import { specifiedRules, NoUnusedFragmentsRule, GraphQLError, FieldNode, ValidationContext, GraphQLSchema, DocumentNode, OperationDefinitionNode, TypeInfo, FragmentDefinitionNode, visit, visitWithTypeInfo, visitInParallel, getLocation, InlineFragmentNode, Kind, isObjectType, } from "graphql"; import { TextEdit } from "vscode-languageserver"; import { ToolError, logError } from "./logger"; import { ValidationRule } from "graphql/validation/ValidationContext"; import { positionFromSourceLocation } from "../utilities/source"; import { buildExecutionContext, ExecutionContext, } from "graphql/execution/execute"; import { hasClientDirective, simpleCollectFields } from "../utilities/graphql"; import { Debug } from "../utilities"; export interface CodeActionInfo { message: string; edits: TextEdit[]; } const specifiedRulesToBeRemoved = [NoUnusedFragmentsRule]; export const defaultValidationRules: ValidationRule[] = [ NoAnonymousQueries, NoTypenameAlias, NoMissingClientDirectives, ...specifiedRules.filter((rule) => !specifiedRulesToBeRemoved.includes(rule)), ]; export function getValidationErrors( schema: GraphQLSchema, document: DocumentNode, fragments?: { [fragmentName: string]: FragmentDefinitionNode }, rules: ValidationRule[] = defaultValidationRules ) { const typeInfo = new TypeInfo(schema); // The 4th argument to `ValidationContext` is an `onError` callback. This was // introduced by and first // published in graphql@14.5.0. It is meant to replace the `getErrors` method // which was previously used. Since we support versions of graphql older than // that, it's possible that this callback will not be invoked and we'll need // to resort to using `getErrors`. Therefore, although we'll collect errors // via this callback, if `getErrors` is present on the context we create, // we'll go ahead and use that instead. const errors: GraphQLError[] = []; const onError = (err: GraphQLError) => errors.push(err); const context = new ValidationContext(schema, document, typeInfo, onError); if (fragments) { (context as any)._fragments = fragments; } const visitors = => rule(context)); // Visit the whole document with each instance of all provided rules. visit(document, visitWithTypeInfo(typeInfo, visitInParallel(visitors))); // @ts-ignore // `getErrors` is gone in `graphql@15`, but we still support older versions. if (typeof context.getErrors === "function") return context.getErrors(); // If `getErrors` doesn't exist, we must be on a `graphql@15` or higher, // so we'll use the errors we collected via the `onError` callback. return errors; } export function validateQueryDocument( schema: GraphQLSchema, document: DocumentNode ) { try { const validationErrors = getValidationErrors(schema, document); if (validationErrors && validationErrors.length > 0) { for (const error of validationErrors) { logError(error); } return Debug.error("Validation of GraphQL query document failed"); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); throw e; } } export function NoAnonymousQueries(context: ValidationContext) { return { OperationDefinition(node: OperationDefinitionNode) { if (! { context.reportError( new GraphQLError("Apollo does not support anonymous operations", [ node, ]) ); } return false; }, }; } export function NoTypenameAlias(context: ValidationContext) { return { Field(node: FieldNode) { const aliasName = node.alias && node.alias.value; if (aliasName == "__typename") { context.reportError( new GraphQLError( "Apollo needs to be able to insert __typename when needed, please do not use it as an alias", [node] ) ); } }, }; } function hasClientSchema(schema: GraphQLSchema): boolean { const query = schema.getQueryType(); const mutation = schema.getMutationType(); const subscription = schema.getSubscriptionType(); return Boolean( (query && query.clientSchema) || (mutation && mutation.clientSchema) || (subscription && subscription.clientSchema) ); } export function NoMissingClientDirectives(context: ValidationContext) { const root = context.getDocument(); const schema = context.getSchema(); // early return if we don't have any client fields on the schema if (!hasClientSchema(schema)) return {}; // this isn't really execution context, but it does group the fragments and operations // together correctly // XXX we have a simplified version of this in @apollo/gateway that we could probably use // intead of this const executionContext = buildExecutionContext( schema, root, Object.create(null), Object.create(null), undefined, undefined, undefined ); function visitor( node: FieldNode | InlineFragmentNode | FragmentDefinitionNode ) { // In cases where we are looking at a FragmentDefinition, there is no parent type // but instead, the FragmentDefinition contains the type that we can read from the // schema const parentType = node.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION ? schema.getType( : context.getParentType(); const fieldDef = context.getFieldDef(); // if we don't have a type to check then we can early return if (!parentType) return; // here we collect all of the fields on a type that are marked "local" const clientFields = parentType && isObjectType(parentType) && parentType.clientSchema && parentType.clientSchema.localFields; // XXXX in the case of a fragment spread, the directive could be on the fragment definition let clientDirectivePresent = hasClientDirective(node); let message = "@client directive is missing on "; let selectsClientFieldSet = false; switch (node.kind) { case Kind.FIELD: // fields are simple because we can just see if the name exists in the local fields // array on the parent type selectsClientFieldSet = Boolean( clientFields && clientFields.includes(fieldDef!.name) ); message += `local field "${}"`; break; case Kind.INLINE_FRAGMENT: case Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: // XXX why isn't this type checking below? if (Array.isArray(executionContext)) break; const fields = simpleCollectFields( executionContext as ExecutionContext, node.selectionSet, Object.create(null), Object.create(null) ); // once we have a list of fields on the fragment, we can compare them // to the list of types. The fields within a fragment need to be a // subset of the overall local fields types const fieldNames = Object.entries(fields).map(([name]) => name); selectsClientFieldSet = fieldNames.every( (field) => clientFields && clientFields.includes(field) ); message += `fragment ${ "name" in node ? `"${}" ` : "" }around local fields "${fieldNames.join(",")}"`; break; } // if the field's parent is part of the client schema and that type // includes a field with the same name as this node, we can see // if it has an @client directive to resolve locally if (selectsClientFieldSet && !clientDirectivePresent) { let extensions: { [key: string]: any } | null = null; const name = "name" in node &&; // TODO support code actions for inline fragments, fragment spreads, and fragment definitions if (name && name.loc) { let { source, end: locToInsertDirective } = name.loc; if ( "arguments" in node && node.arguments && node.arguments.length !== 0 ) { // must insert directive after field arguments const endOfArgs = source.body.indexOf(")", locToInsertDirective); locToInsertDirective = endOfArgs + 1; } const codeAction: CodeActionInfo = { message: `Add @client directive to "${name.value}"`, edits: [ TextEdit.insert( positionFromSourceLocation( source, getLocation(source, locToInsertDirective) ), " @client" ), ], }; extensions = { codeAction }; } context.reportError( new GraphQLError(message, [node], null, null, null, null, extensions) ); } // if we have selected a client field, no need to continue to recurse if (selectsClientFieldSet) { return false; } return; } return { InlineFragment: visitor, FragmentDefinition: visitor, Field: visitor, // TODO support directives on FragmentSpread }; }