import gql from "graphql-tag"; import { v4 as uuid } from "uuid"; import { Observable } from "apollo-link"; import { createHttpLink } from "apollo-link-http"; import { AWSAppSyncClientOptions, AWSAppSyncClient, AUTH_TYPE, ConflictResolutionInfo, ConflictResolver } from "../src/client"; import { Store } from "redux"; import { OfflineCache } from "../src/cache/offline-cache"; import { NormalizedCacheObject } from "apollo-cache-inmemory"; import { isOptimistic } from "../src/link/offline-link"; import { GraphQLError } from "graphql"; import { ApolloError } from "apollo-client"; import { AWSAppsyncGraphQLError } from "../src/types"; jest.mock('apollo-link-http-common', () => ({ checkFetcher: () => { }, })); jest.mock('apollo-link-http', () => ({ createHttpLink: jest.fn(), })); let setNetworkOnlineStatus: (online: boolean) => void; jest.mock("@redux-offline/redux-offline/lib/defaults/detectNetwork", () => (callback) => { setNetworkOnlineStatus = online => { setTimeout(() => callback({ online }), 0); }; // Setting initial network online status callback({ online: true }); }); const getStoreState = (client: AWSAppSyncClient) => ((client as any)._store as Store).getState(); const isNetworkOnline = (client: AWSAppSyncClient) => getStoreState(client); const getOutbox = (client: AWSAppSyncClient) => getStoreState(client).offline.outbox; const mockHttpResponse = (responses: any[] | any, delay = 0) => { const mock = (createHttpLink as jest.Mock); const requestMock = jest.fn(); [].concat(responses).forEach((resp) => { requestMock.mockImplementationOnce(() => new Observable(observer => { const timer = setTimeout(() => {{ ...resp }); observer.complete(); }, delay); // On unsubscription, cancel the timer return () => clearTimeout(timer); })); }); mock.mockImplementation(() => ({ request: requestMock })); }; class MemoryStorage { private storage; private logger; constructor({ logger = null, initialState = {} } = {}) { = Object.assign({}, initialState) this.logger = logger } log(...args) { if (this.logger && typeof this.logger === 'function') { this.logger(...args) } } setItem(key, value, callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {[key] = value this.log('setItem called with', key, value) if (callback) callback(null, value) resolve(value) }) } getItem(key, callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.log('getItem called with', key) const value =[key] if (callback) callback(null, value) resolve(value) }) } removeItem(key, callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.log('removeItem called with', key) const value =[key] delete[key] if (callback) callback(null, value) resolve(value) }) } getAllKeys(callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.log('getAllKeys called') const keys = Object.keys( if (callback) callback(null, keys) resolve(keys) }) } } const getClient = (options?: Partial) => { const defaultOptions = { url: 'some url', region: 'some region', auth: { type: AUTH_TYPE.API_KEY, apiKey: 'some key' }, disableOffline: false, offlineConfig: { storage: new MemoryStorage(), callback: null, // console.warn, }, }; const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({ ...defaultOptions, ...options, offlineConfig: { ...defaultOptions.offlineConfig, ...options.offlineConfig, } }); return client; }; const WAIT = 200; const createBackendError: (path: string[], errorType: string, rest?: any) => AWSAppsyncGraphQLError = (path = [], errorType, rest = {}) => { const error = { path, data: null, errorType, errorInfo: null, locations: [{ line: 2, column: 3 }], message: "Some error message",, } as AWSAppsyncGraphQLError; return error; }; const createGraphQLError: (error: GraphQLError) => ApolloError = backendError => new ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: [{ ...backendError }], networkError: null, errorMessage: `GraphQL error: ${backendError.message}` }); describe("Offline disabled", () => { test("it updates the cache with server response", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; const serverResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: serverId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; mockHttpResponse({ data: serverResponse }); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: true }); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addTodo( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'MyTodo1' }, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); const result = await resultPromise; expect(result).toMatchObject({ data: { ...serverResponse } }); // The server response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${serverId}`]: serverResponse.addTodo }); }); test("Conflict resolution (offline disabled)", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name: 'MyTodo1', version: 1 } }; const serverResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: serverId, name: 'MyTodo1', version: 2 } }; const backendError = createBackendError(['addTodo'], 'DynamoDB:ConditionalCheckFailedException', { data: serverResponse.addTodo }); mockHttpResponse([ { data: { addTodo: null }, errors: [backendError] }, { data: { addTodo: null }, errors: [{ ...backendError, data: { ...serverResponse.addTodo, version: serverResponse.addTodo.version + 1 } }] }, { data: { addTodo: null }, errors: [{ ...backendError, data: { ...serverResponse.addTodo, version: serverResponse.addTodo.version + 2 } }] }, { data: serverResponse } ]); const conflictResolver = jest.fn((obj: ConflictResolutionInfo) => { if (obj.mutationName === 'addTodo') { return { ...obj.variables, expectedVersion:, }; } }); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: true, conflictResolver }); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String! $expectedVersion: Integer) { addTodo( name: $name expectedVersion: $expectedVersion ) { id, name version } }`, variables: { name: 'MyTodo1', expectedVersion: optimisticResponse.addTodo.version, }, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); const result = await resultPromise; expect(conflictResolver).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3); expect(result).toMatchObject({ data: { ...serverResponse } }); // The server response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${serverId}`]: serverResponse.addTodo }); }); test("error handling", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; const backendError = createBackendError(['addTodo'], 'DynamoDB:AmazonDynamoDBException'); const graphqlError = createGraphQLError(backendError); mockHttpResponse({ data: { addTodo: null }, errors: [backendError] }); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: true }); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addTodo( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'MyTodo1' }, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); try { await resultPromise; fail("Error wasn't thrown"); } catch (error) { expect(error).toMatchObject(graphqlError); } // The optimistic response is no longer present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toEqual({}); expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toEqual({}); }); }); describe("Offline enabled", () => { test("it updates the cache with server response", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; const serverResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: serverId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; mockHttpResponse({ data: serverResponse }); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: false }); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addTodo( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'MyTodo1' }, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); const result = await resultPromise; // Give it some time await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); expect(result).toMatchObject({ data: { ...serverResponse } }); // The server response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${serverId}`]: serverResponse.addTodo }); expect(isOptimistic(result)).toBe(false); }); test("it updates the cache with optimistic response (offline)", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; const serverResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: serverId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; mockHttpResponse({ data: serverResponse }); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: false }); setNetworkOnlineStatus(false); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addTodo( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'MyTodo1' }, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); const result = await resultPromise; expect(isOptimistic(result)).toBe(true); // Give it some time await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); expect(result).toMatchObject({ data: { ...optimisticResponse } }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); }); test("error handling (online)", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name: 'MyTodo1' } }; const backendError = createBackendError(['addTodo'], 'DynamoDB:AmazonDynamoDBException'); const graphqlError = createGraphQLError(backendError); mockHttpResponse({ data: { addTodo: null }, errors: [backendError] }); const conflictResolver = jest.fn(); const callback = jest.fn(); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: false, conflictResolver, offlineConfig: { callback } }); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addTodo( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'MyTodo1' }, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); try { await resultPromise; fail("Error wasn't thrown"); } catch (error) { expect(error).toMatchObject(graphqlError); } expect(conflictResolver).not.toBeCalled(); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith({ mutation: "addTodo", variables: { name: 'MyTodo1' }, error: new ApolloError({ graphQLErrors: [backendError] }), notified: true, }, null); // The optimistic response is no longer present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).not.toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); }); test("conflict resolution", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const variables = { name: 'MyTodo1', expectedVersion: 2, }; const optimisticResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: localId, name:, version: variables.expectedVersion, } }; const serverResponse = { addTodo: { __typename: 'Todo', id: serverId, name: 'MyTodo1', version: optimisticResponse.addTodo.version + 1 } }; const backendError = createBackendError(['addTodo'], 'DynamoDB:ConditionalCheckFailedException', { data: serverResponse.addTodo }); mockHttpResponse([ { data: { addTodo: null }, errors: [backendError] }, { data: { ...serverResponse } } ]); const conflictResolver: ConflictResolver = jest.fn(({ variables, data, }) => { return { ...variables, expectedVersion: data.version }; }); const callback = jest.fn(); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: false, conflictResolver, offlineConfig: { callback } }); const resultPromise = client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String! $version: Integer) { addTodo( name: $name expectedVersion: $version ) { id, name, version } }`, variables, optimisticResponse }); // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); try { const result = await resultPromise; expect(conflictResolver).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1); expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(null, { data: serverResponse, variables: { ...variables, expectedVersion: variables.expectedVersion + 1 }, mutation: 'addTodo', notified: true, }); expect(result).toMatchObject({ data: serverResponse }); } catch (error) { fail(error); } // The optimistic response is no longer present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(true)).not.toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${localId}`]: optimisticResponse.addTodo }); // The server response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Todo:${serverId}`]: serverResponse.addTodo }); }); test("it updates ids of dependent mutations", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const localIdChild = uuid(); const serverIdChild = uuid(); const optimisticResponseParent = { addParent: { __typename: 'Parent', id: localId, name: 'Parent' } }; const serverResponseParent = { addParent: { __typename: 'Parent', id: serverId, name: 'Parent' } }; const optimisticResponseChild = { addChild: { __typename: 'Child', id: localIdChild, parentId: localId, name: 'Child' } }; const serverResponseChild = { addChild: { __typename: 'Child', id: serverIdChild, parentId: serverId, name: 'Child' } }; mockHttpResponse([ { data: serverResponseParent }, { data: serverResponseChild }, ]); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: false }); await client.hydrated(); expect(getOutbox(client).length).toBe(0); setNetworkOnlineStatus(false); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); const parent = await client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addParent( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'Parent' }, optimisticResponse: optimisticResponseParent, update: (proxy, { data }) => { proxy.writeQuery({ query: gql`query Bla($id: ID) { getParent(id: $id) { id name } }`, variables: { id: }, data: { getParent: { } } }) } }); expect(; const child = await client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($parentId: ID, $name: String!) { addChild( parentId: $parentId name: $name ) { id, parentId, name } }`, variables: { parentId: localId, name: 'Child' }, optimisticResponse: optimisticResponseChild, update: (proxy, { data }) => { proxy.writeQuery({ query: gql`query Ble($id: ID!) { getChild(id: $id) { id parentId name } }`, variables: { id: }, data: { getChild: { } } }) } }); expect(; // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Parent:${localId}`]: optimisticResponseParent.addParent, [`Child:${localIdChild}`]: optimisticResponseChild.addChild }); // wait for them to show in outbox await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // asert queue expect(getOutbox(client).length).toBe(2); setNetworkOnlineStatus(true); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // Wait for queue to drain? await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // asert queue expect(getOutbox(client).length).toBe(0); // Give it some time await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // The server response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Parent:${serverId}`]: serverResponseParent.addParent, [`Child:${serverIdChild}`]: serverResponseChild.addChild, }); }); test("it updates ids of dependent mutations (no update functions)", async () => { const localId = uuid(); const serverId = uuid(); const localIdChild = uuid(); const serverIdChild = uuid(); const optimisticResponseParent = { addParent: { __typename: 'Parent', id: localId, name: 'Parent' } }; const serverResponseParent = { addParent: { __typename: 'Parent', id: serverId, name: 'Parent' } }; const optimisticResponseChild = { addChild: { __typename: 'Child', id: localIdChild, parentId: localId, name: 'Child' } }; const serverResponseChild = { addChild: { __typename: 'Child', id: serverIdChild, parentId: serverId, name: 'Child' } }; mockHttpResponse([ { data: serverResponseParent }, { data: serverResponseChild }, ]); const client = getClient({ disableOffline: false }); await client.hydrated(); expect(getOutbox(client).length).toBe(0); setNetworkOnlineStatus(false); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); const parent = await client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($name: String!) { addParent( name: $name ) { id, name } }`, variables: { name: 'Parent' }, optimisticResponse: optimisticResponseParent, }); expect(; const child = await client.mutate({ mutation: gql`mutation($parentId: ID, $name: String!) { addChild( parentId: $parentId name: $name ) { id, parentId, name } }`, variables: { parentId: localId, name: 'Child' }, optimisticResponse: optimisticResponseChild, }); expect(; // The optimistic response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Parent:${localId}`]: optimisticResponseParent.addParent, [`Child:${localIdChild}`]: optimisticResponseChild.addChild }); // wait for them to show in outbox await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // asert queue expect(getOutbox(client).length).toBe(2); setNetworkOnlineStatus(true); await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // Wait for queue to drain? await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // asert queue expect(getOutbox(client).length).toBe(0); // Give it some time await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, WAIT)); // The server response is present in the cache expect(client.cache.extract(false)).toMatchObject({ [`Parent:${serverId}`]: serverResponseParent.addParent, [`Child:${serverIdChild}`]: serverResponseChild.addChild, }); }); // missing update function });