type NodeType = Function | Element | null | string; type Children = any; type CallbackReducer = (state: T, action: S) => T; type CallbackReducerState< R extends CallbackReducer > = R extends CallbackReducer ? T : never; type CallbackSetState = (value: T | (() => T)) => void; type CallbackEffect = () => void | (() => void); type CallbackDispatch = (value: any) => void; type ArgumentList = ReadonlyArray; type VnodeValue = string | boolean | Function | null | undefined; type PropTypes = | NumberConstructor | StringConstructor | BooleanConstructor | ObjectConstructor | PromiseConstructor | SymbolConstructor | FunctionConstructor; interface MutableRef { [prop: string]: any; current: T; } interface Props { [prop: string]: any; } interface Vnode extends Props { nodeType: T; children?: Children; } interface ComponentOptions { extends: string; waitFor?: string | string[]; } interface VnodeHost extends Vnode { shadowDom?: boolean; styleSheet?: string | any[]; } declare module "atomico" { /** * interface for the declaration of a custom event * ```tsx * let myEvent:EventInit = {bubbles:true, detail : "...!"} * ``` */ export interface EventInit { type?: any; detail?: any; bubbles?: boolean; cancelable?: boolean; composed?: boolean; } /** * interface to declare Objects as PropSchema, eg * ```ts * let myProp:PropSchema = { * type : Number, * options : [1,2,10], * value:10 * } * ``` */ export interface PropSchema { type: PropTypes; options?: T[]; value?: T | (() => T); reflect?: boolean; event?: boolean | EventInit; } /** * interface for the declaration of a component * ```tsx * const MyComponent = () => ; * * MyComponent.props = { * myString: String, * myBoolean: Boolean, * myNumber: Number, * myObject: Object, * myArray: Array, * myFunction: Function, * myPromise: Promise, * mySymbol: Symbol * }; * * MyComponent.error = customDebugError; * ``` */ export interface Component { (props: Props): VnodeHost | Vnode | Vnode[]; props?: { [prop: string]: PropTypes | PropSchema; }; error?: Function; } /** * create a valid vnode for Atomico * ```tsx * h("h1",{class:"my-style"}, ...children ) * ``` */ export function h( nodeType: NodeType, props: Props, ...children: Children ): Vnode; /** * render the virtual-dom in a target * ```tsx * render(..., document.querySelector("#app")) * ``` */ export function render( vnode: Vnode | Vnode[] | VnodeValue, target: T, id?: string | Symbol ): T; /** * Returns an html element to define using `customElements.define`, eg: * ```js * customElements.define("my-component", customElement(MyComponent)) * ``` */ export function customElement(component: Component): Element; /** * register a component in the document and return a function for * anonymous invocation or tree-shaking in favor of JSX, eg: * ```jsx * JSXMyComponent = customElement("my-component",MyComponent) * * function OtherComponent(){ * return * } * ``` */ export function customElement( type: T, component: Component, options?: ComponentOptions ): () => Vnode; export function useProp(index: string): [T, CallbackSetState]; /** * Create a local state in the web-component */ export function useState(state: T): [T, CallbackSetState]; /** * Allows you to create side effects, useful for controlling effects that * interactive with the DOM or asynchrony */ export function useEffect(callback: CallbackEffect): void; /** * Create a reference */ export function useRef(current?: T): MutableRef; /** * Allows access to the component, without the need to declare the reference */ export function useHost(): MutableRef; /** * Memorize the return of a callback by limiting its execution through an array of arguments, * the callback is executed at the time of rendering only if the arguments change */ export function useMemo(callback: () => T, args: ArgumentList): T; /** * Allows memorizing the callback based on the second parameter, has an effect similar to useMemo */ export function useCallback any>( callback: T, args: ArgumentList ): T; /** * An alternative to useState. Accept a reduce and return the current state paired with a dispatch method. */ export function useReducer( reducer: R, initialState?: S | CallbackReducerState ): [CallbackReducerState, CallbackDispatch]; /** * */ export function useDelegateFocus(ref: MutableRef): Function; /** * support styleSheet as hook */ export function useStyleSheet(...cssText: string[]): void; /** * Returns a callback that dispatches an event from the component */ export function useEvent( name: string, config?: EventInit ): (detail?: any) => void; } declare module "atomico/html" { /** * Virtual-dom through template string, thanks to the library [HTM](https://github.com/developit/htm) * ```js * html` * * ${children} *


* `; * ``` */ export function html( template: TemplateStringsArray, ...values: Vnode[] | VnodeValue[] ): Vnode | Vnode[]; export default html; }