import * as atomIde from "atom-ide-base"; import * as atom from "atom"; import * as ls from "../languageclient"; import LinterPushV2Adapter from "./linter-push-v2-adapter"; /** @deprecated Use Linter V2 service */ export declare type DiagnosticCode = number | string; /** @deprecated Use Linter V2 service */ export default class IdeDiagnosticAdapter extends LinterPushV2Adapter { private _diagnosticCodes; /** * Public: Capture the diagnostics sent from a langguage server, convert them to the Linter V2 format and forward them * on to any attached {V2IndieDelegate}s. * * @deprecated Use Linter V2 service * @param params The {PublishDiagnosticsParams} received from the language server that should be captured and * forwarded on to any attached {V2IndieDelegate}s. */ captureDiagnostics(params: ls.PublishDiagnosticsParams): void; /** * Public: get diagnostics for the given linter messages * * @deprecated Use Linter V2 service * @param linterMessages An array of linter {V2Message} * @param editor * @returns An array of LS {Diagnostic[]} */ getLSDiagnosticsForIdeDiagnostics(diagnostics: atomIde.Diagnostic[], editor: atom.TextEditor): ls.Diagnostic[]; /** * Public: Get the {Diagnostic} that is associated with the given {atomIde.Diagnostic}. * * @deprecated Use Linter V2 service * @param diagnostic The {atomIde.Diagnostic} object to fetch the {Diagnostic} for. * @param editor * @returns The associated {Diagnostic}. */ getLSDiagnosticForIdeDiagnostic(diagnostic: atomIde.Diagnostic, editor: atom.TextEditor): ls.Diagnostic; /** * Private: Get the recorded diagnostic code for a range/message. Diagnostic codes are tricky because there's no * suitable place in the Linter API for them. For now, we'll record the original code for each range/message * combination and retrieve it when needed (e.g. for passing back into code actions) */ private getDiagnosticCode; } /** @deprecated Use Linter V2 service */ export declare function atomIdeDiagnosticToLSDiagnostic(diagnostic: atomIde.Diagnostic): ls.Diagnostic; /** @deprecated Use Linter V2 service */ export declare function diagnosticTypeToLSSeverity(type: atomIde.DiagnosticType): ls.DiagnosticSeverity;