import * as cxapi from '@aws-cdk/cx-api'; import * as cdk_assets from 'cdk-assets'; import { type BuildAssetsOptions, type PublishAssetsOptions } from './asset-publishing'; import { type ResourceIdentifierSummaries, ResourcesToImport, Template } from './cloudformation'; import { DeploymentMethod } from './deployment-method'; import { DeployStackResult } from './deployment-result'; import { type RootTemplateWithNestedStacks } from './nested-stack-helpers'; import type { SdkProvider } from '../aws-auth/sdk-provider'; import { EnvironmentAccess } from '../environment-access'; import { HotswapMode, HotswapPropertyOverrides } from '../hotswap/common'; import type { Tag } from '../tags'; import { StackActivityProgress } from '../util/cloudformation/stack-activity-monitor'; export interface DeployStackOptions { /** * Stack to deploy */ readonly stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact; /** * Execution role for the deployment (pass through to CloudFormation) * * @default - Current role */ readonly roleArn?: string; /** * Topic ARNs to send a message when deployment finishes (pass through to CloudFormation) * * @default - No notifications */ readonly notificationArns?: string[]; /** * Override name under which stack will be deployed * * @default - Use artifact default */ readonly deployName?: string; /** * Don't show stack deployment events, just wait * * @default false */ readonly quiet?: boolean; /** * Name of the toolkit stack, if not the default name * * @default 'CDKToolkit' */ readonly toolkitStackName?: string; /** * List of asset IDs which should NOT be built or uploaded * * @default - Build all assets */ readonly reuseAssets?: string[]; /** * Stack tags (pass through to CloudFormation) */ readonly tags?: Tag[]; /** * Stage the change set but don't execute it * * @default - true * @deprecated Use 'deploymentMethod' instead */ readonly execute?: boolean; /** * Optional name to use for the CloudFormation change set. * If not provided, a name will be generated automatically. * * @deprecated Use 'deploymentMethod' instead */ readonly changeSetName?: string; /** * Select the deployment method (direct or using a change set) * * @default - Change set with default options */ readonly deploymentMethod?: DeploymentMethod; /** * Force deployment, even if the deployed template is identical to the one we are about to deploy. * @default false deployment will be skipped if the template is identical */ readonly force?: boolean; /** * Extra parameters for CloudFormation * @default - no additional parameters will be passed to the template */ readonly parameters?: { [name: string]: string | undefined; }; /** * Use previous values for unspecified parameters * * If not set, all parameters must be specified for every deployment. * * @default true */ readonly usePreviousParameters?: boolean; /** * Display mode for stack deployment progress. * * @default - StackActivityProgress.Bar - stack events will be displayed for * the resource currently being deployed. */ readonly progress?: StackActivityProgress; /** * Whether we are on a CI system * * @default false */ readonly ci?: boolean; /** * Rollback failed deployments * * @default true */ readonly rollback?: boolean; readonly hotswap?: HotswapMode; /** * Properties that configure hotswap behavior */ readonly hotswapPropertyOverrides?: HotswapPropertyOverrides; /** * The extra string to append to the User-Agent header when performing AWS SDK calls. * * @default - nothing extra is appended to the User-Agent header */ readonly extraUserAgent?: string; /** * List of existing resources to be IMPORTED into the stack, instead of being CREATED */ readonly resourcesToImport?: ResourcesToImport; /** * If present, use this given template instead of the stored one * * @default - Use the stored template */ readonly overrideTemplate?: any; /** * Whether to build/publish assets in parallel * * @default true To remain backward compatible. */ readonly assetParallelism?: boolean; /** * Whether to deploy if the app contains no stacks. * * @default false */ ignoreNoStacks?: boolean; } export interface RollbackStackOptions { /** * Stack to roll back */ readonly stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact; /** * Execution role for the deployment (pass through to CloudFormation) * * @default - Current role */ readonly roleArn?: string; /** * Don't show stack deployment events, just wait * * @default false */ readonly quiet?: boolean; /** * Whether we are on a CI system * * @default false */ readonly ci?: boolean; /** * Name of the toolkit stack, if not the default name * * @default 'CDKToolkit' */ readonly toolkitStackName?: string; /** * Whether to force a rollback or not * * Forcing a rollback will orphan all undeletable resources. * * @default false */ readonly force?: boolean; /** * Orphan the resources with the given logical IDs * * @default - No orphaning */ readonly orphanLogicalIds?: string[]; /** * Display mode for stack deployment progress. * * @default - StackActivityProgress.Bar - stack events will be displayed for * the resource currently being deployed. */ readonly progress?: StackActivityProgress; /** * Whether to validate the version of the bootstrap stack permissions * * @default true */ readonly validateBootstrapStackVersion?: boolean; } export interface RollbackStackResult { readonly notInRollbackableState?: boolean; readonly success?: boolean; } interface AssetOptions { /** * Stack with assets to build. */ readonly stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact; /** * Execution role for the building. * * @default - Current role */ readonly roleArn?: string; } export interface BuildStackAssetsOptions extends AssetOptions { /** * Options to pass on to `buildAssets()` function */ readonly buildOptions?: BuildAssetsOptions; /** * Stack name this asset is for */ readonly stackName?: string; } interface PublishStackAssetsOptions extends AssetOptions { /** * Options to pass on to `publishAsests()` function */ readonly publishOptions?: Omit; /** * Stack name this asset is for */ readonly stackName?: string; } export interface DestroyStackOptions { stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact; deployName?: string; roleArn?: string; quiet?: boolean; force?: boolean; ci?: boolean; } export interface StackExistsOptions { stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact; deployName?: string; tryLookupRole?: boolean; } export interface DeploymentsProps { sdkProvider: SdkProvider; readonly toolkitStackName?: string; readonly quiet?: boolean; } /** * Scope for a single set of deployments from a set of Cloud Assembly Artifacts * * Manages lookup of SDKs, Bootstrap stacks, etc. */ export declare class Deployments { private readonly props; readonly envs: EnvironmentAccess; /** * SDK provider for asset publishing (do not use for anything else). * * This SDK provider is only allowed to be used for that purpose, nothing else. * * It's not a different object, but the field name should imply that this * object should not be used directly, except to pass to asset handling routines. */ private readonly assetSdkProvider; /** * SDK provider for passing to deployStack * * This SDK provider is only allowed to be used for that purpose, nothing else. * * It's not a different object, but the field name should imply that this * object should not be used directly, except to pass to `deployStack`. */ private readonly deployStackSdkProvider; private readonly publisherCache; private _allowCrossAccountAssetPublishing; constructor(props: DeploymentsProps); /** * Resolves the environment for a stack. */ resolveEnvironment(stack: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact): Promise; readCurrentTemplateWithNestedStacks(rootStackArtifact: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact, retrieveProcessedTemplate?: boolean): Promise; readCurrentTemplate(stackArtifact: cxapi.CloudFormationStackArtifact): Promise