import path from "path"; import { GraphQLError, GraphQLType, getNamedType, isCompositeType, GraphQLEnumType, GraphQLInputObjectType, isNonNullType, isListType, isEnumType, isInputObjectType, } from "graphql"; import { CompilerContext, Operation, Fragment, SelectionSet, Field, } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler"; import { SwiftGenerator, Property, Struct, SwiftSource, swift, } from "./language"; import { Helpers } from "./helpers"; import { isList } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/utilities/graphql"; import { typeCaseForSelectionSet, TypeCase, Variant, } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler/visitors/typeCase"; import { collectFragmentsReferenced } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler/visitors/collectFragmentsReferenced"; import { generateOperationId } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler/visitors/generateOperationId"; import { collectAndMergeFields } from "apollo-codegen-core/lib/compiler/visitors/collectAndMergeFields"; import "apollo-codegen-core/lib/utilities/array"; const { join, wrap } = SwiftSource; export interface Options { namespace?: string; passthroughCustomScalars?: boolean; customScalarsPrefix?: string; } /** * The main method to call from outside this package to generate Swift code. * * @param context The `CompilerContext` to use to generate code. * @param outputIndividualFiles Generates individual files per query/fragment if true, * otherwise shoves everything into one giant file. * @param only [optional] The path to a file which is the only file which should be regenerated. * If absent, all files will be regenerated. */ export function generateSource( context: CompilerContext, outputIndividualFiles: boolean, suppressMultilineStringLiterals: boolean, only?: string ): SwiftAPIGenerator { const generator = new SwiftAPIGenerator(context); if (outputIndividualFiles) { generator.withinFile(`Types.graphql.swift`, () => { generator.fileHeader(); generator.namespaceDeclaration(context.options.namespace, () => { context.typesUsed.forEach((type) => { generator.typeDeclarationForGraphQLType(type, true); }); }); }); const inputFilePaths = new Set(); Object.values(context.operations).forEach((operation) => { inputFilePaths.add(operation.filePath); }); Object.values(context.fragments).forEach((fragment) => { inputFilePaths.add(fragment.filePath); }); for (const inputFilePath of inputFilePaths) { if (only && inputFilePath !== only) continue; generator.withinFile(`${path.basename(inputFilePath)}.swift`, () => { generator.fileHeader(); generator.namespaceExtensionDeclaration( context.options.namespace, () => { Object.values(context.operations).forEach((operation) => { if (operation.filePath === inputFilePath) { generator.classDeclarationForOperation( operation, true, suppressMultilineStringLiterals ); } }); Object.values(context.fragments).forEach((fragment) => { if (fragment.filePath === inputFilePath) { generator.structDeclarationForFragment( fragment, true, suppressMultilineStringLiterals ); } }); } ); }); } } else { generator.fileHeader(); generator.namespaceDeclaration(context.options.namespace, () => { context.typesUsed.forEach((type) => { generator.typeDeclarationForGraphQLType(type, false); }); Object.values(context.operations).forEach((operation) => { generator.classDeclarationForOperation( operation, false, suppressMultilineStringLiterals ); }); Object.values(context.fragments).forEach((fragment) => { generator.structDeclarationForFragment( fragment, false, suppressMultilineStringLiterals ); }); }); } return generator; } export class SwiftAPIGenerator extends SwiftGenerator { helpers: Helpers; constructor(context: CompilerContext) { super(context); this.helpers = new Helpers(context.options); } fileHeader() { this.printOnNewline(SwiftSource.raw`// @generated`); this.printOnNewline( SwiftSource.raw`// This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.` ); this.printNewline(); this.printOnNewline(swift`import Apollo`); this.printOnNewline(swift`import Foundation`); } /** * Generates the class declaration for an operation. * * @param operation The operaton to generate the class declaration for. * @param outputIndividualFiles If this operation is being output as individual files, to help prevent * redundant usages of the `public` modifier in enum extensions. */ classDeclarationForOperation( operation: Operation, outputIndividualFiles: boolean, suppressMultilineStringLiterals: boolean ) { const { operationName, operationType, variables, source, selectionSet } = operation; let className; let protocol; switch (operationType) { case "query": className = `${this.helpers.operationClassName(operationName)}Query`; protocol = "GraphQLQuery"; break; case "mutation": className = `${this.helpers.operationClassName(operationName)}Mutation`; protocol = "GraphQLMutation"; break; case "subscription": className = `${this.helpers.operationClassName( operationName )}Subscription`; protocol = "GraphQLSubscription"; break; default: throw new GraphQLError(`Unsupported operation type "${operationType}"`); } const { options: { namespace }, fragments, } = this.context; const isRedundant = !!namespace && outputIndividualFiles; const modifiers = isRedundant ? ["final"] : ["public", "final"]; this.classDeclaration( { className, modifiers, adoptedProtocols: [protocol], }, () => { if (source) { this.comment("The raw GraphQL definition of this operation."); this.printOnNewline(swift`public let operationDefinition: String =`); this.withIndent(() => { this.multilineString(source, suppressMultilineStringLiterals); }); } this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public let operationName: String = ${SwiftSource.string( operationName )}` ); const fragmentsReferenced = collectFragmentsReferenced( operation.selectionSet, fragments ); if (this.context.options.generateOperationIds) { const { operationId, sourceWithFragments } = generateOperationId( operation, fragments, fragmentsReferenced ); operation.operationId = operationId; operation.sourceWithFragments = sourceWithFragments; this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public let operationIdentifier: String? = ${SwiftSource.string( operationId )}` ); } if (fragmentsReferenced.size > 0) { this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var queryDocument: String`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( swift`var document: String = operationDefinition` ); fragmentsReferenced.forEach((fragmentName) => { this.printOnNewline( swift`document.append("\\n" + ${this.helpers.structNameForFragmentName( fragmentName )}.fragmentDefinition)` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`return document`); }); } this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); if (variables && variables.length > 0) { const properties ={ name, type }) => { const typeName = this.helpers.typeNameFromGraphQLType(type); const isOptional = !( isNonNullType(type) || (isListType(type) && isNonNullType(type.ofType)) ); return { name, propertyName: name, type, typeName, isOptional }; }); this.propertyDeclarations(properties); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.initializerDeclarationForProperties(properties); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var variables: GraphQLMap?`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( wrap( swift`return [`, join( ({ name, propertyName }) => swift`${SwiftSource.string(name)}: ${propertyName}` ), ", " ) || swift`:`, swift`]` ) ); }); } else { this.initializerDeclarationForProperties([]); } this.structDeclarationForSelectionSet( { structName: "Data", selectionSet, }, outputIndividualFiles ); } ); } /** * Generates the struct declaration for a fragment. * * @param param0 The fragment name, selectionSet, and source to use to generate the struct * @param outputIndividualFiles If this operation is being output as individual files, to help prevent * redundant usages of the `public` modifier in enum extensions. */ structDeclarationForFragment( { fragmentName, selectionSet, source }: Fragment, outputIndividualFiles: boolean, suppressMultilineStringLiterals: boolean ) { const structName = this.helpers.structNameForFragmentName(fragmentName); this.structDeclarationForSelectionSet( { structName, adoptedProtocols: ["GraphQLFragment"], selectionSet, }, outputIndividualFiles, () => { if (source) { this.comment("The raw GraphQL definition of this fragment."); this.printOnNewline( swift`public static let fragmentDefinition: String =` ); this.withIndent(() => { this.multilineString(source, suppressMultilineStringLiterals); }); } } ); } /** * Generates the struct declaration for a selection set. * * @param param0 The name, adoptedProtocols, and selectionSet to use to generate the struct * @param outputIndividualFiles If this operation is being output as individual files, to help prevent * redundant usages of the `public` modifier in enum extensions. * @param before [optional] A function to execute before generating the struct declaration. */ structDeclarationForSelectionSet( { structName, adoptedProtocols = ["GraphQLSelectionSet"], selectionSet, }: { structName: string; adoptedProtocols?: string[]; selectionSet: SelectionSet; }, outputIndividualFiles: boolean, before?: Function ) { const typeCase = typeCaseForSelectionSet( selectionSet, !!this.context.options.mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads ); this.structDeclarationForVariant( { structName, adoptedProtocols, variant: typeCase.default, typeCase, }, outputIndividualFiles, before, () => { const variants = this.helpers.propertyFromVariant, this.helpers ); for (const variant of variants) { this.propertyDeclarationForVariant(variant); this.structDeclarationForVariant( { structName: variant.structName, variant, }, outputIndividualFiles ); } } ); } /** * Generates the struct declaration for a variant * * @param param0 The structName, adoptedProtocols, variant, and typeCase to use to generate the struct * @param outputIndividualFiles If this operation is being output as individual files, to help prevent * redundant usages of the `public` modifier in enum extensions. * @param before [optional] A function to execute before generating the struct declaration. * @param after [optional] A function to execute after generating the struct declaration. */ structDeclarationForVariant( { structName, adoptedProtocols = ["GraphQLSelectionSet"], variant, typeCase, }: { structName: string; adoptedProtocols?: string[]; variant: Variant; typeCase?: TypeCase; }, outputIndividualFiles: boolean, before?: Function, after?: Function ) { const { options: { namespace, mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads, omitDeprecatedEnumCases, }, } = this.context; this.structDeclaration( { structName, adoptedProtocols, namespace }, outputIndividualFiles, () => { if (before) { before(); } this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public static let possibleTypes: [String] = [` ); this.print( join( (type) => swift`${SwiftSource.string(}` ), ", " ) ); this.print(swift`]`); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public static var selections: [GraphQLSelection] {` ); this.withIndent(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`return `); if (typeCase) { this.typeCaseInitialization(typeCase); } else { this.selectionSetInitialization(variant); } }); this.printOnNewline(swift`}`); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public private(set) var resultMap: ResultMap` ); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public init(unsafeResultMap: ResultMap)`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`self.resultMap = unsafeResultMap`); }); if (typeCase) { this.initializersForTypeCase(typeCase); } else { this.initializersForVariant(variant); } const fields = collectAndMergeFields( variant, !!mergeInFieldsFromFragmentSpreads ).map((field) => this.helpers.propertyFromField(field as Field)); const fragmentSpreads = (fragmentSpread) => { const isConditional = variant.possibleTypes.some( (type) => !fragmentSpread.selectionSet.possibleTypes.includes(type) ); return this.helpers.propertyFromFragmentSpread( fragmentSpread, isConditional ); } ); fields.forEach(this.propertyDeclarationForField, this); if (fragmentSpreads.length > 0) { this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var fragments: Fragments`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( swift`return Fragments(unsafeResultMap: resultMap)` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`resultMap += newValue.resultMap`); }); }); this.structDeclaration( { structName: "Fragments", }, outputIndividualFiles, () => { this.printOnNewline( swift`public private(set) var resultMap: ResultMap` ); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public init(unsafeResultMap: ResultMap)` ); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`self.resultMap = unsafeResultMap`); }); for (const fragmentSpread of fragmentSpreads) { const { propertyName, typeName, structName, isConditional } = fragmentSpread; this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public var ${propertyName}: ${typeName}` ); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { if (isConditional) { this.printOnNewline( swift`if !${structName}.possibleTypes.contains(resultMap["__typename"]! as! String) { return nil }` ); } this.printOnNewline( swift`return ${structName}(unsafeResultMap: resultMap)` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { if (isConditional) { this.printOnNewline( swift`guard let newValue = newValue else { return }` ); this.printOnNewline( swift`resultMap += newValue.resultMap` ); } else { this.printOnNewline( swift`resultMap += newValue.resultMap` ); } }); }); } } ); } for (const field of fields) { if (isCompositeType(getNamedType(field.type)) && field.selectionSet) { this.structDeclarationForSelectionSet( { structName: field.structName, selectionSet: field.selectionSet, }, outputIndividualFiles ); } } if (after) { after(); } } ); } initializersForTypeCase(typeCase: TypeCase) { const variants = typeCase.variants; if (variants.length == 0) { this.initializersForVariant(typeCase.default); } else { const remainder = typeCase.remainder; for (const variant of remainder ? [remainder, ...variants] : variants) { this.initializersForVariant( variant, variant === remainder ? undefined : this.helpers.structNameForVariant(variant), false ); } } } initializersForVariant( variant: Variant, namespace?: string, useInitializerIfPossible: boolean = true ) { if (useInitializerIfPossible && variant.possibleTypes.length == 1) { const properties = this.helpers.propertiesForSelectionSet(variant); if (!properties) return; this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public init`); this.parametersForProperties(properties); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( wrap( swift`self.init(unsafeResultMap: [`, join( [ swift`"__typename": ${SwiftSource.string( variant.possibleTypes[0].toString() )}`, => this.propertyAssignmentForField(p, properties) ), ], ", " ) || swift`:`, swift`])` ) ); }); } else { const structName = this.scope.typeName; for (const possibleType of variant.possibleTypes) { const properties = this.helpers.propertiesForSelectionSet( { possibleTypes: [possibleType], selections: variant.selections, }, namespace ); if (!properties) continue; this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( SwiftSource.raw`public static func make${possibleType}` ); this.parametersForProperties(properties); this.print(swift` -> ${structName}`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( wrap( swift`return ${structName}(unsafeResultMap: [`, join( [ swift`"__typename": ${SwiftSource.string( possibleType.toString() )}`, => this.propertyAssignmentForField(p, properties) ), ], ", " ) || swift`:`, swift`])` ) ); }); } } } propertyAssignmentForField( field: { responseKey: string; propertyName: string; type: GraphQLType; isConditional?: boolean; structName?: string; }, properties: { propertyName: string }[] ): SwiftSource { const { responseKey, propertyName, type, isConditional, structName } = field; const parameterName = this.helpers.internalParameterName( propertyName, properties ); const valueExpression = isCompositeType(getNamedType(type)) ? this.helpers.mapExpressionForType( type, isConditional, (expression) => swift`${expression}.resultMap`, SwiftSource.identifier(parameterName), structName!, "ResultMap" ) : SwiftSource.identifier(parameterName); return swift`${SwiftSource.string(responseKey)}: ${valueExpression}`; } propertyDeclarationForField(field: Field & Property) { const { responseKey, propertyName, typeName, type, isOptional, isConditional, } = field; const unmodifiedFieldType = getNamedType(type); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.comment(field.description); this.deprecationAttributes(field.isDeprecated, field.deprecationReason); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var ${propertyName}: ${typeName}`); this.withinBlock(() => { if (isCompositeType(unmodifiedFieldType)) { const structName = this.helpers.structNameForPropertyName(responseKey); if (isList(type)) { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { const resultMapTypeName = this.helpers.typeNameFromGraphQLType( type, "ResultMap", false ); let expression; if (isOptional) { expression = swift`(resultMap[${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )}] as? ${resultMapTypeName})`; } else { expression = swift`(resultMap[${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )}] as! ${resultMapTypeName})`; } this.printOnNewline( swift`return ${this.helpers.mapExpressionForType( type, isConditional, (expression) => swift`${structName}(unsafeResultMap: ${expression})`, expression, "ResultMap", structName )}` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { let newValueExpression = this.helpers.mapExpressionForType( type, isConditional, (expression) => swift`${expression}.resultMap`, swift`newValue`, structName, "ResultMap" ); this.printOnNewline( swift`resultMap.updateValue(${newValueExpression}, forKey: ${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )})` ); }); } else { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { if (isOptional) { this.printOnNewline( swift`return (resultMap[${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )}] as? ResultMap).flatMap { ${structName}(unsafeResultMap: $0) }` ); } else { this.printOnNewline( swift`return ${structName}(unsafeResultMap: resultMap[${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )}]! as! ResultMap)` ); } }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { let newValueExpression; if (isOptional) { newValueExpression = "newValue?.resultMap"; } else { newValueExpression = "newValue.resultMap"; } this.printOnNewline( swift`resultMap.updateValue(${newValueExpression}, forKey: ${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )})` ); }); } } else { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { if (isOptional) { this.printOnNewline( swift`return resultMap[${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )}] as? ${typeName.slice(0, -1)}` ); } else { this.printOnNewline( swift`return resultMap[${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )}]! as! ${typeName}` ); } }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( swift`resultMap.updateValue(newValue, forKey: ${SwiftSource.string( responseKey )})` ); }); } }); } propertyDeclarationForVariant(variant: Property & Struct) { const { propertyName, typeName, structName } = variant; this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var ${propertyName}: ${typeName}`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( swift`if !${structName}.possibleTypes.contains(__typename) { return nil }` ); this.printOnNewline( swift`return ${structName}(unsafeResultMap: resultMap)` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( swift`guard let newValue = newValue else { return }` ); this.printOnNewline(swift`resultMap = newValue.resultMap`); }); }); } initializerDeclarationForProperties(properties: Property[]) { this.printOnNewline(swift`public init`); this.parametersForProperties(properties); this.withinBlock(() => { properties.forEach(({ propertyName }) => { this.printOnNewline( swift`self.${propertyName} = ${this.helpers.internalParameterName( propertyName, properties )}` ); }); }); } parametersForProperties(properties: Property[]) { this.print(swift`(`); this.print( join({ propertyName, typeName, isOptional }) => { const internalName = this.helpers.internalParameterName( propertyName, properties ); const decl = internalName === propertyName ? propertyName : swift`${propertyName} ${internalName}`; return join([ swift`${decl}: ${typeName}`, isOptional ? swift` = nil` : undefined, ]); }), ", " ) ); this.print(swift`)`); } typeCaseInitialization(typeCase: TypeCase) { if (typeCase.variants.length < 1) { this.selectionSetInitialization(typeCase.default); return; } this.print(swift`[`); this.withIndent(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`GraphQLTypeCase(`); this.withIndent(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`variants: [`); this.print( join( typeCase.variants.flatMap((variant) => { const structName = this.helpers.structNameForVariant(variant); return (type) => swift`${SwiftSource.string( type.toString() )}: ${structName}.selections` ); }), ", " ) ); this.print(swift`],`); this.printOnNewline(swift`default: `); this.selectionSetInitialization(typeCase.default); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`)`); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`]`); } selectionSetInitialization(selectionSet: SelectionSet) { this.print(swift`[`); this.withIndent(() => { for (const selection of selectionSet.selections) { switch (selection.kind) { case "Field": { const { name, alias, args, type } = selection; const responseKey = selection.alias ||; const structName = this.helpers.structNameForPropertyName(responseKey); this.printOnNewline(swift`GraphQLField(`); this.print( join( [ swift`${SwiftSource.string(name)}`, alias ? swift`alias: ${SwiftSource.string(alias)}` : undefined, args && args.length ? swift`arguments: ${this.helpers.dictionaryLiteralForFieldArguments( args )}` : undefined, swift`type: ${this.helpers.fieldTypeEnum(type, structName)}`, ], ", " ) ); this.print(swift`),`); break; } case "BooleanCondition": this.printOnNewline(swift`GraphQLBooleanCondition(`); this.print( join( [ swift`variableName: ${SwiftSource.string( selection.variableName )}`, swift`inverted: ${selection.inverted}`, swift`selections: `, ], ", " ) ); this.selectionSetInitialization(selection.selectionSet); this.print(swift`),`); break; case "TypeCondition": { this.printOnNewline(swift`GraphQLTypeCondition(`); this.print( join( [ swift`possibleTypes: [${join( (type) => swift`${SwiftSource.string(}` ), ", " )}]`, swift`selections: `, ], ", " ) ); this.selectionSetInitialization(selection.selectionSet); this.print(swift`),`); break; } case "FragmentSpread": { const structName = this.helpers.structNameForFragmentName( selection.fragmentName ); this.printOnNewline( swift`GraphQLFragmentSpread(${structName}.self),` ); break; } } } }); this.printOnNewline(swift`]`); } /** * Generates a type declaration for the given `GraphQLType` * * @param type The graphQLType to generate a type declaration for. * @param outputIndividualFiles If this operation is being output as individual files, to help prevent * redundant usages of the `public` modifier in enum extensions. */ typeDeclarationForGraphQLType( type: GraphQLType, outputIndividualFiles: boolean ) { if (isEnumType(type)) { this.enumerationDeclaration(type); } else if (isInputObjectType(type)) { this.structDeclarationForInputObjectType(type, outputIndividualFiles); } } enumerationDeclaration(type: GraphQLEnumType) { const { name, description } = type; const values = type.getValues().filter((value) => { return ( !value.isDeprecated || !this.context.options.omitDeprecatedEnumCases ); }); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.comment(description || undefined); this.printOnNewline( swift`public enum ${name}: RawRepresentable, Equatable, Hashable, CaseIterable, Apollo.JSONDecodable, Apollo.JSONEncodable` ); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`public typealias RawValue = String`); values.forEach((value) => { this.comment(value.description || undefined); this.deprecationAttributes( value.isDeprecated, value.deprecationReason || undefined ); this.printOnNewline( swift`case ${this.helpers.enumCaseName(}` ); }); this.comment("Auto generated constant for unknown enum values"); this.printOnNewline(swift`case __unknown(RawValue)`); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public init?(rawValue: RawValue)`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`switch rawValue`); this.withinBlock(() => { values.forEach((value) => { this.printOnNewline( swift`case ${SwiftSource.string( value.value )}: self = ${this.helpers.enumDotCaseName(}` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`default: self = .__unknown(rawValue)`); }); }); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var rawValue: RawValue`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`switch self`); this.withinBlock(() => { values.forEach((value) => { this.printOnNewline( swift`case ${this.helpers.enumDotCaseName( )}: return ${SwiftSource.string(value.value)}` ); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`case .__unknown(let value): return value`); }); }); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline( swift`public static func == (lhs: ${name}, rhs: ${name}) -> Bool` ); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`switch (lhs, rhs)`); this.withinBlock(() => { values.forEach((value) => { const enumDotCaseName = this.helpers.enumDotCaseName(; const tuple = swift`(${enumDotCaseName}, ${enumDotCaseName})`; this.printOnNewline(swift`case ${tuple}: return true`); }); this.printOnNewline( swift`case (.__unknown(let lhsValue), .__unknown(let rhsValue)): return lhsValue == rhsValue` ); this.printOnNewline(swift`default: return false`); }); }); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.printOnNewline(swift`public static var allCases: [${name}]`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`return [`); values.forEach((value) => { const enumDotCaseName = this.helpers.enumDotCaseName(; this.withIndent(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`${enumDotCaseName},`); }); }); this.printOnNewline(swift`]`); }); }); } /** * Generates a struct for a `GraphQLInputObjectType`. * * @param type The input type to generate code for * @param outputIndividualFiles If this operation is being output as individual files, to help prevent * redundant usages of the `public` modifier in enum extensions. */ structDeclarationForInputObjectType( type: GraphQLInputObjectType, outputIndividualFiles: boolean ) { const { name: structName, description } = type; const adoptedProtocols = ["GraphQLMapConvertible"]; const fields = Object.values(type.getFields()); const properties = this.helpers.propertyFromInputField, this.helpers ); properties.forEach((property) => { if (property.isOptional) { property.typeName = `Swift.Optional<${property.typeName}>`; } }); this.structDeclaration( { structName, description: description || undefined, adoptedProtocols }, outputIndividualFiles, () => { this.printOnNewline(swift`public var graphQLMap: GraphQLMap`); this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); if (properties.length > 0) { this.comment("- Parameters:"); properties.forEach((property) => { var propertyDescription = ""; if (property.description) { propertyDescription = `: ${property.description}`; } this.comment( ` - ${property.propertyName}${propertyDescription}`, false ); }); } this.printOnNewline(swift`public init`); this.print(swift`(`); this.print( join({ propertyName, typeName, isOptional }) => { const internalName = this.helpers.internalParameterName( propertyName, properties ); const decl = internalName === propertyName ? propertyName : swift`${propertyName} ${internalName}`; return join([ swift`${decl}: ${typeName}`, isOptional ? swift` = nil` : undefined, ]); }), ", " ) ); this.print(swift`)`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( wrap( swift`graphQLMap = [`, join( ({ name, propertyName }) => swift`${SwiftSource.string( name )}: ${this.helpers.internalParameterName( propertyName, properties )}` ), ", " ) || swift`:`, swift`]` ) ); }); for (const { name, propertyName, typeName, description, isOptional, } of properties) { this.printNewlineIfNeeded(); this.comment(description || undefined); this.printOnNewline(swift`public var ${propertyName}: ${typeName}`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline(swift`get`); this.withinBlock(() => { if (isOptional) { this.printOnNewline( swift`return graphQLMap[${SwiftSource.string( name )}] as? ${typeName} ?? ${typeName}.none` ); } else { this.printOnNewline( swift`return graphQLMap[${SwiftSource.string( name )}] as! ${typeName}` ); } }); this.printOnNewline(swift`set`); this.withinBlock(() => { this.printOnNewline( swift`graphQLMap.updateValue(newValue, forKey: ${SwiftSource.string( name )})` ); }); }); } } ); } }