import basem = require('./ClientApiBases');
import VsoBaseInterfaces = require('./interfaces/common/VsoBaseInterfaces');
import TaskAgentInterfaces = require("./interfaces/TaskAgentInterfaces");
import VSSInterfaces = require("./interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces");
export interface ITaskApi extends basem.ClientApiBase {
getPlanAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, type: string): Promise;
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Promise;
createAttachmentFromArtifact(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string, artifactHash: string, length: number): Promise;
getAttachment(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Promise;
getAttachmentContent(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Promise;
getAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string): Promise;
appendTimelineRecordFeed(lines: TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecordFeedLinesWrapper, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string): Promise;
getLines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, stepId: string, endLine?: number, takeCount?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise;
getJobInstance(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, orchestrationId: string): Promise;
appendLogContent(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number): Promise;
associateLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, serializedBlobId: string, lineCount: number): Promise;
createLog(log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
getLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, startLine?: number, endLine?: number): Promise;
getLogs(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
getPlanGroupsQueueMetrics(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string): Promise;
createOidcToken(claims: {
[key: string]: string;
}, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, jobId: string, serviceConnectionId?: string): Promise;
getQueuedPlanGroups(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, statusFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.PlanGroupStatus, count?: number): Promise;
getQueuedPlanGroup(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planGroup: string): Promise;
getPlan(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
getRecords(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number): Promise;
updateRecords(records: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string): Promise;
createTimeline(timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
deleteTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string): Promise;
getTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number, includeRecords?: boolean): Promise;
getTimelines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
export declare class TaskApi extends basem.ClientApiBase implements ITaskApi {
constructor(baseUrl: string, handlers: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestHandler[], options?: VsoBaseInterfaces.IRequestOptions);
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} type
getPlanAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, type: string): Promise;
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream - Content to upload
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
createAttachment(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
* @param {string} artifactHash
* @param {number} length
createAttachmentFromArtifact(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string, artifactHash: string, length: number): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
getAttachment(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
* @param {string} name
getAttachmentContent(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string, name: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} type
getAttachments(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, type: string): Promise;
* Append content to timeline record feed.
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecordFeedLinesWrapper} lines - Content to be appended to the timeline record feed.
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId - ID of the plan.
* @param {string} timelineId - ID of the task's timeline.
* @param {string} recordId - ID of the timeline record.
appendTimelineRecordFeed(lines: TaskAgentInterfaces.TimelineRecordFeedLinesWrapper, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {string} recordId
* @param {string} stepId
* @param {number} endLine
* @param {number} takeCount
* @param {string} continuationToken
getLines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, recordId: string, stepId: string, endLine?: number, takeCount?: number, continuationToken?: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} orchestrationId
getJobInstance(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, orchestrationId: string): Promise;
* Append a log to a task's log. The log should be sent in the body of the request as a TaskLog object stream.
* @param {NodeJS.ReadableStream} contentStream - Content to upload
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId - The ID of the plan.
* @param {number} logId - The ID of the log.
appendLogContent(customHeaders: any, contentStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {number} logId
* @param {string} serializedBlobId
* @param {number} lineCount
associateLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, serializedBlobId: string, lineCount: number): Promise;
* Create a log and connect it to a pipeline run's execution plan.
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog} log - An object that contains information about log's path.
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId - The ID of the plan.
createLog(log: TaskAgentInterfaces.TaskLog, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {number} logId
* @param {number} startLine
* @param {number} endLine
getLog(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, logId: number, startLine?: number, endLine?: number): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
getLogs(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
getPlanGroupsQueueMetrics(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string): Promise;
* @param {{ [key: string] : string; }} claims
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} jobId
* @param {string} serviceConnectionId
createOidcToken(claims: {
[key: string]: string;
}, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, jobId: string, serviceConnectionId?: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.PlanGroupStatus} statusFilter
* @param {number} count
getQueuedPlanGroups(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, statusFilter?: TaskAgentInterfaces.PlanGroupStatus, count?: number): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planGroup
getQueuedPlanGroup(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planGroup: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
getPlan(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
getRecords(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number): Promise;
* Update timeline records if they already exist, otherwise create new ones for the same timeline.
* @param {VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV} records - The array of timeline records to be updated.
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId - The ID of the plan.
* @param {string} timelineId - The ID of the timeline.
updateRecords(records: VSSInterfaces.VssJsonCollectionWrapperV, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string): Promise;
* @param {TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline} timeline
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
createTimeline(timeline: TaskAgentInterfaces.Timeline, scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
deleteTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
* @param {string} timelineId
* @param {number} changeId
* @param {boolean} includeRecords
getTimeline(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string, timelineId: string, changeId?: number, includeRecords?: boolean): Promise;
* @param {string} scopeIdentifier - The project GUID to scope the request
* @param {string} hubName - The name of the server hub. Common examples: "build", "rm", "checks"
* @param {string} planId
getTimelines(scopeIdentifier: string, hubName: string, planId: string): Promise;