import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; import { toUnix } from './helpers'; import { Checker } from './checker'; import { CompilerInfo, LoaderConfig, TsConfig } from './interfaces'; import { WatchModeSymbol } from './watch-mode'; let colors = require('colors/safe'); let pkg = require('../package.json'); let mkdirp = require('mkdirp'); export interface Instance { id: number; babelImpl?: any; compiledFiles: { [key: string]: boolean }; configFilePath: string; compilerConfig: TsConfig; loaderConfig: LoaderConfig; checker: Checker; cacheIdentifier: any; context: string; } export interface Compiler { inputFileSystem: typeof fs; _tsInstances: { [key: string]: Instance }; options: { watch: boolean }; } export interface Loader { _compiler: Compiler; cacheable: () => void; query: string; async: () => (err: Error, source?: string, map?: string) => void; resourcePath: string; resolve: () => void; addDependency: (dep: string) => void; clearDependencies: () => void; emitFile: (fileName: string, text: string) => void; emitWarning: (msg: string) => void; emitError: (msg: string) => void; options: { ts?: LoaderConfig }; } export type QueryOptions = LoaderConfig & ts.CompilerOptions; export function getRootCompiler(compiler) { if (compiler.parentCompilation) { return getRootCompiler(compiler.parentCompilation.compiler); } else { return compiler; } } function resolveInstance(compiler, instanceName) { if (!compiler._tsInstances) { compiler._tsInstances = {}; } return compiler._tsInstances[instanceName]; } const COMPILER_ERROR =`\n\nTypescript compiler cannot be found, please add it to your package.json file: npm install --save-dev typescript `); const BABEL_ERROR =`\n\nBabel compiler cannot be found, please add it to your package.json file: npm install --save-dev babel-core `); let id = 0; export function ensureInstance( webpack: Loader, query: QueryOptions, options: LoaderConfig, instanceName: string, rootCompiler: any ): Instance { let exInstance = resolveInstance(rootCompiler, instanceName); if (exInstance) { return exInstance; } const watching = isWatching(rootCompiler); const context = process.cwd(); let compilerInfo = setupTs(query.compiler); let { tsImpl } = compilerInfo; let { configFilePath, compilerConfig, loaderConfig } = readConfigFile( context, query, options, tsImpl ); applyDefaults( configFilePath, compilerConfig, loaderConfig, context ); if (!loaderConfig.silent) { const sync = watching === WatchMode.Enabled ? ' (in a forked process)' : ''; console.log(`\n[${instanceName}] Using typescript@${compilerInfo.compilerVersion} from ${compilerInfo.compilerPath} and ` + `"tsconfig.json" from ${configFilePath}${sync}.\n`); } let babelImpl = setupBabel(loaderConfig, context); let cacheIdentifier = setupCache( loaderConfig, tsImpl, webpack, babelImpl, context ); let compiler = (webpack._compiler); setupWatchRun(compiler, instanceName); setupAfterCompile(compiler, instanceName); const webpackOptions = _.pick(webpack._compiler.options, 'resolve'); const checker = new Checker( compilerInfo, loaderConfig, compilerConfig, webpackOptions, context, watching === WatchMode.Enabled ); return rootCompiler._tsInstances[instanceName] = { id: ++id, babelImpl, compiledFiles: {}, loaderConfig, configFilePath, compilerConfig, checker, cacheIdentifier, context }; } function findTsImplPackage(inputPath: string) { let pkgDir = path.dirname(inputPath); if (fs.readdirSync(pkgDir).find((value) => value === 'package.json')) { return path.join(pkgDir, 'package.json'); } else { return findTsImplPackage(pkgDir); } } export function setupTs(compiler: string): CompilerInfo { let compilerPath = compiler || 'typescript'; let tsImpl: typeof ts; let tsImplPath: string; try { tsImplPath = require.resolve(compilerPath); tsImpl = require(tsImplPath); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.error(COMPILER_ERROR); process.exit(1); } const pkgPath = findTsImplPackage(tsImplPath); const compilerVersion = require(pkgPath).version; let compilerInfo: CompilerInfo = { compilerPath, compilerVersion, tsImpl, }; return compilerInfo; } function setupCache( loaderConfig: LoaderConfig, tsImpl: typeof ts, webpack: Loader, babelImpl: any, context: string ) { let cacheIdentifier = null; if (loaderConfig.useCache) { if (!loaderConfig.cacheDirectory) { loaderConfig.cacheDirectory = path.join(context, '.awcache'); } if (!fs.existsSync(loaderConfig.cacheDirectory)) { mkdirp.sync(loaderConfig.cacheDirectory); } cacheIdentifier = { 'typescript': tsImpl.version, 'awesome-typescript-loader': pkg.version, 'awesome-typescript-loader-query': webpack.query, 'babel-core': babelImpl ? babelImpl.version : null }; } } function setupBabel(loaderConfig: LoaderConfig, context: string): any { let babelImpl: any; if (loaderConfig.useBabel) { try { let babelPath = loaderConfig.babelCore || path.join(context, 'node_modules', 'babel-core'); babelImpl = require(babelPath); } catch (e) { console.error(BABEL_ERROR); process.exit(1); } } return babelImpl; } function applyDefaults( configFilePath: string, compilerConfig: TsConfig, loaderConfig: LoaderConfig, context: string ) { _.defaults(compilerConfig.options, { sourceMap: true, verbose: false, skipDefaultLibCheck: true, suppressOutputPathCheck: true }); if (loaderConfig.transpileOnly) { compilerConfig.options.isolatedModules = true; } _.defaults(compilerConfig.options, { sourceRoot: compilerConfig.options.sourceMap ? context : undefined }); _.defaults(loaderConfig, { sourceMap: true, verbose: false, }); delete compilerConfig.options.outDir; delete compilerConfig.options.outFile; delete compilerConfig.options.out; delete compilerConfig.options.noEmit; } export interface Configs { configFilePath: string; compilerConfig: TsConfig; loaderConfig: LoaderConfig; } function absolutize(fileName: string, context: string) { if (path.isAbsolute(fileName)) { return fileName; } else { return path.join(context, fileName); } } export function readConfigFile( context: string, query: QueryOptions, options: LoaderConfig, tsImpl: typeof ts ): Configs { let configFilePath: string; if (query.configFileName && query.configFileName.match(/\.json$/)) { configFilePath = absolutize(query.configFileName, context); } else { configFilePath = tsImpl.findConfigFile(context, tsImpl.sys.fileExists); } let existingOptions = tsImpl.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(query, context, 'atl.query'); if (!configFilePath || query.configFileContent) { return { configFilePath: configFilePath || path.join(context, 'tsconfig.json'), compilerConfig: tsImpl.parseJsonConfigFileContent( query.configFileContent || {}, tsImpl.sys, context, _.extend({}, tsImpl.getDefaultCompilerOptions(), existingOptions.options) as ts.CompilerOptions, context ), loaderConfig: query as LoaderConfig }; } let jsonConfigFile = tsImpl.readConfigFile(configFilePath, tsImpl.sys.readFile); let compilerConfig = tsImpl.parseJsonConfigFileContent( jsonConfigFile.config, tsImpl.sys, path.dirname(configFilePath), existingOptions.options, configFilePath ); return { configFilePath, compilerConfig, loaderConfig: _.defaults( query, jsonConfigFile.config.awesomeTypescriptLoaderOptions, options ) }; } let EXTENSIONS = /\.tsx?$|\.jsx?$/; function setupWatchRun(compiler, instanceName: string) { compiler.plugin('watch-run', function (watching, callback) { const instance = resolveInstance(watching.compiler, instanceName); const checker = instance.checker; const watcher = watching.compiler.watchFileSystem.watcher || watching.compiler.watchFileSystem.wfs.watcher; const mtimes = watcher.mtimes || {}; const changedFiles = Object.keys(mtimes).map(toUnix); const updates = changedFiles .filter(file => EXTENSIONS.test(file)) .map(changedFile => { if (fs.existsSync(changedFile)) { checker.updateFile(changedFile, fs.readFileSync(changedFile).toString()); } else { checker.removeFile(changedFile); } }); Promise.all(updates) .then(() => callback()) .catch(callback); }); } enum WatchMode { Enabled, Disabled, Unknown } function isWatching(compiler: any): WatchMode { const value = compiler && compiler[WatchModeSymbol]; if (value === true) { return WatchMode.Enabled; } else if (value === false) { return WatchMode.Disabled; } else { return WatchMode.Unknown; } } function setupAfterCompile(compiler, instanceName, forkChecker = false) { compiler.plugin('after-compile', function (compilation, callback) { // Don't add errors for child compilations if (compilation.compiler.isChild()) { callback(); return; } const watchMode = isWatching(compilation.compiler); const instance: Instance = resolveInstance(compilation.compiler, instanceName); const silent = instance.loaderConfig.silent; const asyncErrors = watchMode === WatchMode.Enabled && !silent; let emitError = (msg) => { if (compilation.bail) { console.error('Error in bail mode:', msg); process.exit(1); } if (asyncErrors) { console.log(msg, '\n'); } else { compilation.errors.push(new Error(msg)); } }; instance.compiledFiles = {}; const files = instance.checker.getFiles() .then(({files}) => { Array.prototype.push.apply(compilation.fileDependencies,; }); const diag = instance.loaderConfig.transpileOnly ? Promise.resolve() : instance.checker.getDiagnostics() .then(diags => { diags.forEach(diag => emitError(diag.pretty)); }); files .then(() => { if (asyncErrors) { // Don't wait for diags in watch mode return; } else { return diag; } }) .then(() => callback()) .catch(callback); }); }