import chai = require('chai'); import Promise = require('bluebird'); import async = require('../src/async/index'); import await = require('../src/await/index'); var expect = chai.expect; describe('A suspendable function returned by async.cps(...)', () => { it('synchronously returns nothing', () => { var foo = async.cps (() => {}); var syncResult = foo(()=>{}); expect(syncResult).to.not.exist; }); //it('throws if a callback is not supplied after the other arguments', () => { // var foo: Function = async.cps (() => {}); // var bar: Function = async.cps ((a, b) => {}); // expect(() => foo()).to.throw(Error); // expect(() => foo(1)).to.throw(Error); // expect(() => bar()).to.throw(Error); // expect(() => bar(1, 2)).to.throw(Error); // expect(() => bar(1, 2, 3)).to.throw(Error); //}); it('begins executing synchronously and completes asynchronously', done => { var x = 5; var foo = async.cps (() => { x = 7; }); Promise.promisify(foo)() .then(() => expect(x).to.equal(9)) .then(() => done()) .catch(done); expect(x).to.equal(7); x = 9; }); it("preserves the 'this' context of the call", done => { var foo = { bar: async.cps (function () { return this; }) }, baz = {x:7}; Promise.promisify( .then(result => expect(result).to.equal(foo)) .then(() => Promise.promisify( .then(result => expect(result).to.equal(baz)) .then(() => done()) .catch(done); }); it('eventually resolves with its definition\'s returned value', done => { var foo = async.cps (() => { return 'blah'; }); Promise.promisify(foo)() .then(result => expect(result).to.equal('blah')) .then(() => done()) .catch(done); }); it('eventually rejects with its definition\'s thrown value', done => { var act, exp = new Error('Expected thrown value to match rejection value'); var foo = async.cps (() => { throw exp; return 'blah'; }); Promise.promisify(foo)() .catch(err => act = err) .then(() => { if (!act) done(new Error("Expected function to throw")) else if (act.message !== exp.message) done(exp); else done(); }); }); it('works with await', done => { var foo = async.cps (() => { return await (Promise.delay(20).then(() => 'blah')); }); Promise.promisify(foo)() .then(result => expect(result).to.equal('blah')) .then(() => done()) .catch(done); }); //it('fails if yield() is called', done => { // var foo = async.cps(() => { yield_(111); yield_(222); yield_(333); return 444; }); // var yields = []; // Promise.promisify(foo)() // .progressed(value => yields.push(value)) // .then(() => { throw new Error('Expected foo to throw'); }) // .catch(() => { // expect(yields); // done(); // }); //}); });