import { GraphQLSchema, buildSchema, parse, GraphQLUnionType } from "graphql"; import { compileToLegacyIR } from "../compiler/legacyIR"; import serializeToJSON from "../serializeToJSON"; import { loadSchema } from "../loading"; const starWarsSchema = loadSchema( require.resolve("../../../../__fixtures__/starwars/schema.json") ); function compileFromSource( source: string, schema: GraphQLSchema = starWarsSchema ) { const document = parse(source); return compileToLegacyIR(schema, document, { mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads: false, addTypename: true, }); } describe("JSON output", function () { test(`should generate JSON output for a query with an enum variable`, function () { const context = compileFromSource(` query HeroName($episode: Episode) { hero(episode: $episode) { name } } `); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test(`should generate JSON output for a query with a nested selection set`, function () { const context = compileFromSource(` query HeroAndFriendsNames { hero { name friends { name } } } `); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test(`should generate JSON output for a query with a fragment spread and nested inline fragments`, function () { const context = compileFromSource(` query HeroAndDetails { hero { id ...CharacterDetails } } fragment CharacterDetails on Character { name ... on Droid { primaryFunction } ... on Human { height } } `); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test(`should generate JSON output for a mutation with an enum and an input object variable`, function () { const context = compileFromSource(` mutation CreateReview($episode: Episode, $review: ReviewInput) { createReview(episode: $episode, review: $review) { stars commentary } } `); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test(`should generate JSON output for an input object type with default field values`, function () { const schema = buildSchema(` type Query { someField(input: ComplexInput!): String! } input ComplexInput { string: String = "Hello" customScalar: Date = "2017-04-16" listOfString: [String] = ["test1", "test2", "test3"] listOfInt: [Int] = [1, 2, 3] listOfEnums: [Episode] = [JEDI, EMPIRE] listOfCustomScalar: [Date] = ["2017-04-16", "2017-04-17", "2017-04-18"] } scalar Date enum Episode { NEWHOPE EMPIRE JEDI } `); const context = compileFromSource( ` query QueryWithComplexInput($input: ComplexInput) { someField(input: $input) } `, schema ); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test(`should generate JSON output for a subscription`, function () { const schema = buildSchema(` type Comment { id: Int! content: String! repoName: String! } type Subscription { commentAdded(repoFullName: String!): Comment } `); const context = compileFromSource( ` subscription CommentAdded($repoFullName: ID!) { commentAdded(repoFullName: $repoFullName) { id content } } `, schema ); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test("should list all unions and their types under a `unionTypes` property", function () { const context = compileFromSource(` query Search { search(text: "an") { __typename ... on Human { name height } ... on Droid { name primaryFunction } ... on Starship { name length } } } `); expect(context.unionTypes.length).toBe(1); const type = context.unionTypes[0] as GraphQLUnionType; expect("SearchResult"); expect(type.getTypes().length).toBe(3); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test("should list all interfaces and their implementing types under a `interfaceTypes` property", function () { const context = compileFromSource(` query HeroForEpisode { hero(episode: JEDI) { name ... on Droid { primaryFunction } } } `); expect(context.interfaceTypes.size).toBe(1); const [interfaceType, implementors] = context.interfaceTypes .entries() .next().value; expect(interfaceType.toString()).toBe("Character"); expect(implementors.length).toBe(2); const output = serializeToJSON(context); expect(output).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });