import { GraphQLDataSource } from "./GraphQLDataSource"; import { DefaultEngineConfig, getServiceFromKey } from "../config"; import { CHECK_SCHEMA } from "./operations/checkSchema"; import { UPLOAD_SCHEMA } from "./operations/uploadSchema"; import { VALIDATE_OPERATIONS } from "./operations/validateOperations"; import { REGISTER_OPERATIONS } from "./operations/registerOperations"; import { SCHEMA_TAGS_AND_FIELD_STATS } from "./operations/schemaTagsAndFieldStats"; import { UPLOAD_AND_COMPOSE_PARTIAL_SCHEMA } from "./operations/uploadAndComposePartialSchema"; import { CHECK_PARTIAL_SCHEMA } from "./operations/checkPartialSchema"; import { REMOVE_SERVICE_AND_COMPOSE } from "./operations/removeServiceAndCompose"; import { LIST_SERVICES } from "./operations/listServices"; import { ListServices, ListServicesVariables, CheckSchema, CheckSchemaVariables, UploadSchema, UploadSchemaVariables, UploadAndComposePartialSchema, UploadAndComposePartialSchemaVariables, RegisterOperations, RegisterOperationsVariables, ValidateOperations, ValidateOperationsVariables, SchemaTagsAndFieldStats, CheckPartialSchema, CheckPartialSchemaVariables, RemoveServiceAndCompose, RemoveServiceAndComposeVariables, CheckPartialSchema_service_checkPartialSchema, } from "../graphqlTypes"; export interface ClientIdentity { name?: string; version?: string; referenceID?: string; } export type ServiceID = string; export type ClientID = string; export type SchemaTag = string; export type ServiceIDAndTag = [ServiceID, SchemaTag?]; export type ServiceSpecifier = string; export type FieldStats = Map>; export function noServiceError(service: string | undefined, endpoint?: string) { return `Could not find graph ${ service ? service : "" } from Apollo at ${endpoint}. Please check your API key and graph ID`; } export class ApolloEngineClient extends GraphQLDataSource { constructor( private engineKey: string, engineEndpoint: string = DefaultEngineConfig.endpoint, private clientIdentity?: ClientIdentity ) { super(); this.baseURL = engineEndpoint; } // XXX fix typings on base package willSendRequest(request: any) { if (!request.headers) request.headers = {}; request.headers["x-api-key"] = this.engineKey; if (this.clientIdentity && { request.headers["apollo-client-name"] =; request.headers["apollo-client-reference-id"] = this.clientIdentity.referenceID; request.headers["apollo-client-version"] = this.clientIdentity.version; return; } // default values request.headers["apollo-client-name"] = "Apollo Language Server"; request.headers["apollo-client-reference-id"] = "146d29c0-912c-46d3-b686-920e52586be6"; request.headers["apollo-client-version"] = require("../../package.json").version; } public async listServices(variables: ListServicesVariables) { return this.execute({ query: LIST_SERVICES, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if (!(data && data.service)) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data; }); } public async checkSchema(variables: CheckSchemaVariables) { return this.execute({ query: CHECK_SCHEMA, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if (!(data && data.service)) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.checkSchema; }); } public async uploadSchema(variables: UploadSchemaVariables) { return this.execute({ query: UPLOAD_SCHEMA, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if (!(data && data.service)) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.uploadSchema; }); } public async uploadAndComposePartialSchema( variables: UploadAndComposePartialSchemaVariables ) { return this.execute({ query: UPLOAD_AND_COMPOSE_PARTIAL_SCHEMA, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if ( !( data && data.service && data.service.upsertImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition ) ) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.upsertImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition; }); } public async checkPartialSchema( variables: CheckPartialSchemaVariables ): Promise { return this.execute({ query: CHECK_PARTIAL_SCHEMA, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if (!(data && data.service)) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.checkPartialSchema; }); } public async removeServiceAndCompose( variables: RemoveServiceAndComposeVariables ) { return this.execute({ query: REMOVE_SERVICE_AND_COMPOSE, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (!data || !data.service) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.removeImplementingServiceAndTriggerComposition; }); } public async validateOperations(variables: ValidateOperationsVariables) { return this.execute({ query: VALIDATE_OPERATIONS, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if (!(data && data.service)) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.validateOperations.validationResults; }); } public async registerOperations(variables: RegisterOperationsVariables) { return this.execute({ query: REGISTER_OPERATIONS, variables, }).then(({ data, errors }) => { // use error logger if (errors) { throw new Error( => error.message).join("\n")); } if (data && !data.service) { throw new Error(noServiceError(, this.baseURL)); } if ( !(data && data.service && data.service.registerOperationsWithResponse) ) { throw new Error("Error in response from Apollo"); } return data.service.registerOperationsWithResponse; }); } async loadSchemaTagsAndFieldStats(serviceID: string) { const { data, errors } = await this.execute({ query: SCHEMA_TAGS_AND_FIELD_STATS, variables: { id: serviceID, }, }); if (!(data && data.service && data.service.schemaTags) || errors) { throw new Error( errors ? => error.message).join("\n") : "No service returned. Make sure your service name and API key match" ); } const schemaTags: string[] = ({ tag }: { tag: string }) => tag ); const fieldStats: FieldStats = new Map(); data.service.stats.fieldStats.forEach((fieldStat) => { // Parse field "ParentType.fieldName:FieldType" into ["ParentType", "fieldName", "FieldType"] const [parentType = null, fieldName = null] = fieldStat.groupBy.field ? fieldStat.groupBy.field.split(/\.|:/) : []; if (!parentType || !fieldName) { return; } const fieldsMap = fieldStats.get(parentType) || fieldStats.set(parentType, new Map()).get(parentType)!; fieldsMap.set(fieldName, fieldStat.metrics.fieldHistogram.durationMs); }); return { schemaTags, fieldStats }; } }