'use strict'; require('D:/code/api-service-generator/node_modules/core-js/es7/array.js'); var fse = require('fs-extra'); var micromatch = require('micromatch'); var path = require('path'); var fs = require('fs'); var Mustache = require('mustache'); var axios = require('axios'); var program = require('D:/code/api-service-generator/node_modules/commander/index.js'); function _interopNamespaceDefault(e) { var n = Object.create(null); if (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) { if (k !== 'default') { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function () { return e[k]; } }); } }); } n.default = e; return Object.freeze(n); } var path__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespaceDefault(path); /*! ***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 THIS CODE IS PROVIDED ON AN *AS IS* BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF TITLE, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, MERCHANTABLITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ***************************************************************************** */ /* global Reflect, Promise */ function __awaiter(thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) { return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) { function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } } function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(result.value); }).then(fulfilled, rejected); } step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next()); }); } const defaultConfigPath = 'generate.conf'; const defaultConfig = { path: 'src/app/api', servicePath: '/http', entityPath: '/entity', projects: [], apiType: 'swagger', serviceTemplatePath: 'node_modules/api-service-generator/template/service.js', entityTemplatePath: 'node_modules/api-service-generator/template/entity.js', assetsPath: 'node_modules/api-service-generator/template/assets' }; function loadConfig(configPath = defaultConfigPath) { const absolutePath = path.join(process.cwd(), configPath); try { const userConfig = require(absolutePath); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultConfig), userConfig); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`加载配置文件失败:${absolutePath}\n' ${e}`); } } function mkdirsSync(dirPath) { if (fs.existsSync(dirPath)) { return true; } else { if (mkdirsSync(path.dirname(dirPath))) { fs.mkdirSync(dirPath); return true; } } } class FileGenerator { generate(data) { const templateModel = this.getTemplateModel(data); const content = Mustache.render(require(path__namespace.join(process.cwd(), data.templatePath)), templateModel); this.writeFile(data.targetPath, templateModel.filename, content); } writeFile(targetPath, filename, content) { mkdirsSync(targetPath); fs.writeFileSync(path__namespace.join(targetPath, filename), content); } } class ClassGenerator extends FileGenerator { } class EntityGenerator extends ClassGenerator { generate(data) { super.generate(data); } /** * 递归处理类型为字符串 * @param type * @return */ getTypeString(type) { if (type.type === 'object' && type.properties) { return type.properties.reduce((x, y) => { return x + `${y.name}: ${this.getTypeString(y)}, `; }, '{') + '}'; } else if (type.type === 'Array') { if (type.items) { return `Array<${this.getTypeString(type.items)}>`; } else { return 'Array'; } } return type.type; } getDependencies(data) { return this.definitionToDependencies(data.properties); } /** * 获取依赖数组 * @param properties * @return */ definitionToDependencies(properties = []) { const dependencies = properties.flatMap((value) => this.getDependence(value)); return [...new Set(dependencies)]; } /** * 递归处理依赖 * @param type * @return {string[]} */ getDependence(type) { if (type.type === 'Array') { return this.getDependence(type.items); } else if (type.type === 'object' && type.properties) { return this.definitionToDependencies(type.properties); } else if (type.ref) { return [type.ref]; } return []; } getTemplateModel(data) { return { name: data.name, description: data.description, filename: `${data.name}.ts`, properties: data.properties && data.properties.map((value) => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, value), { typeStr: this.getTypeString(value) }); }), dependencies: this.getDependencies(data).filter((value) => value !== data.name) }; } } /** * 短横线/下划线/小驼峰 转 大驼峰命名(UpperCamelCase) */ function getUpperCamelCase(str) { const reg = /(^|-|_)(\w)/g; return str.replace(reg, ($, $1, $2) => $2.toUpperCase()); } /** * 短横线/下横线/大驼峰 转 小驼峰命名(lowerCamelCase) */ function getLowerCamelCase(str) { const reg = /(^|-|_)(\w)/g; const reg2 = /^(\w)/g; return str.replace(reg, ($, $1, $2) => $2.toUpperCase()) .replace(reg2, ($, $1) => $1.toLowerCase()); } /** * 驼峰/下划线 转 短横线命名(kebab-case) */ function getKebabCase(str) { const reg = /^([A-Z$]+)/g; const reg2 = /_([a-zA-Z$]+)/g; const reg3 = /([A-Z$]+)/g; return str.replace(reg, ($, $1) => $1.toLowerCase()) .replace(reg2, ($, $1) => '-' + $1.toLowerCase()) .replace(reg3, ($, $1) => '-' + $1.toLowerCase()); } function getTypeString(type) { if (!type) { return 'any'; } if (type.type === 'object' && type.properties) { return type.properties.reduce((x, y) => { return x + `${y.name}: ${getTypeString(y)}, `; }, '{') + '}'; } else if (type.type === 'Array') { if (type.items) { return `Array<${getTypeString(type.items)}>`; } else { return 'Array'; } } return type.type; } class HttpServiceGenerator extends ClassGenerator { generate(data) { super.generate(data); } /** * 获取依赖数组 * @param apis */ apisToDependencies(apis = []) { const dependencies = apis.flatMap(api => { if (api.parameters) { const paramsDependence = api.parameters.flatMap(value => this.getDependence(value.type)); const resultDependence = this.getDependence(api.result); return resultDependence.concat(paramsDependence); } return this.getDependence(api.result); }); return [...new Set(dependencies)]; } /** * 获取依赖数组 * @param definitions */ definitionsToDependencies(definitions = []) { const dependencies = []; definitions.forEach((definition) => { dependencies.push(...this.getDependence(definition)); }); return [...new Set(dependencies)]; } /** * 递归处理依赖 * @param type * @return {string[]} */ getDependence(type) { if (!type) { return []; } if (type.type === 'Array') { return this.getDependence(type.items); } else if (type.type === 'object' && type.properties) { return this.definitionsToDependencies(type.properties); } else if (type.ref) { return [type.ref]; } return []; } getTemplateModel(data) { const name = getUpperCamelCase(data.data.prefix ? data.data.prefix + data.name : data.name).replace('Controller', ''); const data2 = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data), { name, filename: `${getKebabCase(name)}.service.ts`, dependencies: this.apisToDependencies(data.apis), apis: data.apis.map(value => { const params = (value.parameters || []) .filter(subValue => subValue.in === 'body' || subValue.in === 'path' || subValue.in === 'query').map(subValue => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, subValue), { description: subValue.description || '', typeString: getTypeString(subValue.type) }); }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, value), { name: getLowerCamelCase(value.name), returnType: getTypeString(value.result), params }); }) }); return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, data2), { bodyString() { const params = this.params; const bodyParams = (params || []).filter((value) => value.in === 'body'); return bodyParams.map(value => value.name).join(', '); }, queryString() { const params = this.params; let str = '{'; str += params ? params.filter(value => value.in === 'query').map(value => value.name).join(', ') : ''; str += '}'; return str === '{}' ? '' : str; }, pathString() { let str = '`'; str += this.path.replace(/{/g, '${'); str += '`'; return str; } }); } getDependencies(data) { return this.apisToDependencies(data.apis); } } class SwaggerParser { constructor(url) { this.url = url; this.response = null; } loadResponse() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { this.response = yield axios.get(this.url); } catch (e) { throw new Error('swagger接口请求失败:\n' + e); } }); } /** * 获取api数据 */ getApis() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.response == null) { yield this.loadResponse(); } return this.transformApis(this.response.data); }); } /** * 获取api实体类数据 */ getApiEntity() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.response == null) { yield this.loadResponse(); } return this.transformEntity(this.response.data); }); } /** * 把swagger返回的对象转成需要的格式 */ transformApis(data) { const apis = this.pathsToApis(data.paths); return data.tags.map((tag) => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tag), { apis: apis.filter((value) => value.tags.indexOf(tag.name) !== -1) }); }); } /** * 把swagger的path对象转成需要的格式 */ pathsToApis(paths) { return Object.keys(paths).flatMap(pathsKey => { const methods = paths[pathsKey]; return Object.keys(methods).map((methodsKey) => { const method = methods[methodsKey]; return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, method), { path: pathsKey, method: methodsKey, name: this.getApiName(pathsKey, methodsKey), result: this.definitionToType(method.responses['200'].schema), description: method.summary, parameters: method.parameters && method.parameters.map((value) => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, value), { type: this.definitionToType(value.schema || value) }); }) }); }); }); } /** * 根据API对象生成API名称 */ getApiName(path, method) { const name = path.replace(/[\/_](\w)/g, ($, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()) .replace(/[\/]?{(\w)/g, ($, $1) => '$' + $1) .replace(/}/g, ''); return method + name; } /** * 把swagger返回的对象转成需要的格式 */ transformEntity(data) { return this.definitionsToTypes(data.definitions); } /** * 把swagger的definitions对象转成需要的格式 */ definitionsToTypes(definitions) { return Object.keys(definitions || {}).map((definitionKey) => { const definition = definitions[definitionKey]; return Object.assign({ name: this.definitionNameToClassName(definitionKey) }, this.definitionToType(definition)); }); } /** * 把swagger的definitions对象转成需要的格式 */ propertiesToTypes(properties) { return Object.keys(properties).map((definitionKey) => { const definition = properties[definitionKey]; return Object.assign({ name: definitionKey }, this.definitionToType(definition)); }); } /** * 转换swagger的type */ definitionToType(definition) { if (typeof definition === 'undefined') { return; } const type = { description: definition.description }; if (definition.$ref) { type.ref = this.refToEntityName(definition.$ref); type.type = type.ref; } else if (definition.type === 'integer') { type.type = 'number'; } else if (definition.type === 'array') { type.type = 'Array'; if (definition.items) { type.items = this.definitionToType(definition.items); } } else if (definition.type === 'object' && definition.properties !== undefined) { type.type = 'object'; type.properties = this.propertiesToTypes(definition.properties); } else if (definition.type === 'object' && definition.properties === undefined) { type.type = 'any'; } else if (definition.type === 'ref') { type.type = 'any'; } else { type.type = definition.type; } return type; } /** * 引用路径转实体名 */ refToEntityName(ref) { // 格式: #/definitions/ResultDto«Map«int,string»» return this.definitionNameToClassName(ref.substring(ref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); } definitionNameToClassName(definitionName) { return definitionName.replace(/[«»,]([a-z]?)/g, ($, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()); // // 首字母大写 } } class OpenApiParser { constructor(url) { this.url = url; this.response = null; } loadResponse() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { this.response = yield axios.get(this.url); } catch (e) { throw new Error('swagger接口请求失败:\n' + e); } }); } /** * 获取api数据 */ getApis() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.response == null) { yield this.loadResponse(); } return this.transformApis(this.response.data); }); } /** * 获取api实体类数据 */ getApiEntity() { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.response == null) { yield this.loadResponse(); } return this.transformEntity(this.response.data); }); } /** * 把swagger返回的对象转成需要的格式 */ transformApis(data) { const apis = this.pathsToApis(data.paths); const tags = data.tags.map((tag) => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, tag), { apis: apis.filter((value) => { var _a; return (_a = value.tags) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.includes(tag.name); }) }); }); const defaultTag = { name: 'default', description: '默认分组', apis: apis.filter((value) => !value.tags), }; if (defaultTag.apis && defaultTag.apis.length) { tags.push(defaultTag); } return tags; } /** * 把swagger的path对象转成需要的格式 */ pathsToApis(paths) { return Object.keys(paths).flatMap(pathsKey => { const methods = paths[pathsKey]; return Object.keys(methods).map((methodsKey) => { var _a, _b, _c; const method = methods[methodsKey]; const parameters = (method.parameters || []).map((value) => { return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, value), { type: this.definitionToType(value.schema || value) }); }); if (method.requestBody) { parameters.push({ type: this.definitionToType((_a = method.requestBody.content['application/json']) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.schema), in: 'body', required: method.requestBody.required, name: 'data' }); } return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, method), { path: pathsKey, method: methodsKey, name: this.getApiName(pathsKey, methodsKey), result: this.definitionToType((_c = (_b = method.responses['200']) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.content) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c['*/*'].schema), description: method.summary, parameters }); }); }); } /** * 根据API对象生成API名称 */ getApiName(path, method) { const name = path.replace(/[\/_](\w)/g, ($, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()) .replace(/[\/]?{(\w)/g, ($, $1) => '$' + $1) .replace(/}/g, ''); return method + name; } /** * 把swagger返回的对象转成需要的格式 */ transformEntity(data) { var _a; return this.definitionsToTypes((_a = data.components) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.schemas); } /** * 把swagger的definitions对象转成需要的格式 */ definitionsToTypes(definitions) { return Object.keys(definitions || {}).map((definitionKey) => { const definition = definitions[definitionKey]; return Object.assign({ name: this.definitionNameToClassName(definitionKey) }, this.definitionToType(definition)); }); } /** * 把swagger的definitions对象转成需要的格式 */ propertiesToTypes(properties) { return Object.keys(properties).map((definitionKey) => { const definition = properties[definitionKey]; return Object.assign({ name: definitionKey }, this.definitionToType(definition)); }); } /** * 转换swagger的type */ definitionToType(definition) { if (typeof definition === 'undefined') { return; } const type = { description: definition.description }; if (definition.$ref) { type.ref = this.refToEntityName(definition.$ref); type.type = type.ref; } else if (definition.type === 'integer') { type.type = 'number'; } else if (definition.type === 'array') { type.type = 'Array'; if (definition.items) { type.items = this.definitionToType(definition.items); } } else if (definition.type === 'object' && definition.properties !== undefined) { type.type = 'object'; type.properties = this.propertiesToTypes(definition.properties); } else if (definition.type === 'object' && definition.properties === undefined) { type.type = 'any'; } else if (definition.type === 'ref') { type.type = 'any'; } else { type.type = definition.type; } return type; } /** * 引用路径转实体名 */ refToEntityName(ref) { // 格式: #/definitions/ResultDto«Map«int,string»» return this.definitionNameToClassName(ref.substring(ref.lastIndexOf('/') + 1)); } definitionNameToClassName(definitionName) { return definitionName.replace(/[«»,]([a-z]?)/g, ($, $1) => $1.toUpperCase()); // // 首字母大写 } } /** * 生成service */ function generateService(config) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { // rmdirsSync(config.path + config.servicePath); mkdirsSync(config.path + config.servicePath); // rmdirsSync(config.path + config.entityPath); mkdirsSync(config.path + config.entityPath); const httpServiceGenerator = new HttpServiceGenerator(); for (const project of config.projects) { const parser = getParser(project.type, project.url); const modules = yield parser.getApis(); const httpDependencies = modules.flatMap(module => { const includeModule = include(module, config.include); const excludedModule = exclude(includeModule, config.exclude); if (excludedModule.apis.length > 0) { const targetPath = config.path + config.servicePath; httpServiceGenerator.generate(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, excludedModule), { data: project.data, templatePath: config.serviceTemplatePath, targetPath })); return httpServiceGenerator.getDependencies(excludedModule); } return []; }); const entityGenerator = new EntityGenerator(); const entities = yield parser.getApiEntity(); const dependencies = getDependencies(entityGenerator, httpDependencies, entities); entities.filter((value) => dependencies.includes(value.name)) .forEach((entity) => { const targetPath = config.path + config.entityPath; entityGenerator.generate(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, entity), { data: project.data, templatePath: config.entityTemplatePath, targetPath })); }); } }); } function getParser(type, url) { if (type.match(/^swagger$/i)) { return new SwaggerParser(url); } else { return new OpenApiParser(url); } } /** * 广度优先遍历,获取class的依赖 * @param entityGenerator class生成器,用于解析entities依赖 * @param dependencies 待获取的class * @param entities 描述class的对象 * @return 依赖的class名数组 */ function getDependencies(entityGenerator, dependencies, entities) { let newDependencies = dependencies; // 待搜索dependencies列表 let mergeDependencies = dependencies; // 已搜索dependencies列表 while (newDependencies.length > 0) { // 新增dependencies放进待搜索列表 newDependencies = entities.filter((value) => newDependencies.includes(value.name)) // 获取newDependencies的entities .flatMap((value) => entityGenerator.getDependencies(value)) // 搜索待搜索dependencies列表 .filter((value) => !mergeDependencies.includes(value)); // 不存在于已搜索dependencies,所以是新增dependencies mergeDependencies = mergeDependencies.concat(newDependencies); // 搜索过的放进已搜索dependencies列表 } return mergeDependencies; } /** * 包含需要的api */ function include(module, includeList) { if (!includeList || includeList.length === 0) { return Object.assign({}, module); } return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, module), { apis: module.apis.filter((api) => { return includeList.some(value => { return matching(value.path, api.path) && (value.methods == null || value.methods.includes(api.method)); }); }) }); } /** * 过滤掉不需要包含的api */ function exclude(module, excludeList) { if (!excludeList || excludeList.length === 0) { return Object.assign({}, module); } return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, module), { apis: module.apis.filter((api) => { return !excludeList.some(value => { return matching(value.path, api.path) && (value.methods == null || value.methods.includes(api.method)); }); }) }); } /** * 路径匹配 */ function matching(reg, input) { return micromatch.isMatch(input, reg); } /** * 拷贝资源文件 */ function copyAssets(config) { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!config.assetsPath || config.assetsPath.length === 0) { return; } try { mkdirsSync(config.path); if (config.assetsPath && fse.existsSync(config.assetsPath)) { yield fse.copy(config.assetsPath, config.path, { overwrite: true }); } } catch (e) { throw new Error('拷贝assets文件失败:\n' + e); } }); } (function () { return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { program .version(require('../package.json').version, '-v, --version') // tslint:disable-line .usage('[options]'); program.option('-c, --config', '配置文件路径').parse(process.argv); console.log('生成中...'); try { const config = loadConfig(program.config); yield copyAssets(config); yield generateService(config); console.log('生成完成'); } catch (e) { console.error('生成失败'); console.error(e); } }); })(); exports.generateService = generateService;