label.complement(import_antlr4ng.Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, this.atn.maxTokenType); } const set = new FollowSetWithPath(); set.intervals = label ?? new import_antlr4ng.IntervalSet(); set.path = ruleStack.slice(); set.following = this.getFollowingTokens(transition); followSets.push(set); } } } stateStack.pop(); return isExhaustive; } /** * Walks the ATN for a single rule only. It returns the token stream position for each path that could be matched * in this rule. * The result can be empty in case we hit only non-epsilon transitions that didn't match the current input or if we * hit the caret position. * * @param startState The start state. * @param tokenListIndex The token index we are currently at. * @param callStack The stack that indicates where in the ATN we are currently. * @param precedence The current precedence level. * @param indentation A value to determine the current indentation when doing debug prints. * @returns the set of token stream indexes (which depend on the ways that had to be taken). */ processRule(startState, tokenListIndex, callStack, precedence, indentation) { let positionMap = this.shortcutMap.get(startState.ruleIndex); if (!positionMap) { positionMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); this.shortcutMap.set(startState.ruleIndex, positionMap); } else { if (positionMap.has(tokenListIndex)) { if (this.showDebugOutput) { console.log("=====> shortcut"); } return positionMap.get(tokenListIndex); } } const result = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let setsPerState = _CodeCompletionCore.followSetsByATN.get(; if (!setsPerState) { setsPerState = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); _CodeCompletionCore.followSetsByATN.set(, setsPerState); } let followSets = setsPerState.get(startState.stateNumber); if (!followSets) { const stop = this.atn.ruleToStopState[startState.ruleIndex]; followSets = this.determineFollowSets(startState, stop); setsPerState.set(startState.stateNumber, followSets); } const startTokenIndex = this.tokens[tokenListIndex].tokenIndex; callStack.push({ startTokenIndex, ruleIndex: startState.ruleIndex }); if (tokenListIndex >= this.tokens.length - 1) { if (this.preferredRules.has(startState.ruleIndex)) { this.translateStackToRuleIndex(callStack); } else { for (const set of followSets.sets) { const fullPath = callStack.slice(); const followSetPath = => { return { startTokenIndex, ruleIndex: path }; }); fullPath.push(...followSetPath); if (!this.translateStackToRuleIndex(fullPath)) { for (const symbol of set.intervals.toArray()) { if (!this.ignoredTokens.has(symbol)) { if (this.showDebugOutput) { console.log("=====> collected: ", this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(symbol)); } if (!this.candidates.tokens.has(symbol)) { this.candidates.tokens.set(symbol, set.following); } else { if (this.candidates.tokens.get(symbol) !== set.following) { this.candidates.tokens.set(symbol, []); } } } } } } } if (!followSets.isExhaustive) { result.add(tokenListIndex); } callStack.pop(); return result; } else { const currentSymbol = this.tokens[tokenListIndex].type; if (followSets.isExhaustive && !followSets.combined.contains(currentSymbol)) { callStack.pop(); return result; } } if (startState.isPrecedenceRule) { this.precedenceStack.push(precedence); } const statePipeline = []; let currentEntry; statePipeline.push({ state: startState, tokenListIndex }); while (statePipeline.length > 0) { currentEntry = statePipeline.pop(); ++this.statesProcessed; const currentSymbol = this.tokens[currentEntry.tokenListIndex].type; const atCaret = currentEntry.tokenListIndex >= this.tokens.length - 1; if (this.showDebugOutput) { this.printDescription( indentation, currentEntry.state, this.generateBaseDescription(currentEntry.state), currentEntry.tokenListIndex ); if (this.showRuleStack) { this.printRuleState(callStack); } } if (currentEntry.state.constructor.stateType === import_antlr4ng.ATNState.RULE_STOP) { result.add(currentEntry.tokenListIndex); continue; } const transitions = currentEntry.state.transitions; for (const transition of transitions) { switch (transition.transitionType) { case import_antlr4ng.Transition.RULE: { const ruleTransition = transition; const endStatus = this.processRule(, currentEntry.tokenListIndex, callStack, ruleTransition.precedence, indentation + 1 ); for (const position of endStatus) { statePipeline.push({ state: transition.followState, tokenListIndex: position }); } break; } case import_antlr4ng.Transition.PREDICATE: { if (this.checkPredicate(transition)) { statePipeline.push({ state:, tokenListIndex: currentEntry.tokenListIndex }); } break; } case import_antlr4ng.Transition.PRECEDENCE: { const predTransition = transition; if (predTransition.precedence >= this.precedenceStack[this.precedenceStack.length - 1]) { statePipeline.push({ state:, tokenListIndex: currentEntry.tokenListIndex }); } break; } case import_antlr4ng.Transition.WILDCARD: { if (atCaret) { if (!this.translateStackToRuleIndex(callStack)) { for (const token of import_antlr4ng.IntervalSet.of(import_antlr4ng.Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, this.atn.maxTokenType).toArray()) { if (!this.ignoredTokens.has(token)) { this.candidates.tokens.set(token, []); } } } } else { statePipeline.push({ state:, tokenListIndex: currentEntry.tokenListIndex + 1 }); } break; } default: { if (transition.isEpsilon) { statePipeline.push({ state:, tokenListIndex: currentEntry.tokenListIndex }); continue; } let set = transition.label; if (set && set.length > 0) { if (transition.transitionType === import_antlr4ng.Transition.NOT_SET) { set = set.complement(import_antlr4ng.Token.MIN_USER_TOKEN_TYPE, this.atn.maxTokenType); } if (atCaret) { if (!this.translateStackToRuleIndex(callStack)) { const list = set.toArray(); const hasTokenSequence = list.length === 1; for (const symbol of list) { if (!this.ignoredTokens.has(symbol)) { if (this.showDebugOutput) { console.log( "=====> collected: ", this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(symbol) ); } const followingTokens = hasTokenSequence ? this.getFollowingTokens(transition) : []; if (!this.candidates.tokens.has(symbol)) { this.candidates.tokens.set(symbol, followingTokens); } else { this.candidates.tokens.set( symbol, longestCommonPrefix( followingTokens, this.candidates.tokens.get(symbol) ) ); } } } } } else { if (set.contains(currentSymbol)) { if (this.showDebugOutput) { console.log("=====> consumed: ", this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(currentSymbol)); } statePipeline.push({ state:, tokenListIndex: currentEntry.tokenListIndex + 1 }); } } } } } } } callStack.pop(); if (startState.isPrecedenceRule) { this.precedenceStack.pop(); } positionMap.set(tokenListIndex, result); return result; } generateBaseDescription(state) { const stateValue = state.stateNumber === import_antlr4ng.ATNState.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER ? "Invalid" : state.stateNumber; const typeName = _CodeCompletionCore.atnStateTypeMap[state.constructor.stateType]; return `[${stateValue} ${typeName}] in ${this.ruleNames[state.ruleIndex]}`; } printDescription(indentation, state, baseDescription, tokenIndex) { const indent = " ".repeat(indentation); let output = indent; let transitionDescription = ""; if (this.debugOutputWithTransitions) { for (const transition of state.transitions) { let labels = ""; const symbols = transition.label ? transition.label.toArray() : []; if (symbols.length > 2) { labels = this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(symbols[0]) + " .. " + this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(symbols[symbols.length - 1]); } else { for (const symbol of symbols) { if (labels.length > 0) { labels += ", "; } labels += this.vocabulary.getDisplayName(symbol); } } if (labels.length === 0) { labels = "\u03B5"; } const typeName = _CodeCompletionCore.atnStateTypeMap[]; transitionDescription += ` ${indent} (${labels}) [${} ${typeName}] in ${this.ruleNames[]}`; } } if (tokenIndex >= this.tokens.length - 1) { output += `<<${this.tokenStartIndex + tokenIndex}>> `; } else { output += `<${this.tokenStartIndex + tokenIndex}> `; } console.log(output + "Current state: " + baseDescription + transitionDescription); } printRuleState(stack) { if (stack.length === 0) { console.log(""); return; } for (const rule of stack) { console.log(this.ruleNames[rule.ruleIndex]); } } }; // src/SymbolTable.ts var SymbolTable = class extends ScopedSymbol { constructor(name, options) { super(name); this.options = options; } static { __name(this, "SymbolTable"); } /** Other symbol information available to this instance. */ dependencies = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); get info() { return { dependencyCount: this.dependencies.size, symbolCount: this.children.length }; } clear() { super.clear(); this.dependencies.clear(); } addDependencies(...tables) { tables.forEach((value) => { this.dependencies.add(value); }); } removeDependency(table) { if (this.dependencies.has(table)) { this.dependencies.delete(table); } } addNewSymbolOfType(t, parent, ...args) { const result = new t(...args); if (!parent || parent === this) { this.addSymbol(result); } else { parent.addSymbol(result); } return result; } async addNewNamespaceFromPath(parent, path, delimiter = ".") { const parts = path.split(delimiter); let i = 0; let currentParent = parent === void 0 ? this : parent; while (i < parts.length - 1) { let namespace = await currentParent.resolve(parts[i], true); if (namespace === void 0) { namespace = this.addNewSymbolOfType(NamespaceSymbol, currentParent, parts[i]); } currentParent = namespace; ++i; } return this.addNewSymbolOfType(NamespaceSymbol, currentParent, parts[parts.length - 1]); } addNewNamespaceFromPathSync(parent, path, delimiter = ".") { const parts = path.split(delimiter); let i = 0; let currentParent = parent === void 0 ? this : parent; while (i < parts.length - 1) { let namespace = currentParent.resolveSync(parts[i], true); if (namespace === void 0) { namespace = this.addNewSymbolOfType(NamespaceSymbol, currentParent, parts[i]); } currentParent = namespace; ++i; } return this.addNewSymbolOfType(NamespaceSymbol, currentParent, parts[parts.length - 1]); } async getAllSymbols(t, localOnly = false) { const result = await super.getAllSymbols(t, localOnly); if (!localOnly) { const dependencyResults = await Promise.all([...this.dependencies].map((dependency) => { return dependency.getAllSymbols(t, localOnly); })); dependencyResults.forEach((value) => { result.push(...value); }); } return result; } getAllSymbolsSync(t, localOnly = false) { const result = super.getAllSymbolsSync(t, localOnly); if (!localOnly) { this.dependencies.forEach((dependency) => { result.push(...dependency.getAllSymbolsSync(t, localOnly)); }); } return result; } async symbolWithContext(context) { const findRecursive = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((symbol) => { if (symbol.context === context) { return symbol; } if (symbol instanceof ScopedSymbol) { for (const child of symbol.children) { const result = findRecursive(child); if (result) { return result; } } } return void 0; }, "findRecursive"); let symbols = await this.getAllSymbols(BaseSymbol); for (const symbol of symbols) { const result = findRecursive(symbol); if (result) { return result; } } for (const dependency of this.dependencies) { symbols = await dependency.getAllSymbols(BaseSymbol); for (const symbol of symbols) { const result = findRecursive(symbol); if (result) { return result; } } } return void 0; } symbolWithContextSync(context) { const findRecursive = /* @__PURE__ */ __name((symbol) => { if (symbol.context === context) { return symbol; } if (symbol instanceof ScopedSymbol) { for (const child of symbol.children) { const result = findRecursive(child); if (result) { return result; } } } return void 0; }, "findRecursive"); let symbols = this.getAllSymbolsSync(BaseSymbol); for (const symbol of symbols) { const result = findRecursive(symbol); if (result) { return result; } } for (const dependency of this.dependencies) { symbols = dependency.getAllSymbolsSync(BaseSymbol); for (const symbol of symbols) { const result = findRecursive(symbol); if (result) { return result; } } } return void 0; } async resolve(name, localOnly = false) { let result = await super.resolve(name, localOnly); if (!result && !localOnly) { for (const dependency of this.dependencies) { result = await dependency.resolve(name, false); if (result) { return result; } } } return result; } resolveSync(name, localOnly = false) { let result = super.resolveSync(name, localOnly); if (!result && !localOnly) { for (const dependency of this.dependencies) { result = dependency.resolveSync(name, false); if (result) { return result; } } } return result; } };