import * as isLambda from "is-lambda"; import {get} from "lodash"; import {EnvVarSync} from "./Services/Config"; export class APIConfig { // If running as a server, this is the port that will be used. @EnvVarSync static WEB_PORT: number = 3000; // The root URL for this API, this must be changed when it gets pushed to your production API @EnvVarSync static API_URL_BASE: string = `http://localhost${APIConfig.WEB_PORT === 80 ? "" : `:${APIConfig.WEB_PORT}`}`; // If set to true, APIs will only be loaded when they are accessed. This can cut down on memory used in a lambda function. @EnvVarSync static LAZY_LOAD_APIS: boolean = true; // Used to force the API to run as a server, otherwise it will run as a lambda function when deployed serverlessly. @EnvVarSync static RUN_AS_SERVER: boolean = !isLambda; // If set to true, raw error messages will be included in errors output from the API. This can be useful for debugging, but should usually be turned off in production. @EnvVarSync static DISPLAY_RAW_ERRORS: boolean = false; // If set to true, this will log all 400 status errors to console.error. @EnvVarSync static LOG_400_ERRORS: boolean = false; // If set to true, this will log all 500 status errors to console.error. @EnvVarSync static LOG_500_ERRORS: boolean = true; // Slightly more developer (i.e. mostly human) friendly API results. See @EnvVarSync static OUTPUT_HAPI_RESULTS: boolean = true; @EnvVarSync static AWS_REGION: string = "us-east-1"; // TODO: CHANGE THIS!! @EnvVarSync static ENCRYPTION_SECRET:string = "E1E8A96B838495F8CD1310304361C741"; // This is the key-value storage service provider to use with your API (if you need it) @EnvVarSync static KV_STORAGE_SERVICE_PROVIDER: "MemoryKVService" | "DiskKVService" | "DynamoDBKVService" = "DiskKVService"; // The storage path to be used when using the DiskKVService @EnvVarSync static DISK_KV_STORAGE_ROOT_PATH: string = "./data/kv"; // If set to true this will encrypt data stored in the Key-Value Service @EnvVarSync static ENCRYPT_KV_DATA:boolean = true; // The table name to use when storing key-value data in DynamoDB @EnvVarSync static DYNAMO_KV_STORAGE_TABLE_NAME: string; // This is the file storage service provider to use with your API (if you need it) @EnvVarSync static FILE_STORAGE_SERVICE_PROVIDER: "DiskFileService" | "S3FileService" = "DiskFileService"; @EnvVarSync static DISK_FILE_SERVICE_ROOT_PATH: string = "./data"; @EnvVarSync static S3_FILE_SERVICE_BUCKET_NAME: string; }