import { StringifyFunction, ParseFunction, IRegistration, isClassConstructor, getFunctionName, compareNotFalsy, cyrb53, extractObjectFromClass } from './utils' import { getTypeofDetailed, isArray, isObject } from './type' export class Serialize { private registrar: { R?: Function key: any toJSON?: (_this: any, parent: any) => any fromJSON?: (current: any, parent: any) => any }[] = [] private prefix = '__' private stringifyFunction: StringifyFunction = JSON.stringify private parseFunction: ParseFunction = JSON.parse private undefinedProxy = Symbol('undefined') constructor ( /** * For how to write a replacer and reviver, see * */ options: { prefix?: string stringify?: StringifyFunction, parse?: ParseFunction } = {} ) { this.prefix = typeof options.prefix === 'string' ? options.prefix : this.prefix this.stringifyFunction = options.stringify || this.stringifyFunction this.parseFunction = options.parse || this.parseFunction this.register( { item: Date }, { item: RegExp, toJSON (_this: any) { const { source, flags } = _this return { source, flags } }, fromJSON (current: any) { const { source, flags } = current return new RegExp(source, flags) } }, WriteOnlyFunctionAdapter, { item: Set, toJSON (_this) { return Array.from(_this) } }, { key: 'Infinity', toJSON (_this: number) { return _this.toString() }, fromJSON (current: string) { return Number(current) } }, { key: 'bigint', toJSON (_this: BigInt) { return _this.toString() }, fromJSON (current: string) { return BigInt(current) } }, { key: 'symbol', toJSON (_this: Symbol) { return { content: _this.toString(), rand: Math.random().toString(36).substr(2) } }, fromJSON ({ content }) { return Symbol(content.replace(/^Symbol\(/i, '').replace(/\)$/, '')) } }, { key: 'NaN', toJSON: () => 'NaN', fromJSON: () => NaN } ) } /** * * @param rs Accepts Class constructors or IRegistration */ register ( ({ new(...args: any[]): any } | IRegistration)[]) { this.registrar.unshift( => { if (typeof r === 'function') { const { __prefix__: prefix, __key__: key, fromJSON, toJSON } = r as any return { item: r, prefix, key, fromJSON, toJSON } } return r }).map(({ item: R, prefix, key, toJSON, fromJSON }) => { // @ts-ignore fromJSON = typeof fromJSON === 'undefined' ? (arg: any) => isClassConstructor(R) ? new R(arg) : arg : (fromJSON || undefined) key = this.getKey(prefix, key || (isClassConstructor(R) ? : typeof R === 'function' ? getFunctionName(R) : R)) return { R, key, toJSON, fromJSON } }) ) } unregister ( ({ new(...args: any[]): any } | IRegistration)[]) { this.registrar = this.registrar.filter(({ R, key }) => { return !rs.some((r) => { if (typeof r === 'function') { return !!R && r.constructor === R.constructor } else { return compareNotFalsy(r.key, key) || (!!r.item && !!R && compareNotFalsy(r.item.constructor, R.constructor)) } }) }) } /** * * @param obj Uses `JSON.stringify` with sorter Array by default */ stringify (obj: any) { const clonedObj = this.deepCloneAndFindAndReplace([obj], 'jsonCompatible')[0] const keys = new Set() const getAndSortKeys = (a: any) => { if (a) { if (typeof a === 'object' && === 'Object') { for (const k of Object.keys(a)) { keys.add(k) getAndSortKeys(a[k]) } } else if (Array.isArray(a)) { => getAndSortKeys(el)) } } } getAndSortKeys(clonedObj) return this.stringifyFunction(clonedObj, Array.from(keys).sort()) } hash (obj: any) { return cyrb53(this.stringify(obj)).toString(36) } clone (obj: T): T { return this.deepCloneAndFindAndReplace([obj], 'clone')[0] } deepEqual (o1: any, o2: any): boolean { const t1 = getTypeofDetailed(o1) const t2 = getTypeofDetailed(o2) if (t1.typeof_ === 'function' || t1.typeof_ === 'object') { if (isArray(o1, t1)) { return, k) => { return this.deepEqual(el1, o2[k]) }).every((el) => el) } else if (isObject(o1, t1)) { return Object.entries(o1).map(([k, el1]) => { return this.deepEqual(el1, o2[k]) }).every((el) => el) } else { return this.hash(o1) === this.hash(o2) } } else if ([0] === 'NaN' &&[0] === 'NaN') { /** * Cannot compare directly because of infamous `NaN !== NaN` */ return this.hash(o1) === this.hash(o2) } return o1 === o2 } /** * * @param repr Uses `JSON.parse` by default */ parse (repr: string) { return this.parseFunction(repr, (_, v) => { if (v && typeof v === 'object') { for (const { key, fromJSON } of this.registrar) { if (v[key]) { return typeof fromJSON === 'function' ? fromJSON(v[key], v) : v } } } return v }) } private getKey (prefix: any, name: any) { return (typeof prefix === 'string' ? prefix : this.prefix) + (name || '') } /** * * @param o * @param type Type of findAndReplace */ private deepCloneAndFindAndReplace (o: any, type: 'jsonCompatible' | 'clone') { const t = getTypeofDetailed(o) if ([0] === 'Array') { const obj = [] as any[] any, i: number) => { const v = this.deepCloneAndFindAndReplace(el, type) /** * `undefined` can't be ignored in serialization, and will be JSON.stringify as `null` */ if (v === this.undefinedProxy) { obj[i] = undefined } else { obj[i] = v } }) return obj } else if ([0] === 'object') { const obj = {} as any Object.entries(o).map(([k, el]) => { const v = this.deepCloneAndFindAndReplace(el, type) if (v === undefined) { } else if (v === this.undefinedProxy) { obj[k] = undefined } else { obj[k] = v } }) return obj } else if ([0] === 'Named') { const k = this.getKey(o.__prefix__, o.__name__ || for (const { R, key, toJSON, fromJSON } of this.registrar) { if ((!!R && compareNotFalsy(o.constructor, R)) || compareNotFalsy(k, key)) { if (!fromJSON && type === 'clone') { continue } const p = {} as any p[key] = ( (toJSON || (!!R && R.prototype.toJSON) || o.toJSON || o.toString).bind(o) )(o, p) if (p[key] === undefined) { return undefined } else if (type === 'clone') { return fromJSON!(p[key], p) } else { return p } } } if (type === 'clone') { return o } else { return { [k]: extractObjectFromClass(o) } } } else if ([0] === 'Constructor' ||[0] === 'function' ||[0] === 'Infinity' ||[0] === 'bigint' ||[0] === 'symbol' ||[0] === 'NaN') { let is =[0] if (is === 'Constructor') { is = 'function' } /** * functions should be attempted to be deep-cloned first * because functions are objects and can be attach properties */ if (type === 'clone' && is !== 'function') { return o } const k = this.getKey(undefined, is) const { R, toJSON, fromJSON } = this.registrar.filter(({ key }) => key === k)[0] || {} if (type === 'clone' && !fromJSON) { return o } const p = {} as any p[k] = ( (toJSON || (!!R && R.prototype.toJSON) || o.toJSON || o.toString).bind(o) )(o, p) if (type === 'clone') { return fromJSON!(p[k], p) } else if (p[k] === undefined) { return undefined } else { return p } } else if ([0] === 'undefined') { if (type === 'clone') { return this.undefinedProxy } const k = this.getKey(undefined,[0]) const { R, toJSON } = this.registrar.filter(({ key }) => key === k)[0] || {} const p = {} as any p[k] = ( (toJSON || (!!R && R.prototype.toJSON) || (() => {})).bind(o) )(o, p) return p[k] === undefined ? undefined : p } return o } } export const FullFunctionAdapter: IRegistration = { key: 'function', toJSON: (_this) => _this.toString().trim().replace(/\[native code\]/g, ' ').replace(/[\t\n\r ]+/g, ' '), fromJSON: (content: string) => { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func return new Function(`return ${content}`)() } } export const WriteOnlyFunctionAdapter: IRegistration = { ...FullFunctionAdapter, fromJSON: null } export const UndefinedAdapter: IRegistration = { key: 'undefined', toJSON: () => 'undefined', fromJSON: () => undefined } export * from './mongo' export * from './utils'