import { convertRawHeadersToMetadata } from "../../common/utils/utils"; import BlobStorageContext from "../context/BlobStorageContext"; import NotImplementedError from "../errors/NotImplementedError"; import StorageErrorFactory from "../errors/StorageErrorFactory"; import * as Models from "../generated/artifacts/models"; import Context from "../generated/Context"; import IBlockBlobHandler from "../generated/handlers/IBlockBlobHandler"; import { parseXML } from "../generated/utils/xml"; import { BlobModel, BlockModel } from "../persistence/IBlobMetadataStore"; import { BLOB_API_VERSION } from "../utils/constants"; import { getMD5FromStream, getMD5FromString, newEtag } from "../utils/utils"; import BaseHandler from "./BaseHandler"; /** * BlobHandler handles Azure Storage BlockBlob related requests. * * @export * @class BlockBlobHandler * @extends {BaseHandler} * @implements {IBlockBlobHandler} */ export default class BlockBlobHandler extends BaseHandler implements IBlockBlobHandler { public async upload( body: NodeJS.ReadableStream, contentLength: number, options: Models.BlockBlobUploadOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { // TODO: Check Lease status, and set to available if it's expired, see sample in BlobHandler.setMetadata() const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = context.startTime!; const etag = newEtag(); options.blobHTTPHeaders = options.blobHTTPHeaders || {}; const contentType = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentType || context.request!.getHeader("content-type") || "application/octet-stream"; const contentMD5 = context.request!.getHeader("content-md5") ? options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentMD5 || context.request!.getHeader("content-md5") : undefined; await this.metadataStore.checkContainerExist( context, accountName, containerName ); const persistency = await this.extentStore.appendExtent( body, context.contextId ); if (persistency.count !== contentLength) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, `The size of the request body ${persistency.count} mismatches the content-length ${contentLength}.` ); } // Calculate MD5 for validation const stream = await this.extentStore.readExtent( persistency, context.contextId ); const calculatedContentMD5 = await getMD5FromStream(stream); if (contentMD5 !== undefined) { if (typeof contentMD5 === "string") { const calculatedContentMD5String = Buffer.from( calculatedContentMD5 ).toString("base64"); if (contentMD5 !== calculatedContentMD5String) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( context.contextId!, "Provided contentMD5 doesn't match." ); } } else { if (!Buffer.from(contentMD5).equals(calculatedContentMD5)) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( context.contextId!, "Provided contentMD5 doesn't match." ); } } } const blob: BlobModel = { deleted: false, // Preserve metadata key case metadata: convertRawHeadersToMetadata(blobCtx.request!.getRawHeaders()), accountName, containerName, name: blobName, properties: { creationTime: date, lastModified: date, etag, contentLength, contentType, contentEncoding: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentEncoding, contentLanguage: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentLanguage, contentMD5: calculatedContentMD5, contentDisposition: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentDisposition, cacheControl: options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobCacheControl, blobType: Models.BlobType.BlockBlob, leaseStatus: Models.LeaseStatusType.Unlocked, leaseState: Models.LeaseStateType.Available, serverEncrypted: true, accessTier: Models.AccessTier.Hot, accessTierInferred: true, accessTierChangeTime: date }, snapshot: "", isCommitted: true, persistency }; if (options.tier !== undefined) { = this.parseTier(options.tier); if ( === undefined) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidHeaderValue(context.contextId, { HeaderName: "x-ms-access-tier", HeaderValue: `${options.tier}` }); } } // TODO: Need a lock for multi keys including containerName and blobName // TODO: Provide a specified function. await this.metadataStore.createBlob( context, blob, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); const response: Models.BlockBlobUploadResponse = { statusCode: 201, eTag: etag, lastModified: date, contentMD5:, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } public async stageBlock( blockId: string, contentLength: number, body: NodeJS.ReadableStream, options: Models.BlockBlobStageBlockOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; this.validateBlockId(blockId, blobCtx); await this.metadataStore.checkContainerExist( context, accountName, containerName ); const persistency = await this.extentStore.appendExtent( body, context.contextId ); if (persistency.count !== contentLength) { // TODO: Confirm error code throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId!, `The size of the request body ${persistency.count} mismatches the content-length ${contentLength}.` ); } const block: BlockModel = { accountName, containerName, blobName, isCommitted: false, name: blockId, size: contentLength, persistency }; // TODO: Verify it. await this.metadataStore.stageBlock( context, block, options.leaseAccessConditions ); const response: Models.BlockBlobStageBlockResponse = { statusCode: 201, contentMD5: undefined, // TODO: Block content MD5 requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } public async stageBlockFromURL( blockId: string, contentLength: number, sourceUrl: string, options: Models.BlockBlobStageBlockFromURLOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { throw new NotImplementedError(context.contextId); } public async commitBlockList( blocks: Models.BlockLookupList, options: Models.BlockBlobCommitBlockListOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const request = blobCtx.request!; options.blobHTTPHeaders = options.blobHTTPHeaders || {}; const contentType = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentType || "application/octet-stream"; // Here we leveraged generated code utils to parser xml // Re-parsing request body to get destination blocks // We don't leverage serialized blocks parameter because it doesn't include sequence const rawBody = request.getBody(); const badRequestError = StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidOperation( blobCtx.contextId! ); if (rawBody === undefined) { throw badRequestError; } const parsed = await parseXML(rawBody, true); // Validate selected block list const commitBlockList = []; // $$ is the built-in field of xml2js parsing results when enabling explicitChildrenWithOrder // TODO: Should make these fields explicit for parseXML method // TODO: What happens when committedBlocks and uncommittedBlocks contains same block ID? if (parsed !== undefined && parsed.$$ instanceof Array) { for (const block of parsed.$$) { const blockID: string | undefined = block._; const blockCommitType: string | undefined = block["#name"]; if (blockID === undefined || blockCommitType === undefined) { throw badRequestError; } commitBlockList.push({ blockName: blockID, blockCommitType }); } } const blob: BlobModel = { accountName, containerName, name: blobName, snapshot: "", properties: { lastModified: context.startTime!, creationTime: context.startTime!, etag: newEtag() }, isCommitted: true }; = Models.BlobType.BlockBlob; blob.metadata = convertRawHeadersToMetadata( // Preserve metadata key case blobCtx.request!.getRawHeaders() ); = Models.AccessTier.Hot; = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobCacheControl; = contentType; = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentMD5; = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentEncoding; = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentLanguage; = options.blobHTTPHeaders.blobContentDisposition; if (options.tier !== undefined) { = this.parseTier(options.tier); if ( === undefined) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidHeaderValue(context.contextId, { HeaderName: "x-ms-access-tier", HeaderValue: `${options.tier}` }); } } else { = Models.AccessTier.Hot; = true; } await this.metadataStore.commitBlockList( context, blob, commitBlockList, options.leaseAccessConditions, options.modifiedAccessConditions ); const contentMD5 = await getMD5FromString(rawBody); const response: Models.BlockBlobCommitBlockListResponse = { statusCode: 201, eTag:, lastModified: blobCtx.startTime, contentMD5, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date: blobCtx.startTime, isServerEncrypted: true, clientRequestId: options.requestId }; return response; } public async getBlockList( options: Models.BlockBlobGetBlockListOptionalParams, context: Context ): Promise { const blobCtx = new BlobStorageContext(context); const accountName = blobCtx.account!; const containerName = blobCtx.container!; const blobName = blobCtx.blob!; const date = blobCtx.startTime!; const res = await this.metadataStore.getBlockList( context, accountName, containerName, blobName, undefined, options.leaseAccessConditions ); // TODO: Create uncommitted blockblob when stage block // TODO: Conditional headers support? = || {}; const response: Models.BlockBlobGetBlockListResponse = { statusCode: 200, lastModified:, eTag:, contentType:, blobContentLength:, requestId: blobCtx.contextId, version: BLOB_API_VERSION, date, committedBlocks: [], uncommittedBlocks: [] }; if ( options.listType !== undefined && (options.listType.toLowerCase() === Models.BlockListType.All.toLowerCase() || options.listType.toLowerCase() === Models.BlockListType.Uncommitted.toLowerCase()) ) { response.uncommittedBlocks = res.uncommittedBlocks; } if ( options.listType === undefined || options.listType.toLowerCase() === Models.BlockListType.All.toLowerCase() || options.listType.toLowerCase() === Models.BlockListType.Committed.toLowerCase() ) { response.committedBlocks = res.committedBlocks; } response.clientRequestId = options.requestId; return response; } /** * Get the tier setting from request headers. * * @private * @param {string} tier * @returns {(Models.AccessTier | undefined)} * @memberof BlobHandler */ private parseTier(tier: string): Models.AccessTier | undefined { tier = tier.toLowerCase(); if (tier === Models.AccessTier.Hot.toLowerCase()) { return Models.AccessTier.Hot; } if (tier === Models.AccessTier.Cool.toLowerCase()) { return Models.AccessTier.Cool; } if (tier === Models.AccessTier.Archive.toLowerCase()) { return Models.AccessTier.Archive; } return undefined; } private validateBlockId(blockId: string, context: Context): void { const rawBlockId = Buffer.from(blockId, "base64"); if (blockId !== rawBlockId.toString("base64")) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getInvalidQueryParameterValue( context.contextId, "blockid", blockId, "Not a valid base64 string." ); } if (rawBlockId.length > 64) { throw StorageErrorFactory.getOutOfRangeInput( context.contextId!, "blockid", blockId, "Block ID length cannot exceed 64." ); } } }