import jwt from "jsonwebtoken"; import isNil from "lodash/isNil"; import {APIConfig} from "./APIConfig"; export class APIAuthUser { userID: string; userName: string; extraData?:T; } export class APIAuthCredentials extends APIAuthUser { isAuthenticated: boolean; isExpired: boolean; expires?: Date; refreshToken?: string; rawJWTPayload?: object; } export class APIAuthUtils { static setJWTSessionCookie(res, jwtToken: string, domain: string) { let expiration = new Date(Number(new Date()) + 1.577e+11); res.cookie("session", jwtToken, {domain: domain, expires: expiration, httpOnly: true}); } static deleteJWTSessionCookie(res, domain: string) { let expiration = new Date(); res.cookie("session", "", {domain: domain, expires: expiration, httpOnly: true}); } private static getAuthCredentialsFromJWT(token: string, ignoreExpiration: boolean = true): APIAuthCredentials { let authCreds: APIAuthCredentials = { isAuthenticated: false, isExpired: true, userID: null, userName: null }; if (!token) { return authCreds; } try { const decodedAuthToken = jwt.verify(token, APIConfig.JWT_SECRET, {ignoreExpiration}); authCreds.isAuthenticated = true; authCreds.userName = decodedAuthToken.u; authCreds.userID = decodedAuthToken.i; authCreds.refreshToken = decodedAuthToken.r; authCreds.extraData = decodedAuthToken.ext; authCreds.rawJWTPayload = decodedAuthToken; if(decodedAuthToken.exp) { authCreds.expires = new Date(decodedAuthToken.exp * 1000); authCreds.isExpired = authCreds.expires <= (new Date()); } } catch (err) { } return authCreds; } static getJWTFromRequest(req): string { let token; // try getting the auth info from the cookie first if (req.cookies) { token = req.cookies.session; } if (isNil(token)) { // Try getting from the Authorization header next token = req.get("Authorization"); if (!isNil(token)) { token = token.replace(/^Bearer\s/, ""); } } return token; } static getAuthCredentialsFromRequest(req, allowExpired: boolean = false): APIAuthCredentials { return APIAuthUtils.getAuthCredentialsFromJWT(APIAuthUtils.getJWTFromRequest(req)); } static createJWT(userID: string, username: string, expiresIn: string | number = "1h", refreshToken?: string, extraData?: object): string { let options = undefined; if (expiresIn) { options = { expiresIn: expiresIn } } let payload:any = { i: userID, u: username }; if(refreshToken) { payload.r = refreshToken; } if(extraData) { payload.ext = extraData; } return jwt.sign(payload, APIConfig.JWT_SECRET, options); } static getAPIAuthUserFromAuthCredentials(authCredentials:APIAuthCredentials):APIAuthUser { return { userID: authCredentials.userID, userName: authCredentials.userName, extraData: authCredentials.extraData }; } }