Feature: Website creation Scenario: Non Coadmin git creation Given a not coadmin subscription publishsettings file And a clone of the git repo https://github.com/azuresdkci/azuresdkci-repo When I import the publishsettings file And I create a new website mytstsite with git integration using location West US And I setup the remote git credentials to username azuresdkci and password MyAwesomePassword!1 Then current subscription is set correctly And the website mytstsite should be created in location West US And the local git repo should contain a remote called origin And the local git repo should contain a remote called azure with username azuresdkci Scenario: Coadmin git creation Given a coadmin subscription publishsettings file And a clone of the git repo https://github.com/azuresdkci/azuresdkci-repo When I import the publishsettings file And I create a new website myottstsite with git integration using location West US and git user azuresdkci Then current subscription is set correctly And the website myottstsite should be created in location West US And the local git repo should contain a remote called origin And the local git repo should contain a remote called azure with username azuresdkci