import { setupTs, readConfigFile } from './instance'; import { LoaderConfig } from './interfaces'; import * as path from 'path'; import * as _ from 'lodash'; import * as ts from 'typescript'; const ModulesInRootPlugin: new (a: string, b: string, c: string) => ResolverPlugin = require('enhanced-resolve/lib/ModulesInRootPlugin'); const createInnerCallback: CreateInnerCallback = require('enhanced-resolve/lib/createInnerCallback'); const getInnerRequest: getInnerRequest = require('enhanced-resolve/lib/getInnerRequest'); type CreateInnerCallback = (callback: Callback, options: Callback, message?: string, messageOptional?: string) => Callback; type getInnerRequest = (resolver: Resolver, request: Request) => string; export interface Request { request?: Request; relativePath: string; } export interface Callback { (err?: Error, result?: any): void; log?: any; stack?: any; missing?: any; } export type ResolverCallback = (request: Request, callback: Callback) => void; export interface ResolverPlugin { apply(resolver: Resolver): void; } export interface Resolver { apply(plugin: ResolverPlugin): void; plugin(source: string, cb: ResolverCallback); doResolve(target: string, req: Request, desc: string, Callback); join(relativePath: string, innerRequest: Request): Request; } export interface Mapping { onlyModule: boolean; alias: string; aliasPattern: RegExp; target: string; } function escapeRegExp(str) { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } export interface PathPluginOptions { context?: string; } export class PathPlugin implements ResolverPlugin { source: string; target: string; ts: typeof ts; configFilePath: string; options: ts.CompilerOptions; baseUrl: string; mappings: Mapping[]; absoluteBaseUrl: string; constructor(config: LoaderConfig & ts.CompilerOptions & PathPluginOptions = {} as any) { this.source = 'described-resolve'; = 'resolve'; this.ts = setupTs(config.compiler).tsImpl; let context = config.context || process.cwd(); let { configFilePath, compilerConfig } = readConfigFile(context, config, {}, this.ts); this.options = compilerConfig.options; this.configFilePath = configFilePath; this.baseUrl = this.options.baseUrl; this.absoluteBaseUrl = path.resolve( path.dirname(this.configFilePath), this.baseUrl || '.' ); this.mappings = []; let paths = this.options.paths || {}; Object.keys(paths).forEach(alias => { let onlyModule = alias.indexOf('*') === -1; let excapedAlias = escapeRegExp(alias); let targets = paths[alias]; targets.forEach(target => { let aliasPattern: RegExp; if (onlyModule) { aliasPattern = new RegExp(`^${excapedAlias}$`); } else { let withStarCapturing = excapedAlias.replace('\\*', '(.*)'); aliasPattern = new RegExp(`^${withStarCapturing}`); } this.mappings.push({ onlyModule, alias, aliasPattern, target: target }); }); }); } apply(resolver: Resolver) { let { baseUrl, mappings } = this; if (baseUrl) { resolver.apply(new ModulesInRootPlugin("module", this.absoluteBaseUrl, "resolve")); } mappings.forEach(mapping => { resolver.plugin(this.source, this.createPlugin(resolver, mapping)); }); } createPlugin(resolver: Resolver, mapping: Mapping) { return (request, callback) => { let innerRequest = getInnerRequest(resolver, request); if (!innerRequest) { return callback(); } let match = innerRequest.match(mapping.aliasPattern); if (!match) { return callback(); } let newRequestStr =; if (!mapping.onlyModule) { newRequestStr = newRequestStr.replace('*', match[1]); } if (newRequestStr[0] === '.') { newRequestStr = path.resolve(this.absoluteBaseUrl, newRequestStr); } let newRequest = _.extend({}, request, { request: newRequestStr }) as Request; return resolver.doResolve(, newRequest, "aliased with mapping '" + innerRequest + "': '" + mapping.alias + "' to '" + newRequestStr + "'", createInnerCallback( function(err, result) { if (arguments.length > 0) { return callback(err, result); } // don't allow other aliasing or raw request callback(null, null); }, callback ) ); }; } }