import { createOverrideContext, BindingBehavior, ValueConverter, sourceContext, bindingMode, OverrideContext } from 'aurelia-binding'; const oneTime = bindingMode.oneTime; /** * Update the override context. * @param startIndex index in collection where to start updating. */ export function updateOverrideContexts(views, startIndex) { let length = views.length; if (startIndex > 0) { startIndex = startIndex - 1; } for (; startIndex < length; ++startIndex) { updateOverrideContext(views[startIndex].overrideContext, startIndex, length); } } /** * Creates a complete override context. * @param data The item's value. * @param index The item's index. * @param length The collections total length. * @param key The key in a key/value pair. */ export function createFullOverrideContext(repeat, data, index, length, key?: string): OverrideContext { let bindingContext = {}; let overrideContext = createOverrideContext(bindingContext, repeat.scope.overrideContext); // is key/value pair (Map) if (typeof key !== 'undefined') { bindingContext[repeat.key] = key; bindingContext[repeat.value] = data; } else { bindingContext[repeat.local] = data; } updateOverrideContext(overrideContext, index, length); return overrideContext; } /** * Updates the override context. * @param context The context to be updated. * @param index The context's index. * @param length The collection's length. */ export function updateOverrideContext(overrideContext, index, length) { let first = (index === 0); let last = (index === length - 1); let even = index % 2 === 0; overrideContext.$index = index; overrideContext.$first = first; overrideContext.$last = last; overrideContext.$middle = !(first || last); overrideContext.$odd = !even; overrideContext.$even = even; } /** * Gets a repeat instruction's source expression. */ export function getItemsSourceExpression(instruction, attrName) { return instruction.behaviorInstructions .filter(bi => bi.originalAttrName === attrName)[0] .attributes .items .sourceExpression; } /** * Unwraps an expression to expose the inner, pre-converted / behavior-free expression. */ export function unwrapExpression(expression) { let unwrapped = false; while (expression instanceof BindingBehavior) { expression = expression.expression; } while (expression instanceof ValueConverter) { expression = expression.expression; unwrapped = true; } return unwrapped ? expression : null; } /** * Returns whether an expression has the OneTimeBindingBehavior applied. */ export function isOneTime(expression) { while (expression instanceof BindingBehavior) { if ( === 'oneTime') { return true; } expression = expression.expression; } return false; } /** * Forces a binding instance to reevaluate. */ export function updateOneTimeBinding(binding) { if ( && binding.mode === oneTime) {; } else if (binding.updateOneTimeBindings) { binding.updateOneTimeBindings(); } } /** * Returns the index of the element in an array, optionally using a matcher function. */ export function indexOf(array, item, matcher, startIndex?: number) { if (!matcher) { // native indexOf is more performant than a for loop return array.indexOf(item); } const length = array.length; for (let index = startIndex || 0; index < length; index++) { if (matcher(array[index], item)) { return index; } } return -1; }