public without sharing class SomeWithoutSharingClass { private static Map privateStaticStringToObjectMap; public static Map publicStaticStringToObjectMap; public static void staticMethodWithoutReturnAndArgs () { // no args to see here } public void methodWithoutReturnAndArgs () { // no args to see here } public static void staticMethodWithoutReturn (String stringArg) { // no args to see here } public void methodWithoutReturn (String stringArg) { // no args to see here } public void methodWithLoop () { for (Object o : OtherClass.getObjects()) { methodWithoutReturnAndArgs(); SomeWithoutSharingClass.staticMethodWithoutReturnAndArgs(); } } public List methodWithOneLineSOQL () { return [SELECT Id FROM Account]; } public List methodWithMultipleLinesSOQL () { return [ SELECT Id ,Name FROM Account ]; } // TODO: Create methods with return }