import * as connect from 'connect'; import * as webpack from 'webpack'; import * as url from 'url'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import { requireNewCopy } from './RequireNewCopy'; export type CreateDevServerResult = { Port: number, PublicPaths: string[], PublicPath: string // For backward compatibility with older verions of Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices. Will be removed soon. }; export interface CreateDevServerCallback { (error: any, result: CreateDevServerResult): void; } // These are the options passed by WebpackDevMiddleware.cs interface CreateDevServerOptions { webpackConfigPath: string; suppliedOptions: DevServerOptions; } // These are the options configured in C# and then JSON-serialized, hence the C#-style naming interface DevServerOptions { HotModuleReplacement: boolean; HotModuleReplacementServerPort: number; ReactHotModuleReplacement: boolean; } function attachWebpackDevMiddleware(app: any, webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration, enableHotModuleReplacement: boolean, enableReactHotModuleReplacement: boolean, hmrEndpoint: string) { // Build the final Webpack config based on supplied options if (enableHotModuleReplacement) { // For this, we only support the key/value config format, not string or string[], since // those ones don't clearly indicate what the resulting bundle name will be const entryPoints = webpackConfig.entry; const isObjectStyleConfig = entryPoints && typeof entryPoints === 'object' && !(entryPoints instanceof Array); if (!isObjectStyleConfig) { throw new Error('To use HotModuleReplacement, your webpack config must specify an \'entry\' value as a key-value object (e.g., "entry: { main: \'ClientApp/boot-client.ts\' }")'); } // Augment all entry points so they support HMR (unless they already do) Object.getOwnPropertyNames(entryPoints).forEach(entryPointName => { const webpackHotMiddlewareEntryPoint = 'webpack-hot-middleware/client'; const webpackHotMiddlewareOptions = `?path=` + encodeURIComponent(hmrEndpoint); if (typeof entryPoints[entryPointName] === 'string') { entryPoints[entryPointName] = [webpackHotMiddlewareEntryPoint + webpackHotMiddlewareOptions, entryPoints[entryPointName]]; } else if (firstIndexOfStringStartingWith(entryPoints[entryPointName], webpackHotMiddlewareEntryPoint) < 0) { entryPoints[entryPointName].unshift(webpackHotMiddlewareEntryPoint + webpackHotMiddlewareOptions); } // Now also inject eventsource polyfill so this can work on IE/Edge (unless it's already there) // To avoid this being a breaking change for everyone who uses aspnet-webpack, we only do this if you've // referenced event-source-polyfill in your package.json. Note that having event-source-polyfill available // on the server in node_modules doesn't imply that you've also included it in your client-side bundle, // but the converse is true (if it's not in node_modules, then you obviously aren't trying to use it at // all, so it would definitely not work to take a dependency on it). const eventSourcePolyfillEntryPoint = 'event-source-polyfill'; if (npmModuleIsPresent(eventSourcePolyfillEntryPoint)) { const entryPointsArray: string[] = entryPoints[entryPointName]; // We know by now that it's an array, because if it wasn't, we already wrapped it in one if (entryPointsArray.indexOf(eventSourcePolyfillEntryPoint) < 0) { const webpackHmrIndex = firstIndexOfStringStartingWith(entryPointsArray, webpackHotMiddlewareEntryPoint); if (webpackHmrIndex < 0) { // This should not be possible, since we just added it if it was missing throw new Error('Cannot find ' + webpackHotMiddlewareEntryPoint + ' in entry points array: ' + entryPointsArray); } // Insert the polyfill just before the HMR entrypoint entryPointsArray.splice(webpackHmrIndex, 0, eventSourcePolyfillEntryPoint); } } }); webpackConfig.plugins = [].concat(webpackConfig.plugins || []); // Be sure not to mutate the original array, as it might be shared webpackConfig.plugins.push( new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() ); // Set up React HMR support if requested. This requires the 'aspnet-webpack-react' package. if (enableReactHotModuleReplacement) { let aspNetWebpackReactModule: any; try { aspNetWebpackReactModule = require('aspnet-webpack-react'); } catch(ex) { throw new Error('ReactHotModuleReplacement failed because of an error while loading \'aspnet-webpack-react\'. Error was: ' + ex.stack); } aspNetWebpackReactModule.addReactHotModuleReplacementBabelTransform(webpackConfig); } } // Attach Webpack dev middleware and optional 'hot' middleware const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig); const originalFileSystem = compiler.outputFileSystem; app.use(require('webpack-dev-middleware')(compiler, { noInfo: true, publicPath: webpackConfig.output.publicPath })); // After each compilation completes, copy the in-memory filesystem to disk. // This is needed because the debuggers in both VS and VS Code assume that they'll be able to find // the compiled files on the local disk (though it would be better if they got the source file from // the browser they are debugging, which would be more correct and make this workaround unnecessary). // Without this, Webpack plugins like HMR that dynamically modify the compiled output in the dev // middleware's in-memory filesystem only (and not on disk) would confuse the debugger, because the // file on disk wouldn't match the file served to the browser, and the source map line numbers wouldn't // match up. Breakpoints would either not be hit, or would hit the wrong lines. (compiler as any).plugin('done', stats => { copyRecursiveSync(compiler.outputFileSystem, originalFileSystem, '/', [/\.hot-update\.(js|json)$/]); }); if (enableHotModuleReplacement) { let webpackHotMiddlewareModule; try { webpackHotMiddlewareModule = require('webpack-hot-middleware'); } catch (ex) { throw new Error('HotModuleReplacement failed because of an error while loading \'webpack-hot-middleware\'. Error was: ' + ex.stack); } app.use(webpackHotMiddlewareModule(compiler)); } } function copyRecursiveSync(from: typeof fs, to: typeof fs, rootDir: string, exclude: RegExp[]) { from.readdirSync(rootDir).forEach(filename => { const fullPath = pathJoinSafe(rootDir, filename); const shouldExclude = exclude.filter(re => re.test(fullPath)).length > 0; if (!shouldExclude) { const fileStat = from.statSync(fullPath); if (fileStat.isFile()) { const fileBuf = from.readFileSync(fullPath); to.writeFile(fullPath, fileBuf); } else if (fileStat.isDirectory()) { copyRecursiveSync(from, to, fullPath, exclude); } } }); } function pathJoinSafe(rootPath: string, filePath: string) { // On Windows, MemoryFileSystem's readdirSync output produces directory entries like 'C:' // which then trigger errors if you call statSync for them. Avoid this by detecting drive // names at the root, and adding a backslash (so 'C:' becomes 'C:\', which works). if (rootPath === '/' && path.sep === '\\' && filePath.match(/^[a-z0-9]+\:$/i)) { return filePath + '\\'; } else { return path.join(rootPath, filePath); } } function beginWebpackWatcher(webpackConfig: webpack.Configuration) { const compiler = webpack(webpackConfig);{ /* watchOptions */ }, (err, stats) => { // The default error reporter is fine for now, but could be customized here in the future if desired }); } export function createWebpackDevServer(callback: CreateDevServerCallback, optionsJson: string) { const options: CreateDevServerOptions = JSON.parse(optionsJson); // Read the webpack config's export, and normalize it into the more general 'array of configs' format let webpackConfigArray: webpack.Configuration[] = requireNewCopy(options.webpackConfigPath); if (!(webpackConfigArray instanceof Array)) { webpackConfigArray = [webpackConfigArray as webpack.Configuration]; } const enableHotModuleReplacement = options.suppliedOptions.HotModuleReplacement; const enableReactHotModuleReplacement = options.suppliedOptions.ReactHotModuleReplacement; if (enableReactHotModuleReplacement && !enableHotModuleReplacement) { callback('To use ReactHotModuleReplacement, you must also enable the HotModuleReplacement option.', null); return; } // The default value, 0, means 'choose randomly' const suggestedHMRPortOrZero = options.suppliedOptions.HotModuleReplacementServerPort || 0; const app = connect(); const listener = app.listen(suggestedHMRPortOrZero, () => { try { // For each webpack config that specifies a public path, add webpack dev middleware for it const normalizedPublicPaths: string[] = []; webpackConfigArray.forEach(webpackConfig => { if ( === 'node') { // For configs that target Node, it's meaningless to set up an HTTP listener, since // Node isn't going to load those modules over HTTP anyway. It just loads them directly // from disk. So the most relevant thing we can do with such configs is just write // updated builds to disk, just like "webpack --watch". beginWebpackWatcher(webpackConfig); } else { // For configs that target browsers, we can set up an HTTP listener, and dynamically // modify the config to enable HMR etc. This just requires that we have a publicPath. const publicPath = (webpackConfig.output.publicPath || '').trim(); if (!publicPath) { throw new Error('To use the Webpack dev server, you must specify a value for \'publicPath\' on the \'output\' section of your webpack config (for any configuration that targets browsers)'); } normalizedPublicPaths.push(removeTrailingSlash(publicPath)); const hmrEndpoint = `http://localhost:${listener.address().port}/__webpack_hmr`; attachWebpackDevMiddleware(app, webpackConfig, enableHotModuleReplacement, enableReactHotModuleReplacement, hmrEndpoint); } }); // Tell the ASP.NET app what addresses we're listening on, so that it can proxy requests here callback(null, { Port: listener.address().port, PublicPaths: normalizedPublicPaths, // For back-compatibility with older versions of Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaServices, in the case where // you have exactly one webpackConfigArray entry. This will be removed soon. PublicPath: normalizedPublicPaths[0] }); } catch (ex) { callback(ex.stack, null); } }); } function removeTrailingSlash(str: string) { if (str.lastIndexOf('/') === str.length - 1) { str = str.substring(0, str.length - 1); } return str; } function getPath(publicPath: string) { return url.parse(publicPath).path; } function firstIndexOfStringStartingWith(array: string[], prefixToFind: string) { for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) { const candidate = array[index]; if ((typeof candidate === 'string') && (candidate.substring(0, prefixToFind.length) === prefixToFind)) { return index; } } return -1; // Not found } function npmModuleIsPresent(moduleName: string) { try { require.resolve(moduleName); return true; } catch (ex) { return false; } }