import VSSInterfaces = require("../interfaces/common/VSSInterfaces"); export interface AdvSecEnablementSettings { /** * Automatically enable Advanced Security on newly created repositories. */ enableOnCreate?: boolean; reposEnablementStatus?: AdvSecEnablementStatus[]; } export interface AdvSecEnablementSettingsUpdate extends AdvSecEnablementStatusUpdate { /** * Automatically enable Advanced Security on newly created repositories. */ enableOnCreate?: boolean; } export interface AdvSecEnablementStatus extends AdvSecEnablementStatusUpdate { /** * The last time the status of Advanced Security for this repository was updated */ advSecEnablementLastChangedDate?: Date; projectId?: string; repositoryId?: string; } export interface AdvSecEnablementStatusUpdate { /** * Advanced Security enablement status set to False when disabled and True when enabled; Null is never explicitly set. */ advSecEnabled?: boolean; /** * When true, pushes containing secrets will be blocked.
When false, pushes are scanned for secrets and are not blocked.
If includeAllProperties in the request is false, this value will be null. */ blockPushes?: boolean; /** * Dependabot enablement status set to False when disabled and True when enabled; Null is never explicitly set.
When true, Dependabot will open PRs to support security updates for outdated dependencies.
If includeAllProperties in the request is false, this value will be null. */ dependabotEnabled?: boolean; } /** * Billable Committers Details for Advanced Security Services */ export interface BillableCommitterDetails { /** * ID (SHA-1) of the commit. */ commitId?: string; /** * Committer email address after parsing. */ committerEmail?: string; /** * Time reported by the commit. */ commitTime?: Date; /** * DisplayName of the Pusher. */ displayName?: string; /** * MailNickName of the Pusher. */ mailNickName?: string; /** * Project Id commit was pushed to. */ projectId?: string; /** * Project name commit was pushed to. */ projectName?: string; /** * Time of the push that contained the commit. */ pushedTime?: Date; /** * Pusher Id for the push. */ pusherId?: string; /** * Push Id that contained the commit. */ pushId?: number; /** * RepositoryId commit was pushed to. */ repoId?: string; /** * Repository name commit was pushed to. */ repoName?: string; /** * SamAccountName of the Pusher. */ samAccountName?: string; /** * Visual Studio ID /Team Foundation ID */ vSID?: string; } /** * Information related to billed committers using Advanced Security services */ export interface BilledCommitter { /** * Cuid of the billed committer. CUID is unique across an Azure Subscription. */ cuid?: string; /** * Identity Reference object of the billed committer */ userIdentity?: VSSInterfaces.IdentityRef; } /** * BillingInfo contains an organization, its enablement status and the Azure Subscription for it. */ export interface BillingInfo { advSecEnabled?: boolean; /** * The most recent time the enablement state was modified. */ advSecEnabledChangedOnDate?: Date; /** * The first time the enablement state was modified. */ advSecEnabledFirstChangedOnDate?: Date; azureSubscriptionId?: string; billingMode?: BillingMode; organizationId?: string; tenantId?: string; } export declare enum BillingMode { /** * None implies the organization is not billable because no Azure Subscription has been set. */ None = 0, /** * When an organization is the only organization mapped to an Azure Subscription. */ SingleOrg = 1, /** * When an organization is mapped to an Azure Subscription to which at least one other org is mapped. */ MultiOrg = 2 } /** * Information related to billing for Advanced Security services */ export interface MeterUsage { /** * The Azure DevOps account */ accountId?: string; azureSubscriptionId?: string; /** * Deprecated - use BilledCommittersIdentities instead A list of Cuids for the commiters to the repositories that have Advanced Security features enabled */ billedCommitters?: string[]; /** * A list of BilledCommitter objects that contain the identityRef of committers that have AdvSec enabled */ billedUsers?: BilledCommitter[]; /** * The date this billing information pertains to */ billingDate?: Date; /** * True when a bill is generated for Advanced Security feature usage in this organziation */ isAdvSecBillable?: boolean; /** * True when Advanced Security features are enabled in this organization */ isAdvSecEnabled?: boolean; /** * The Azure subscription */ tenantId?: string; /** * The number of commiters to repositories that have Advanced Security features enabled */ uniqueCommitterCount?: number; } export declare var TypeInfo: { AdvSecEnablementSettings: any; AdvSecEnablementStatus: any; BillableCommitterDetails: any; BillingInfo: any; BillingMode: { enumValues: { none: number; singleOrg: number; multiOrg: number; }; }; MeterUsage: any; };