import { CancellationToken, Position, Location, Range, CompletionItem, Hover, Definition, CodeLens, ReferenceContext, InsertTextFormat, DocumentSymbol, SymbolKind, SymbolInformation, CodeAction, CodeActionKind, MarkupKind, CompletionItemKind, } from "vscode-languageserver"; // should eventually be moved into this package, since we're overriding a lot of the existing behavior here import { getAutocompleteSuggestions } from "@apollographql/graphql-language-service-interface"; import { getTokenAtPosition, getTypeInfo, } from "@apollographql/graphql-language-service-interface/dist/getAutocompleteSuggestions"; import { GraphQLWorkspace } from "./workspace"; import { DocumentUri } from "./project/base"; import { positionFromPositionInContainingDocument, rangeForASTNode, getASTNodeAndTypeInfoAtPosition, positionToOffset, } from "./utilities/source"; import { GraphQLNamedType, Kind, GraphQLField, GraphQLNonNull, isAbstractType, TypeNameMetaFieldDef, SchemaMetaFieldDef, TypeMetaFieldDef, typeFromAST, GraphQLType, isObjectType, isListType, GraphQLList, isNonNullType, ASTNode, FieldDefinitionNode, visit, isExecutableDefinitionNode, isTypeSystemDefinitionNode, isTypeSystemExtensionNode, GraphQLError, DirectiveLocation, } from "graphql"; import { highlightNodeForNode } from "./utilities/graphql"; import { GraphQLClientProject, isClientProject } from "./project/client"; import { isNotNullOrUndefined } from "@apollographql/apollo-tools"; import { CodeActionInfo } from "./errors/validation"; import { GraphQLDiagnostic } from "./diagnostics"; const DirectiveLocations = Object.keys(DirectiveLocation); function hasFields(type: GraphQLType): boolean { return ( isObjectType(type) || (isListType(type) && hasFields((type as GraphQLList).ofType)) || (isNonNullType(type) && hasFields((type as GraphQLNonNull).ofType)) ); } function uriForASTNode(node: ASTNode): DocumentUri | null { const uri = node.loc && node.loc.source &&; if (!uri || uri === "GraphQL") { return null; } return uri; } function locationForASTNode(node: ASTNode): Location | null { const uri = uriForASTNode(node); if (!uri) return null; return Location.create(uri, rangeForASTNode(node)); } function symbolForFieldDefinition( definition: FieldDefinitionNode ): DocumentSymbol { return { name:, kind: SymbolKind.Field, range: rangeForASTNode(definition), selectionRange: rangeForASTNode(definition), }; } export class GraphQLLanguageProvider { constructor(public workspace: GraphQLWorkspace) {} async provideStats(uri?: DocumentUri) { if (this.workspace.projects.length && uri) { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); return project ? project.getProjectStats() : { loaded: false }; } return { loaded: false }; } async provideCompletionItems( uri: DocumentUri, position: Position, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if (!(project && project instanceof GraphQLClientProject)) return []; const document = project.documentAt(uri, position); if (!document) return []; if (!project.schema) return []; const positionInDocument = positionFromPositionInContainingDocument( document.source, position ); const token = getTokenAtPosition(document.source.body, positionInDocument); const state = token.state.kind === "Invalid" ? token.state.prevState : token.state; const typeInfo = getTypeInfo(project.schema, token.state); if (state.kind === "DirectiveLocation") { return => ({ label: location, kind: CompletionItemKind.Constant, })); } const suggestions = getAutocompleteSuggestions( project.schema, document.source.body, positionInDocument ); if ( state.kind === "SelectionSet" || state.kind === "Field" || state.kind === "AliasedField" ) { const parentType = typeInfo.parentType; const parentFields = { ...(parentType.getFields() as { [label: string]: GraphQLField; }), }; if (isAbstractType(parentType)) { parentFields[] = TypeNameMetaFieldDef; } if (parentType === project.schema.getQueryType()) { parentFields[] = SchemaMetaFieldDef; parentFields[] = TypeMetaFieldDef; } return => { // when code completing fields, expand out required variables and open braces const suggestedField = parentFields[suggest.label] as GraphQLField< void, void >; if (!suggestedField) { return suggest; } else { const requiredArgs = suggestedField.args.filter((a) => isNonNullType(a.type) ); const paramsSection = requiredArgs.length > 0 ? `(${requiredArgs .map((a, i) => `${}: $${i + 1}`) .join(", ")})` : ``; const isClientType = parentType.clientSchema && parentType.clientSchema.localFields && parentType.clientSchema.localFields.includes(; const directives = isClientType ? " @client" : ""; const snippet = hasFields(suggestedField.type) ? `${suggest.label}${paramsSection}${directives} {\n\t$0\n}` : `${suggest.label}${paramsSection}${directives}`; return { ...suggest, insertText: snippet, insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, }; } }); } if (state.kind === "Directive") { return => { const directive = project.schema!.getDirective(suggest.label); if (!directive) { return suggest; } const requiredArgs = directive.args.filter(isNonNullType); const paramsSection = requiredArgs.length > 0 ? `(${requiredArgs .map((a, i) => `${}: $${i + 1}`) .join(", ")})` : ``; const snippet = `${suggest.label}${paramsSection}`; const argsString = directive.args.length > 0 ? `(${directive.args .map((a) => `${}: ${a.type}`) .join(", ")})` : ""; const content = [ [`\`\`\`graphql`, `@${suggest.label}${argsString}`, `\`\`\``].join( "\n" ), ]; if (suggest.documentation) { if (typeof suggest.documentation === "string") { content.push(suggest.documentation); } else { content.push(suggest.documentation.value); } } const doc = { kind: MarkupKind.Markdown, value: content.join("\n\n"), }; return { ...suggest, documentation: doc, insertText: snippet, insertTextFormat: InsertTextFormat.Snippet, }; }); } return suggestions; } async provideHover( uri: DocumentUri, position: Position, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if (!(project && project instanceof GraphQLClientProject)) return null; const document = project.documentAt(uri, position); if (!(document && document.ast)) return null; if (!project.schema) return null; const positionInDocument = positionFromPositionInContainingDocument( document.source, position ); const nodeAndTypeInfo = getASTNodeAndTypeInfoAtPosition( document.source, positionInDocument, document.ast, project.schema ); if (nodeAndTypeInfo) { const [node, typeInfo] = nodeAndTypeInfo; switch (node.kind) { case Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: { const fragmentName =; const fragment = project.fragments[fragmentName]; if (fragment) { return { contents: { language: "graphql", value: `fragment ${fragmentName} on ${}`, }, }; } break; } case Kind.FIELD: { const parentType = typeInfo.getParentType(); const fieldDef = typeInfo.getFieldDef(); if (parentType && fieldDef) { const argsString = fieldDef.args.length > 0 ? `(${fieldDef.args .map((a) => `${}: ${a.type}`) .join(", ")})` : ""; const isClientType = parentType.clientSchema && parentType.clientSchema.localFields && parentType.clientSchema.localFields.includes(; const isResolvedLocally = node.directives && node.directives.some( (directive) => === "client" ); const content = [ [ `\`\`\`graphql`, `${parentType}.${}${argsString}: ${fieldDef.type}`, `\`\`\``, ].join("\n"), ]; const info: string[] = []; if (isClientType) { info.push("`Client-Only Field`"); } if (isResolvedLocally) { info.push("`Resolved locally`"); } if (info.length !== 0) { content.push(info.join(" ")); } if (fieldDef.description) { content.push(fieldDef.description); } return { contents: content.join("\n\n---\n\n"), range: rangeForASTNode(highlightNodeForNode(node)), }; } break; } case Kind.NAMED_TYPE: { const type = project.schema.getType( ) as GraphQLNamedType | void; if (!type) break; const content = [[`\`\`\`graphql`, `${type}`, `\`\`\``].join("\n")]; if (type.description) { content.push(type.description); } return { contents: content.join("\n\n---\n\n"), range: rangeForASTNode(highlightNodeForNode(node)), }; } case Kind.ARGUMENT: { const argumentNode = typeInfo.getArgument()!; const content = [ [ `\`\`\`graphql`, `${}: ${argumentNode.type}`, `\`\`\``, ].join("\n"), ]; if (argumentNode.description) { content.push(argumentNode.description); } return { contents: content.join("\n\n---\n\n"), range: rangeForASTNode(highlightNodeForNode(node)), }; } case Kind.DIRECTIVE: { const directiveNode = typeInfo.getDirective(); if (!directiveNode) break; const argsString = directiveNode.args.length > 0 ? `(${directiveNode.args .map((a) => `${}: ${a.type}`) .join(", ")})` : ""; const content = [ [ `\`\`\`graphql`, `@${}${argsString}`, `\`\`\``, ].join("\n"), ]; if (directiveNode.description) { content.push(directiveNode.description); } return { contents: content.join("\n\n---\n\n"), range: rangeForASTNode(highlightNodeForNode(node)), }; } } } return null; } async provideDefinition( uri: DocumentUri, position: Position, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if (!(project && project instanceof GraphQLClientProject)) return null; const document = project.documentAt(uri, position); if (!(document && document.ast)) return null; if (!project.schema) return null; const positionInDocument = positionFromPositionInContainingDocument( document.source, position ); const nodeAndTypeInfo = getASTNodeAndTypeInfoAtPosition( document.source, positionInDocument, document.ast, project.schema ); if (nodeAndTypeInfo) { const [node, typeInfo] = nodeAndTypeInfo; switch (node.kind) { case Kind.FRAGMENT_SPREAD: { const fragmentName =; const fragment = project.fragments[fragmentName]; if (fragment && fragment.loc) { return locationForASTNode(fragment); } break; } case Kind.FIELD: { const fieldDef = typeInfo.getFieldDef(); if (!(fieldDef && fieldDef.astNode && fieldDef.astNode.loc)) break; return locationForASTNode(fieldDef.astNode); } case Kind.NAMED_TYPE: { const type = typeFromAST(project.schema, node); if (!(type && type.astNode && type.astNode.loc)) break; return locationForASTNode(type.astNode); } case Kind.DIRECTIVE: { const directive = project.schema.getDirective(; if (!(directive && directive.astNode && directive.astNode.loc)) break; return locationForASTNode(directive.astNode); } } } return null; } async provideReferences( uri: DocumentUri, position: Position, _context: ReferenceContext, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if (!project) return null; const document = project.documentAt(uri, position); if (!(document && document.ast)) return null; if (!project.schema) return null; const positionInDocument = positionFromPositionInContainingDocument( document.source, position ); const nodeAndTypeInfo = getASTNodeAndTypeInfoAtPosition( document.source, positionInDocument, document.ast, project.schema ); if (nodeAndTypeInfo) { const [node, typeInfo] = nodeAndTypeInfo; switch (node.kind) { case Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION: { if (!isClientProject(project)) return null; const fragmentName =; return project .fragmentSpreadsForFragment(fragmentName) .map((fragmentSpread) => locationForASTNode(fragmentSpread)) .filter(isNotNullOrUndefined); } // TODO(jbaxleyiii): manage no parent type references (unions + scalars) // TODO(jbaxleyiii): support more than fields case Kind.FIELD_DEFINITION: { // case Kind.ENUM_VALUE_DEFINITION: // case Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION: // case Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION: { if (!isClientProject(project)) return null; const offset = positionToOffset(document.source, positionInDocument); // withWithTypeInfo doesn't suppport SDL so we instead // write our own visitor methods here to collect the fields that we // care about let parent: ASTNode | null = null; visit(document.ast, { enter(node: ASTNode) { // the parent types we care about if ( node.loc && node.loc.start <= offset && offset <= node.loc.end && (node.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION || node.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION || node.kind === Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_DEFINITION || node.kind === Kind.INTERFACE_TYPE_EXTENSION || node.kind === Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION || node.kind === Kind.INPUT_OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION || node.kind === Kind.ENUM_TYPE_DEFINITION || node.kind === Kind.ENUM_TYPE_EXTENSION) ) { parent = node; } return; }, }); return project .getOperationFieldsFromFieldDefinition(, parent) .map((fieldNode) => locationForASTNode(fieldNode)) .filter(isNotNullOrUndefined); } } } return null; } async provideDocumentSymbol( uri: DocumentUri, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if (!project) return []; const definitions = project.definitionsAt(uri); const symbols: DocumentSymbol[] = []; for (const definition of definitions) { if (isExecutableDefinitionNode(definition)) { if (! continue; const location = locationForASTNode(definition); if (!location) continue; symbols.push({ name:, kind: SymbolKind.Function, range: rangeForASTNode(definition), selectionRange: rangeForASTNode(highlightNodeForNode(definition)), }); } else if ( isTypeSystemDefinitionNode(definition) || isTypeSystemExtensionNode(definition) ) { if ( definition.kind === Kind.SCHEMA_DEFINITION || definition.kind === Kind.SCHEMA_EXTENSION ) { continue; } symbols.push({ name:, kind: SymbolKind.Class, range: rangeForASTNode(definition), selectionRange: rangeForASTNode(highlightNodeForNode(definition)), children: definition.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_DEFINITION || definition.kind === Kind.OBJECT_TYPE_EXTENSION ? (definition.fields || []).map(symbolForFieldDefinition) : undefined, }); } } return symbols; } async provideWorkspaceSymbol( query: string, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const symbols: SymbolInformation[] = []; for (const project of this.workspace.projects) { for (const definition of project.definitions) { if (isExecutableDefinitionNode(definition)) { if (! continue; const location = locationForASTNode(definition); if (!location) continue; symbols.push({ name:, kind: SymbolKind.Function, location, }); } } } return symbols; } async provideCodeLenses( uri: DocumentUri, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if (!(project && project instanceof GraphQLClientProject)) return []; // Wait for the project to be fully initialized, so we always provide code lenses for open files, even // if we receive the request before the project is ready. await project.whenReady; const documents = project.documentsAt(uri); if (!documents) return []; let codeLenses: CodeLens[] = []; for (const document of documents) { if (!document.ast) continue; for (const definition of document.ast.definitions) { if (definition.kind === Kind.OPERATION_DEFINITION) { /* if (set.endpoint) { const fragmentSpreads: Set< graphql.FragmentDefinitionNode > = new Set(); const searchForReferencedFragments = (node: graphql.ASTNode) => { visit(node, { FragmentSpread(node: FragmentSpreadNode) { const fragDefn = project.fragments[]; if (!fragDefn) return; if (!fragmentSpreads.has(fragDefn)) { fragmentSpreads.add(fragDefn); searchForReferencedFragments(fragDefn); } } }); }; searchForReferencedFragments(definition); codeLenses.push({ range: rangeForASTNode(definition), command: Command.create( `Run ${definition.operation}`, "apollographql.runQuery", graphql.parse( [definition, ...fragmentSpreads] .map(n => graphql.print(n)) .join("\n") ), definition.operation === "subscription" ? set.endpoint.subscriptions : set.endpoint.url, set.endpoint.headers, graphql.printSchema(set.schema!) ) }); } */ } else if (definition.kind === Kind.FRAGMENT_DEFINITION) { // remove project references for fragment now // const fragmentName =; // const locations = project // .fragmentSpreadsForFragment(fragmentName) // .map(fragmentSpread => locationForASTNode(fragmentSpread)) // .filter(isNotNullOrUndefined); // const command = Command.create( // `${locations.length} references`, // "editor.action.showReferences", // uri, // rangeForASTNode(definition).start, // locations // ); // codeLenses.push({ // range: rangeForASTNode(definition), // command // }); } } } return codeLenses; } async provideCodeAction( uri: DocumentUri, range: Range, _token: CancellationToken ): Promise { function isPositionLessThanOrEqual(a: Position, b: Position) { return a.line !== b.line ? a.line < b.line : a.character <= b.character; } const project = this.workspace.projectForFile(uri); if ( !( project && project instanceof GraphQLClientProject && project.diagnosticSet ) ) return []; await project.whenReady; const documents = project.documentsAt(uri); if (!documents) return []; const errors: Set = new Set(); for (const [ diagnosticUri, diagnostics, ] of project.diagnosticSet.entries()) { if (diagnosticUri !== uri) continue; for (const diagnostic of diagnostics) { if ( && isPositionLessThanOrEqual(range.start, diagnostic.range.end) && isPositionLessThanOrEqual(diagnostic.range.start, range.end) ) { errors.add(diagnostic.error); } } } const result: CodeAction[] = []; for (const error of errors) { const { extensions } = error; if (!extensions || !extensions.codeAction) continue; const { message, edits }: CodeActionInfo = extensions.codeAction; const codeAction = CodeAction.create( message, { changes: { [uri]: edits } }, CodeActionKind.QuickFix ); result.push(codeAction); } return result; } }