{ // JSHint Default Configuration File (as on JSHint website) // See http://jshint.com/docs/ for more details "trailing": true, // true if trailing whitespace is forbidden. "browser": false, // Standard browser globals e.g. `window`, `document`. "curly": true, // Require {} for every new block or scope "eqeqeq": true, // true if === should be required. "latedef": true, // true if a variable must be defined (declared and have a value) before you can use it. "multistr": true, // Suppresses warnings about multi-line strings "newcap": true, // Requires you to capitalize names of constructor functions. "noarg": true, // Prohibits the use of arguments.caller and arguments.callee. "noempty": true, // true if empty blocks should be forbidden. "strict" : false, // Require `use strict` pragma in every file. "undef": true, // This option prohibits the use of explicitly undeclared variables. This option is very useful for spotting leaking and mistyped variables. "unused": true, // This option warns when you define and never use your variables. It is very useful for general code cleanup, especially when used in addition to undef "indent": 2, "immed" : true, // true if immediate function invocations must be wrapped in parens. "asi": false, // true if automatic semicolon insertion should be tolerated. If false, you are warned about all missing semicolons. "nomen": false, // true if leading or trailing underscores should be disallowed in names. Those are often used for “privacy by naming convention” (which some consider bad practice, but there are cons and pros to it). "expr": true, // This option suppresses warnings about the use of expressions where normally you would expect to see assignments or function calls. Most of the time, such code is a typo. However, it is not forbidden by the spec and that's why this warning is optional. "sub":true, // This option suppresses warnings about using [] notation when it can be expressed in dot notation: person['name'] vs. person.name. "es3":false, // This option tells JSHint that your code needs to adhere to ECMAScript 3 specification. Use this option if you need your program to be executable in older browsers—such as Internet Explorer 6/7/8/9—and other legacy JavaScript environments. "quotmark": false, // This option enforces the consistency of quotation marks used throughout your code. It accepts three values: true if you don't want to enforce one particular style but want some consistency, "single" if you want to allow only single quotes and "double" if you want to allow only double quotes. "smarttabs": false, // This option suppresses warnings about mixed tabs and spaces when the latter are used for alignmnent only. The technique is called SmartTabs. "node": true }