import basem = require('./ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('./interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import AlertInterfaces = require("./interfaces/AlertInterfaces");
import VSSInterfaces = require("./interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
export interface IAlertApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
getAlert(project: string, alertId: number, repository: string, ref?: string, expand?: AlertInterfaces.ExpandOption): Promise;
getAlerts(project: string, repository: string, top?: number, orderBy?: string, criteria?: AlertInterfaces.SearchCriteria, continuationToken?: string): Promise>;
getAlertSarif(project: string, alertId: number, repository: string, ref?: string, expand?: AlertInterfaces.ExpandOption): Promise;
updateAlert(stateUpdate: AlertInterfaces.AlertStateUpdate, project: string, alertId: number, repository: string): Promise;
getAlertInstances(project: string, alertId: number, repository: string, ref?: string): Promise;
updateAlertsMetadata(alertsMetadata: AlertInterfaces.AlertMetadata[], project: string, repository: string): Promise;
uploadSarif(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, project: string, repository: string): Promise;
getUxFilters(project: string, repository: string, alertType: AlertInterfaces.AlertType): Promise;
getSarif(sarifId: number): Promise;
export declare class AlertApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements IAlertApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], options?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestOptions);
* Get an alert.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} alertId - ID of alert to retrieve
* @param {string} repository - Name or id of a repository that alert is part of
* @param {string} ref
* @param {AlertInterfaces.ExpandOption} expand - Expand alert attributes. Possible options are {ValidationFingerprint, None}
getAlert(project: string, alertId: number, repository: string, ref?: string, expand?: AlertInterfaces.ExpandOption): Promise;
* Get alerts for a repository
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} repository - The name or ID of the repository
* @param {number} top - The maximum number of alerts to return
* @param {string} orderBy - Must be "id" "firstSeen" "lastSeen" "fixedOn" or "severity" Defaults to "id"
* @param {AlertInterfaces.SearchCriteria} criteria - Options to limit the alerts returned
* @param {string} continuationToken - If there are more alerts than can be returned, a continuation token is placed in the "x-ms-continuationtoken" header. Use that token here to get the next page of alerts
getAlerts(project: string, repository: string, top?: number, orderBy?: string, criteria?: AlertInterfaces.SearchCriteria, continuationToken?: string): Promise>;
* Get an alert.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} alertId - ID of alert to retrieve
* @param {string} repository - Name or id of a repository that alert is part of
* @param {string} ref
* @param {AlertInterfaces.ExpandOption} expand - Expand alert attributes. Possible options are {ValidationFingerprint, None}
getAlertSarif(project: string, alertId: number, repository: string, ref?: string, expand?: AlertInterfaces.ExpandOption): Promise;
* Update the status of an alert
* @param {AlertInterfaces.AlertStateUpdate} stateUpdate - The new status of the alert
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} alertId - The ID of the alert
* @param {string} repository - The name or ID of the repository
updateAlert(stateUpdate: AlertInterfaces.AlertStateUpdate, project: string, alertId: number, repository: string): Promise;
* Get instances of an alert.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {number} alertId - ID of alert to retrieve
* @param {string} repository - Name or id of a repository that alert is part of
* @param {string} ref
getAlertInstances(project: string, alertId: number, repository: string, ref?: string): Promise;
* Update alert metadata associations.
* @param {AlertInterfaces.AlertMetadata[]} alertsMetadata - A list of metadata to associate with alerts.
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} repository - The name or ID of the repository.
updateAlertsMetadata(alertsMetadata: AlertInterfaces.AlertMetadata[], project: string, repository: string): Promise;
* Upload a Sarif containing security alerts
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream - Content to upload
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} repository - The name or ID of a repository
uploadSarif(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, project: string, repository: string): Promise;
* @param {string} project - Project ID or project name
* @param {string} repository
* @param {AlertInterfaces.AlertType} alertType
getUxFilters(project: string, repository: string, alertType: AlertInterfaces.AlertType): Promise;
* Get the status of the Sarif processing job
* @param {number} sarifId - Sarif ID returned when the Sarif was uploaded
getSarif(sarifId: number): Promise;