import { URL } from "url"; import IExtentStore from "../../common/persistence/IExtentStore"; import { convertRawHeadersToMetadata } from "../../common/utils/utils"; import BlobStorageContext from "../context/BlobStorageContext"; import NotImplementedError from "../errors/NotImplementedError"; import StorageErrorFactory from "../errors/StorageErrorFactory"; import * as Models from "../generated/artifacts/models"; import Context from "../generated/Context"; import IBlobHandler from "../generated/handlers/IBlobHandler"; import ILogger from "../generated/utils/ILogger"; import { extractStoragePartsFromPath } from "../middlewares/blobStorageContext.middleware"; import IBlobMetadataStore, { BlobModel } from "../persistence/IBlobMetadataStore"; import { BLOB_API_VERSION, EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_KIND, EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_SKUNAME, HeaderConstants } from "../utils/constants"; import { deserializePageBlobRangeHeader, deserializeRangeHeader, getMD5FromStream } from "../utils/utils"; import BaseHandler from "./BaseHandler"; import IPageBlobRangesManager from "./IPageBlobRangesManager"; /** * BlobHandler handles Azure Storage Blob related requests. * * @export * @class BlobHandler * @extends {BaseHandler} * @implements {IBlobHandler} */ export default class BlobHandler extends BaseHandler implements IBlobHandler { constructor( metadataStore: IBlobMetadataStore, extentStore: IExtentStore, logger: ILogger, private readonly rangesManager: IPageBlobRangesManager ) { super(metadataStore, extentStore, logger); } public setAccessControl( options: Models.BlobSetAccessControlOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } public getAccessControl( options: Models.BlobGetAccessControlOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } public rename( renameSource: string, options: Models.BlobRenameOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } public copyFromURL( copySource: string, options: Models.BlobCopyFromURLOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } /** * Download blob. * * @param {Models.BlobDownloadOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async download( options: Models.BlobDownloadOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const blob = await this.metadataStore.downloadBlob( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, options.snapshot, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); if ( === Models.BlobType.BlockBlob) { return this.downloadBlockBlobOrAppendBlob(options, context, blob); } else if ( === Models.BlobType.PageBlob) { return this.downloadPageBlob(options, context, blob); } else if ( === Models.BlobType.AppendBlob) { return this.downloadBlockBlobOrAppendBlob(options, context, blob); } else { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation(context.contextId!); } } /** * Get blob properties. * * @param {Models.BlobGetPropertiesOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async getProperties( options: Models.BlobGetPropertiesOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const res = await this.metadataStore.getBlobProperties( context, account, container, blob, options.snapshot, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); // TODO: Create get metadata specific request in swagger const againstMetadata = context.request!.getQuery("comp") === "metadata"; const response: Models.BlobGetPropertiesResponse = againstMetadata ? { statusCode: 200, metadata: res.metadata, eTag:, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date: context.startTime, clientRequestId: options.requestId, contentLength:, lastModified: } : { statusCode: 200, metadata: res.metadata, isIncrementalCopy:, eTag:, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date: context.startTime, acceptRanges: "bytes", blobCommittedBlockCount: === Models.BlobType.AppendBlob ? res.blobCommittedBlockCount : undefined, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId, }; return response; } /** * Delete blob or snapshots. * * @param {Models.BlobDeleteMethodOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async delete( options: Models.BlobDeleteMethodOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; await this.metadataStore.deleteBlob( context, account, container, blob, options ); const response: Models.BlobDeleteResponse = { statusCode: 202, requestId: context.contextId, date: context.startTime, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Undelete blob. * * @param {Models.BlobUndeleteOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async undelete( options: Models.BlobUndeleteOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } /** * Set HTTP Headers. * see also * * @param {Models.BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async setHTTPHeaders( options: Models.BlobSetHTTPHeadersOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; let res; // Workaround for const sequenceNumberAction = context.request!.getHeader( HeaderConstants.X_MS_SEQUENCE_NUMBER_ACTION ); const sequenceNumber = context.request!.getHeader( HeaderConstants.X_MS_BLOB_SEQUENCE_NUMBER ); if (sequenceNumberAction !== undefined) { this.logger.verbose( "BlobHandler:setHTTPHeaders() Redirect to updateSequenceNumber...", context.contextId ); res = await this.metadataStore.updateSequenceNumber( context, account, container, blob, sequenceNumberAction.toLowerCase() as Models.SequenceNumberActionType, sequenceNumber === undefined ? undefined : parseInt(sequenceNumber, 10), options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); } else { res = await this.metadataStore.setBlobHTTPHeaders( context, account, container, blob, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.blobHTTPHeaders, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); } const response: Models.BlobSetHTTPHeadersResponse = { statusCode: 200, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: res.lastModified, blobSequenceNumber: res.blobSequenceNumber, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date: context.startTime, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Set Metadata. * * @param {Models.BlobSetMetadataOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async setMetadata( options: Models.BlobSetMetadataOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; // Preserve metadata key case const metadata = convertRawHeadersToMetadata( blobCtx.request!.getRawHeaders() ); const res = await this.metadataStore.setBlobMetadata( context, account, container, blob, options.leaseAccessConditions, metadata, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); // ToDo: return correct headers and test for these. const response: Models.BlobSetMetadataResponse = { statusCode: 200, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: res.lastModified, isServerEncrypted: true, requestId: context.contextId, date: context.startTime, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Acquire Blob Lease. * * @param {Models.BlobAcquireLeaseOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async acquireLease( options: Models.BlobAcquireLeaseOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const snapshot = blobCtx.request!.getQuery("snapshot"); if (snapshot !== undefined && snapshot !== "") { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( context.contextId, "A lease cannot be granted for a blob snapshot" ); } const res = await this.metadataStore.acquireBlobLease( context, account, container, blob, options.duration!, options.proposedLeaseId, options ); const response: Models.BlobAcquireLeaseResponse = { date: blobCtx.startTime!, eTag:, lastModified:, leaseId: res.leaseId, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, statusCode: 201, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * release blob lease * * @param {string} leaseId * @param {Models.BlobReleaseLeaseOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async releaseLease( leaseId: string, options: Models.BlobReleaseLeaseOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const res = await this.metadataStore.releaseBlobLease( context, account, container, blob, leaseId, options ); const response: Models.BlobReleaseLeaseResponse = { date: blobCtx.startTime!, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: res.lastModified, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, statusCode: 200, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Renew blob lease * * @param {string} leaseId * @param {Models.BlobRenewLeaseOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async renewLease( leaseId: string, options: Models.BlobRenewLeaseOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const res = await this.metadataStore.renewBlobLease( context, account, container, blob, leaseId, options ); const response: Models.BlobRenewLeaseResponse = { date: blobCtx.startTime!, eTag:, lastModified:, leaseId: res.leaseId, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, statusCode: 200, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Change lease. * * @param {string} leaseId * @param {string} proposedLeaseId * @param {Models.BlobChangeLeaseOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async changeLease( leaseId: string, proposedLeaseId: string, options: Models.BlobChangeLeaseOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const res = await this.metadataStore.changeBlobLease( context, account, container, blob, leaseId, proposedLeaseId, options ); const response: Models.BlobChangeLeaseResponse = { date: blobCtx.startTime!, eTag:, lastModified:, leaseId: res.leaseId, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, statusCode: 200, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Break lease. * * @param {Models.BlobBreakLeaseOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async breakLease( options: Models.BlobBreakLeaseOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const res = await this.metadataStore.breakBlobLease( context, account, container, blob, options.breakPeriod, options ); const response: Models.BlobBreakLeaseResponse = { date: blobCtx.startTime!, eTag:, lastModified:, leaseTime: res.leaseTime, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, statusCode: 202, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Create snapshot. * * @see * * @param {Models.BlobCreateSnapshotOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async createSnapshot( options: Models.BlobCreateSnapshotOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; // Preserve metadata key case const metadata = convertRawHeadersToMetadata( blobCtx.request!.getRawHeaders() ); const res = await this.metadataStore.createSnapshot( context, account, container, blob, options.leaseAccessConditions, !options.metadata || JSON.stringify(options.metadata) === "{}" ? undefined : metadata, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); const response: Models.BlobCreateSnapshotResponse = { statusCode: 201, eTag:, lastModified:, requestId: context.contextId, date: context.startTime!, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, snapshot: res.snapshot, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Start copy from Url. * * @param {string} copySource * @param {Models.BlobStartCopyFromURLOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async startCopyFromURL( copySource: string, options: Models.BlobStartCopyFromURLOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; // TODO: Check dest Lease status, and set to available if it's expired, see sample in BlobHandler.setMetadata() const url = new URL(copySource); const [ sourceAccount, sourceContainer, sourceBlob ] = extractStoragePartsFromPath(url.hostname, url.pathname); const snapshot = url.searchParams.get("snapshot") || ""; if ( sourceAccount !== blobCtx.account || sourceAccount === undefined || sourceContainer === undefined || sourceBlob === undefined ) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getBlobNotFound(context.contextId!); } // Preserve metadata key case const metadata = convertRawHeadersToMetadata( blobCtx.request!.getRawHeaders() ); const res = await this.metadataStore.startCopyFromURL( context, { account: sourceAccount, container: sourceContainer, blob: sourceBlob, snapshot }, { account, container, blob }, copySource, metadata, options.tier, options ); const response: Models.BlobStartCopyFromURLResponse = { statusCode: 202, eTag: res.etag, lastModified: res.lastModified, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date: context.startTime, copyId: res.copyId, copyStatus: res.copyStatus, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Abort copy from Url. * * @param {string} copyId * @param {Models.BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async abortCopyFromURL( copyId: string, options: Models.BlobAbortCopyFromURLOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const blob = await this.metadataStore.downloadBlob( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, undefined, options.leaseAccessConditions ); if ( !== copyId) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getCopyIdMismatch(context.contextId!); } if ( === Models.CopyStatusType.Success) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getNoPendingCopyOperation(context.contextId!); } const response: Models.BlobAbortCopyFromURLResponse = { statusCode: 204, requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date: context.startTime, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Set blob tier. * * @param {Models.AccessTier} tier * @param {Models.BlobSetTierOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async setTier( tier: Models.AccessTier, options: Models.BlobSetTierOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const account = blobCtx.account!; const container = blobCtx.container!; const blob = blobCtx.blob!; const res = await this.metadataStore.setTier( context, account, container, blob, tier, undefined ); const response: Models.BlobSetTierResponse = { requestId: context.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, statusCode: res, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } /** * Get account information. * * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async getAccountInfo( context: Context ): Promise { const response: Models.BlobGetAccountInfoResponse = { statusCode: 200, requestId: context.contextId, clientRequestId: context.request!.getHeader("x-ms-client-request-id"), skuName: EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_SKUNAME, accountKind: EMULATOR_ACCOUNT_KIND, date: context.startTime!, version: BLOB_API_VERSION }; return response; } /** * Get account information with headers. * * @param {Context} context * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ public async getAccountInfoWithHead( context: Context ): Promise { return this.getAccountInfo(context); } /** * Download block blob or append blob. * * @private * @param {Models.BlobDownloadOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @param {BlobModel} blob * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ private async downloadBlockBlobOrAppendBlob( options: Models.BlobDownloadOptionalParams, context: Context, blob: BlobModel ): Promise { if (blob.isCommitted === false) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getBlobNotFound(context.contextId!); } // Deserializer doesn't handle range header currently, manually parse range headers here const rangesParts = deserializeRangeHeader( context.request!.getHeader("range"), context.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range") ); const rangeStart = rangesParts[0]; let rangeEnd = rangesParts[1]; // Will automatically shift request with longer data end than blob size to blob size if (rangeEnd + 1 >=!) { rangeEnd =! - 1; } const contentLength = rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1; const partialRead = contentLength !==!; // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length `BlobHandler:downloadBlockBlobOrAppendBlob() NormalizedDownloadRange=bytes=${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd} RequiredContentLength=${contentLength}`, context.contextId ); let bodyGetter: () => Promise; const blocks = blob.committedBlocksInOrder; if (blocks === undefined || blocks.length === 0) { bodyGetter = async () => { if (blob.persistency === undefined) { return this.extentStore.readExtent(undefined, context.contextId); } return this.extentStore.readExtent( { id:, offset: blob.persistency.offset + rangeStart, count: Math.min(blob.persistency.count, contentLength) }, context.contextId ); }; } else { bodyGetter = async () => { return this.extentStore.readExtents( => block.persistency), rangeStart, rangeEnd + 1 - rangeStart, context.contextId ); }; } let contentRange: string | undefined; if ( context.request!.getHeader("range") || context.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range") ) { contentRange = `bytes ${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd}/${ .contentLength!}`; } let body: NodeJS.ReadableStream | undefined = await bodyGetter(); let contentMD5: Uint8Array | undefined; if (!partialRead) { contentMD5 =; } if ( contentLength <= 4 * 1024 * 1024 && contentMD5 === undefined && body !== undefined ) { contentMD5 = await getMD5FromStream(body); body = await bodyGetter(); } const response: Models.BlobDownloadResponse = { statusCode: contentRange ? 206 : 200, body, metadata: blob.metadata, eTag:, requestId: context.contextId, date: context.startTime!, version: BLOB_API_VERSION,, blobContentMD5:, acceptRanges: "bytes", contentLength, contentRange, contentMD5, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId, blobCommittedBlockCount: === Models.BlobType.AppendBlob ? (blob.committedBlocksInOrder || []).length : undefined }; return response; } /** * Download page blob. * * @private * @param {Models.BlobDownloadOptionalParams} options * @param {Context} context * @param {BlobModel} blob * @returns {Promise} * @memberof BlobHandler */ private async downloadPageBlob( options: Models.BlobDownloadOptionalParams, context: Context, blob: BlobModel ): Promise { // Deserializer doesn't handle range header currently, manually parse range headers here const rangesParts = deserializePageBlobRangeHeader( context.request!.getHeader("range"), context.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range"), false ); const rangeStart = rangesParts[0]; let rangeEnd = rangesParts[1]; // Will automatically shift request with longer data end than blob size to blob size if (rangeEnd + 1 >=!) { rangeEnd =! - 1; } const contentLength = rangeEnd - rangeStart + 1; const partialRead = contentLength !==!; // tslint:disable-next-line:max-line-length `BlobHandler:downloadPageBlob() NormalizedDownloadRange=bytes=${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd} RequiredContentLength=${contentLength}`, context.contextId ); // if (contentLength <= 0) { // return { // statusCode: 200, // body: undefined, // metadata: blob.metadata, // eTag:, // requestId: context.contextID, // date: context.startTime!, // version: BLOB_API_VERSION, //, // contentLength, // contentMD5: undefined // }; // } blob.pageRangesInOrder = blob.pageRangesInOrder || []; const ranges = contentLength <= 0 ? [] : this.rangesManager.fillZeroRanges(blob.pageRangesInOrder, { start: rangeStart, end: rangeEnd }); const bodyGetter = async () => { return this.extentStore.readExtents( => value.persistency), 0, contentLength, context.contextId ); }; let body: NodeJS.ReadableStream | undefined = await bodyGetter(); let contentMD5: Uint8Array | undefined; if (!partialRead) { contentMD5 =; } if ( contentLength <= 4 * 1024 * 1024 && contentMD5 === undefined && body !== undefined ) { contentMD5 = await getMD5FromStream(body); body = await bodyGetter(); } let contentRange: string | undefined; if ( context.request!.getHeader("range") || context.request!.getHeader("x-ms-range") ) { contentRange = `bytes ${rangeStart}-${rangeEnd}/${ .contentLength!}`; } const response: Models.BlobDownloadResponse = { statusCode: rangesParts[1] === Infinity && rangesParts[0] === 0 ? 200 : 206, body, metadata: blob.metadata, eTag:, requestId: context.contextId, date: context.startTime!, version: BLOB_API_VERSION,, contentLength, contentRange, contentMD5, blobContentMD5:, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } }