#!/usr/bin/env node var sys = require('sys'); var asciimo = require('asciimo').Figlet; if (process.argv.length === 4) { asciimo.write(process.argv[2], process.argv[3], function (x) { sys.puts(x); } ); } else { [" _" ," / \\ ____________________________" ," | | / \\" ," @ @ | It looks like you are |" ," || || <--| trying to print text |" ," || || | with asciimo. Do you need |" ," |\\_/| | some help with that? |" ," \\___/ \\_____________________________/" ,"" ,"This is a simple, dumb CLI interface to asciimo. Its use is exceedingly simple:" ,"" ," node-asciimo $TEXT $FONT" ,"" ,"So, for example:" ,"" ," [josh@eevee asciimo]$ ./node-asciimo \"roffles\" Cybermedium" ,"____ ____ ____ ____ _ ____ ____ " ,"|__/ | | |___ |___ | |___ [__ " ,"| \\ |__| | | |___ |___ ___] " ," " ,"" ,"To see all the available fonts, try running node-all-fonts.js:" ,"" ," node node-all-fonts.js" ,"" ,"Enjoy!"].forEach(function(x) {sys.puts(x);}) }