Feature: file handling Scenario: hello_world file is readable Given I am testing existing files And I load test from hello_world.json Then file hello_world.json exists And variable test should exist And $.hello in test should match world Scenario: bye_bye_world file does not exist Given I am testing missing files Then file bye_bye_world.json does not exist Scenario: create bye_bye_world file Given I am testing creating files And I load test from hello_world.json And variable test should exist And I set test.hello to earth And $.hello in test should match earth When I write test to bye_bye_world.json Then file bye_bye_world.json exists Scenario: remove bye_bye_world file Given I am testing deleting files And file bye_bye_world.json exists And I load test from bye_bye_world.json And variable test should exist And $.hello in test should match earth When I delete file bye_bye_world.json Then file bye_bye_world.json does not exist