import { LinterError } from "./LinterError" import { Rules } from "./Rules" export enum ContextType { CLASS, METHOD } /** * The Context class represents code inside brackets. * Valid contexts are represented on the enumerator above. */ export class Context { private content: Array private contexts: Array private errors: Array private startLine: number private endline: number private kind: ContextType private skipThisContext: boolean private soqlQueriesCount: number private todos: number constructor (lines?: Array) { this.content = new Array() this.contexts = new Array() this.errors = new Array() this.todos = 0 if (lines) { this.startLine = 1 this.endline = lines.length this.init(lines) } } public init (lines: Array) { this.content = lines this.validateContext() if (!this.skipThisContext) { this.getInnerContexts() this.getKind() } this.findQueries(this.content) this.runRules(); } /** * Detects and stores the inner contexts (methods inside a class * are inner contexts of said class, for example). */ public getInnerContexts (): void { var newcontexts = new Array() var counter: number = 0 while (true) { var line = this.content[counter] if (!line || !this.hasInnerContexts()) { break } else if (line == '' || this.isInlineContext(line)) { counter++ continue } else if ('{') != -1 && counter !== this.startLine - 1) { var ctx = new Context() ctx.startLine = counter + 1 newcontexts.push(ctx) } else if ('}') != -1 && newcontexts[newcontexts.length - 1] !== undefined) { var ctx = newcontexts[newcontexts.length - 1] ctx.endline = counter + 1 if (ctx.startLine > this.startLine) { let ctxLines = this.content.slice(ctx.startLine - 1, ctx.endline) ctx.init(ctxLines) } this.contexts.push(ctx) newcontexts.pop() } counter++ } this.sortContexts() this.setContextStartAndEnd() } private hasInnerContexts (): boolean { return this.content.join('').match(/\{/g).length > 1 } private setContextStartAndEnd (): void { if (this.startLine == undefined && this.endline == undefined) { this.startLine = 1 this.endline = this.content.length } } /** * Detects if the line contains an inline context, like a small map/list being * set up for a method. * * E.g: * someMethod(new List{'hello', 'world'}) at a line would start * a new context because of the brackets, but it is just a list assignment, * not worthy of a context analysis at this moment. * * @param line file line */ private isInlineContext (line: string) { let rightBracketMatches = line.match(/{/g) let leftBracketMatches = line.match(/}/g) var rightBrackets: number = rightBracketMatches != null ? line.match(/{/g).length : 0 var leftBrackets: number = leftBracketMatches != null ? line.match(/}/g).length : 0 if (leftBrackets != 0 && rightBrackets == leftBrackets) { return true } return false } /** * Sorts the contexts into parent-children. This will probably ease the * organization for methods inside classes, for example. */ private sortContexts() { var counter = 0 while (true) { var ctxA = this.contexts[counter] var ctxB = this.contexts[counter+1] if (!ctxB) break if (ctxA.isParent(ctxB)) { ctxA.contexts.push(ctxB) this.contexts.splice(counter+1, 1) } else if (ctxA.isChild(ctxB)) { ctxB.contexts.push(ctxA) this.contexts.splice(counter, 1) } counter++ } } /** * Indicates if this context is a child of the other context. * @param otherContext context to compare */ public isChild (otherContext: Context): boolean { if (otherContext.startLine < this.startLine && otherContext.endline > this.endline) { return true } return false } /** * Indicates if this context is a parent of the other context. * @param otherContext context to compare */ public isParent (otherContext: Context): boolean { if (otherContext.startLine > this.startLine && otherContext.startLine < this.endline && otherContext.endline < this.endline && otherContext.endline > this.startLine) { return true } return false } /** * Validates the context. Any valid class should have the same amount * of brackets. */ private validateContext (): void { var ctx = this.content.join('') var leftBrackets = ctx.match(/{/g).length var rightBrackets = ctx.match(/}/g).length if (leftBrackets != rightBrackets) { this.errors.push(new LinterError(-1, 'Brackets ("{" and "}") count don\'t match.')) this.skipThisContext = true } } /** * Adds a new error to the context's array of errors. * * @param err new error to the error array */ public addError (err: LinterError): void { this.errors.push(err) } /** * Returns the errors found in this context and its children. */ public getErrors (): Array { var errors = Array() if (this.contexts) { this.contexts.forEach(ctx => { errors.concat(ctx.getErrors()) }) } return this.errors.concat(errors) } /** * Tries to get the context type based on its first line. */ public getKind (): void { var startLine: string = this.content[0] if (startLine != undefined) { if (startLine.toLowerCase().search('class') != -1) { this.kind = ContextType.CLASS } else if (startLine.toLowerCase().search('class') == -1 && startLine.toLowerCase().match(/(public|private|global)\s?(override|static)?/g) != null) { this.kind = ContextType.METHOD } } } public runRules (): void { } /** * If the context contains any SOQL query inside of it, this should return * the number of detected queries found in the context. */ public getSOQLCount (): number { return this.soqlQueriesCount } /** * Return the line count in this context. */ public getLineCount (): number { return this.endline - this.startLine } /** * Detects SOQL queries inside the context. * @param lines context content */ private findQueries (lines: Array): void { var fileAsString = lines.join('') let matches = fileAsString.match(/\[(\n?\s+?\t?)?SELECT/gi) this.soqlQueriesCount = matches != null ? matches.length : 0 } /** * When a TODO comment is found, increase the counter for this * context. */ public foundTodo (): void { this.todos++ } /** * Return the number of TODOs found in this context. */ public getTodos (): number { return this.todos } /** * Returns this context type */ public getContext (): ContextType { return this.kind } /** * Return the file content. */ public getContent (): Array { return this.content } /** * Return the child contexts */ public getChildContexts (): Array { return this.contexts } }