{% extends "layout.html" %} {% include "blogMacros.html" %} {% block bodyClass %}{{ super() }} apos-blog-page{% endblock %} {# 'here()' returns the URL of the page, with the year and month added if we are #} {# viewing by month, plus any query string based on active filters. You can pass #} {# 'changes' to override filters. Passing null for a filter removes it. #} {%- macro here(changes) -%} {{ page.url | build([ 'year', 'month' ], { year: activeYear, month: activeMonth, search: query.search }, changes) }} {%- endmacro -%} {# Output the current content of the page, with buttons to edit it #} {% block mainContent %}
{# View by Month or View Recent #} {% if defaultView %}

{{ __('View Articles by Month') }}

{% else %}

{{ __('View Recent Articles') }}

{% endif %} {# Title of current view (shows month forward and backward controls in month view) #} {% if defaultView %}

{{ __('Recent Articles') }}

{% else %}

« {{ (activeYear + '-' + activeMonth + '-01') | date('MMMM YYYY') }} »

{% endif %}
{% if page.children.length %}
{% block subnav %} {% endblock %}
{% endif %} {% set filteredFeed = here({ 'feed': 'rss' }) %} {% set fullFeed = page.url | build({ 'feed': 'rss' }) %}
{{ aposArea( page, 'sidebar', { controls: ['style', 'bold', 'italic', 'createLink' ], styles: [ { value:'div', label: 'Normal' }, { value: 'h4', label: 'Heading' } ] } ) }}
{# Search filter markup borrowed from Stuart, TODO: ask him about #} {# suitable styles from a related project #}
{{ __('Search For') }}:
{% if query.search %} X {% endif %}
{{ renderBlogPostPreviews(pieces, page.url) }}
{{ renderPager(pager, here({})) }}
{# Just uncomment this script block to enable infinite scroll instead! #} {# #} {% endblock %}