22 Dec 2016: AnyProxy 4.0.0-beta: * to AnyProxy rules: all the rule interfaces are asynchronous now, you can write them in a Promise way * to the UI, rewrite the code and enhance the user experience 26 Feb 2016: AnyProxy 3.10.4: * let users assign the port for web socket in AnyProxy cli 19 Sep 2016: AnyProxy 3.10.3: * fix the cert path issue with Windows * split out the cert management to an independent module * add unit tests to AnyProxy 29 Apr 2016: AnyProxy 3.10.0: * using node-forge to generate HTTPS certificates instead of openssl 29 Apr 2016: AnyProxy 3.9.1: * update SHA1 to SHA256 for openssl certificates 19 Nov 2015: AnyProxy 3.8.1: * bugfix for image content in web GUI 19 Nov 2015: AnyProxy 3.8.1: * bugfix for image content in web GUI 16 Nov 2015: AnyProxy 3.8.0: * optimize the memory strategy 2 Oct 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.7: * bugfix for proxy.close() ref #36 9 Sep 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.6: * optimize detail panel, ref #35 3 Sep 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.5: * bugfix for intercepting urls like http://a.com?url=http://b.com 19 Aug 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.4: * bugfix for intercepting urls like http://a.com?url=http://b.com 31 July 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.3: * show lastest 100 records when visit the web ui * save map-local config file to local file * show an indicator when filter or map-local is in use 31 July 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.2: * bugfix for issue #29 28 July 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.1: * fix a bug about deflate compression 20 July 2015: AnyProxy 3.7.0: * add a map-local panel on web ui, now you can easily map some request to your local files 1 July 2015: AnyProxy 3.6.0: * add a filter on web ui 1 July 2015: AnyProxy 3.5.2: * optimize the row height on web ui 18 June 2015: AnyProxy 3.5.1: * print a hint when using SNI features in node <0.12 * Ref : https://github.com/alibaba/anyproxy/issues/25 18 June 2015: AnyProxy 3.5.0: * it's a formal release of 3.4.0@beta. 27 Apr 2015: AnyProxy 3.4.0@beta: * optimize web server and web socket interface 20 Apr 2015: AnyProxy 3.3.1: * now you can assign your own port for web gui 31 Mar 2015: AnyProxy 3.3.0: * optimize https features in windows * add switch to mute the console 20 Mar 2015: AnyProxy 3.2.5: * bugfix for internal https server 19 Mar 2015: AnyProxy 3.2.4: * bugfix for absolute rule path 23 Feb 2015: AnyProxy 3.2.2: * [bugfix for relative rule path](https://github.com/alibaba/anyproxy/pull/18) 10 Feb 2015: AnyProxy 3.2.1: * bugfix for 3.2.0 10 Feb 2015: AnyProxy 3.2.0: * using SNI when intercepting https requests 28 Jan 2015: AnyProxy 3.1.2: * thanks to iconv-lite, almost webpage with any charset can be correctly decoded in web interface. 28 Jan 2015: AnyProxy 3.1.1: * convert GBK to UTF8 in web interface 22 Jan 2015: AnyProxy 3.1.0: * will NOT intercept https request by default. Use ``anyproxy --intercept`` to turn on this feature. 12 Jan 2015: AnyProxy 3.0.4: * show anyproxy version by --version 12 Jan 2015: AnyProxy 3.0.3: * Bugfix: https throttle 9 Jan 2015: AnyProxy 3.0.2: * UI improvement: add link and qr code to root CA file.